//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Confessions // Story: Shaded Hearts // by Salzpriester //------------------------------// Cyrax and Chester spent the past hour trying to match the rather noble, old-fashioned music by dancing gracefully together but failed on more than one occasion. But nevertheless, they had a lot of fun. Leaving the club at half past 6 am, while trotting nowhere in particular, Chester felt very happy and in a cheerful kind of way he gave his companion a light hearted rump bump which resulted in a warming smile from his changeling friend. “So, that was pretty silly and stupid altogether but hey, we tried…didn’t we?”, snickering, Chester gave his dance partner a punch, reflecting the embarassing misery. “That one time where we almost crashed in that couple.”, Cyrax said as he began to snicker too, “or..or when we banged our heads because we both wanted to pick up the tie that one pony lost…that was hilarious!”. Since they had to kill another four hours of time, Chester decided to show Cyrax the water fountain in the middle of town at tha main plaza. Already sobering, Cyrax tried to convince him that he’d already seen it countless times and it wouldn’t be anything special. Yet, if you look at the other hoof, aside from this hilltop-thing Cyrax had seen everything the city had to offer at this point. Not much to be honest, but it was neat and he would definitely recommend it amongst the other drones back at the Hive. Now standing before it once again he gave Chester a raised eyebrow, “Sooooo…..what now?”, he asked before getting tugged along to the left. They were approaching a small statue, neatly hidden to the right, close to some cottages. A dim light illuminated what seemed to look like two ponies, carved out of stone, embracing each other. To his surprise, they both looked like stallions. The Statue itself was about three to four times taller than him and was protected by a wooden structure to prevent it from rain or other things. It also served as a way to illuminate it. Branches of trees were twirled up around the four pillars, giving it an oddly charming apperance. How did he miss this on his past strolls? “What you see here is a memorial for the last king of this town. Many many years ago, Hollow Shades had a royal family who more or less ruled over this city, and the entire land respectively. This was made in honor of Sahlex Avenheart, the last king of Hollow Shades. And also the most generous we’ve ever had.”, Chester said, while not leaving the monument out of his sight. “How long did he rule?”, Cyrax asked, looking at the two stoneponies. As he began to chuckle, his eyes were drawn to the batpony. “About ten minutes or so. He was elected king after a series of rather brutal events. And as soon as he was elected, he established some ground rules and then eliminated the monarchy and introduced the democracy we have now. Kind of cool if you ask me.” “I see. And I guess she was his wife or…”, Cyrax asked, while pointing a hoof at the second Stonepony. Chester gave him a smug grin, “Not really actually. That was his friend Dusk. Short for Duskralya. They were a couple you know.” “Hawzabha…what. Those two were…”, his words were silenced by a hoof from Chester. “Yes they were. Sorry to shush you, but the sun will rise soon. I’ll explain the rest on the way, but we should really go. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”, he said before proceeding to walk away. Walking towards the eastern main gate of the city, Chester guided Cyrax’ head towards a small hill to their left. “If you look closely in that direction you can see a bench, and that’s where we’re heading. Can you see it?”, as he was peeking towards the changeling. The first rays of light already illuminated the sky as Cyrax tried his best to make out the bench he mentioned. “I…I think I see it, but it’s still pretty dark...I’m not sure…”, he replied sheepishly. As Chester began to giggle, Cryax made a scrunchy face, to where the batpony smirked, “Awww…shall I carry you there? Wouldn’t want you to bump into anything~”. He was teasing him again. Cyrax blew him a rasperry as they both made their way through a series of bushes and hidden paths. Finally reaching their destination, Cyrax found himself on a plateau that was surprisingly high and, just as Chester said, did offer a stunning view over Hollow Shades. The dawn slowly coming closer, the city looked very eerie due to the night fog still beeing omnipresent. Looking back to Chester, who gave him a gentle smile, Cyrax really wanted to thank him for this. “No, I definitely haven’t been here before. But I’ll keep it a secret between us, I promise.” Chesters’ smile turned to a grin as he answered, “I wouldn’t be sure if you could really do that.”, while tilting his head to the right, a subtle signal to tell Cyrax hat the sun had began to rise. The scenery which developed in front of him almost brought a tear to his eyes. As the first beams hit Hollow Shades they blew away the fog almost instantly as he felt the warm rays hit his coat. Letting out a purring noise, Cyrax didn’t want to move. He wanted to bath in this breathtaking view forever, his mind as clear as it hadn’t been in a long time. He realized he would have some serious problems not telling anypony about this. “It’s…beautiful…I…I… can’t describe it better. Wooooooow. It’s amazing…stunning…beautiful…wait, I just said that.”, Cyrax stated as he watched the lights of Hollow Shades go out one after another. “Mhmm…I’m having the most beautiful view too…” he heard Chester, almost whispering. Smiling, he turned to face him, but to his surpise he wasn’t looking at the city, nor was he looking at the dawn. He was looking straight at him. And he had gotten significantly closer as well. A blush forming on Cyrax as Chester slowly came closer to him, he could see his breath condensate in the cold air. The sunrays warming his coat were not the only source warming him up now as he continued to come closer and closer. At this point he was mere inches away from him. Cyrax stared into his amber eyes, his pulse beginning to rise as his mind started to race. “Ch….Chester..”, he said, a mixture of surprise and insecurity but also a hint of desire in his voice. “W…what are you doing?”. The batpony would not respond, as instead he closed his eyes and slowly cleared the last gap between their snouts as he gently locked lips with him. Cyrax, caught off guard, realized quickly how much he liked this, as he slowly began to press against him too. It felt amazing, having Chester THIS close to himself, Cyrax enjoyed every second of it. Breaking the kiss after, what felt like an eternity, they both sat on their haunches, hugging each other as the sunrays began to increase. Cyrax could feel more love than he ever felt his entire life being projected at him. Like his dream, the night before, it felt wonderful. The most divine feeling he had ever experienced in his whole life. But that was a dream. This was real. Pressing himself closer against Chesters’ fur, he responed by tightening his grip around the changeling too. He heard him purr softly. “Cyrax, you’ve made your way into my mind all by yourself. Now it’s my turn to guide you to my heart.”, Chester whispered in his ear after they broke their second kiss, still hugging each other. “Mmmmmhmmm…”, was everything that came as a response from the changeling. *********** Cyrax felt his body temperature rising as Chester pushed him deeper and deeper into the bedsheets. Towering above him the batpony had gently lowered himself on his belly and began to move his hooves up and down his body, almost petting him. Ocassionally planting kisses on his thorax, Cyrax could feel his soft fur, as more and more of his body began to brush against him, all while still gently touching his armor with his hooves. Yet this time it felt different. This time it was real. Opening his eyes, Cyrax looked back into the familiar set of amber pupils gazing down on, giving him a loving look. He was the center of his attention, and Cyrax would make sure to repay him more than equal. Everything since their little intimate moment on the hilltop was a blurr to him, the last thing he remembered was him, standing in a hotel room, facing towards his bed where a purple maned batpony had laid down, seductevly teasing him to join in on the fun. How he ended up in his current position remained a mystery, but Cyrax couldn’t care less at the moment. He had pushed away all his worries about jumping to the other side of the rainbow, and was now fully embracing this new attitude. Carefully sucking in the love emanating from the batpony, Cyrax returned the hug and wrapped all his four hooves around Chester as he pushed him to the side. Now the two of them laid next to each other. All curtains had been closed, dimming the room in a gentle light, giving them more then enough privacy as the day had begun outside. Reaching out a hoof and gently running it down Cyrax’ mane, Chester chuckled as their faces were merley inches away from each other. “I’m not going to force you, nor am I going to rush. We don’t have to do this…I would certainly love to…but not without your willingness.”, Chester said, almost whispering as he continued to caress his mane. Even though Cyrax was about as willing as one can get to try this experience, something inside held him back. Could he trust him this far… Waging his options, his mind was flooded with images of Chester going rough on him, dominating him as he screamed in pain, and that was just to name one of them. Shaking his head to flush these pictures down the toilet, Cyrax reached out to Chesters’ forehoof, guiding it towards his chest. “I’m nervous and honestly…a bit unsure about this but for you…”, locking eyes with the batpony, one could see insecurity painted on the changelings’ visage as he moved on, “I trust you. This is my first time trying something like this…so I would ask you to…. please go slow on me”. The reflection on the batpony’s face told him that he took this more than serious as Chester put his hoof on Cyrax’ shoulder. “I would never hurt you, Cyrax. I am honored that you would go this far. I’ll try my very best to make this the best night you’ve ever had aswell as a pleasurable memory for both of us.”. Cyrax could feel a small tear as his words washed away all the doubt he had about this, his body began to warm up anew as Chester swiped the tear away with his hoof. “Well then”, he began to purr, “less talk and more cuddling. Just follow me and I will guide you”. And with that both Chester and Cyrax embraced each other in a long kiss. Parting their lips, Cyrax’ body was now in complete heat as he felt blood gathering in his south region. Chester was huffing slowly as his tongue was hanging out before he retracted it back in his mouth. Shifting his head around, Cyrax’ cheeks flared up as Chester shot him a devious grin. Apparently he had noticed it as well. Oh boy. Gulping, Chester came closer to his left ear as he nibbled on it, sending sparks through his body as he gently bit on it. Cyrax began to breathe heavily as this unsuspected thing seemed to turn him on even more. And as his body signalized not only Cyrax but also Chester that he was ready, the batpony began to whisper in his ear. “Don’t be nervous, try to relax and avoid thinking...now if you excuse me…my attention is needed somewhere else…” Cyrax let out moan after moan of excitement as Chester treated him in a way he previously never ever thought about. Of something like this ever happening to him. Maybe in a lewd fantasy years ago, but never in real life. After his pent up state was a tale of the past, Cyrax came back to his senses as the batpony softly placed his head on his chest, looking up to him in anticipation. “How was that? It sure felt like you enjoyed it~”, Chester asked with a grin. Cyrax just nodded while he purred. “All warmed up I presume?”, Chester asked. Cyrax nodded. “Good, because I’m more than willing for round two~”. Cyrax nodded yet again. “I’m really pent up and could use some fun too, you know?”. Cyrax nodded yet again, playing with the batpony’s mane. He was visibly on cloud seven. Chuckling, Chester had to smile at him. “Gosh, you are sooooo gay, you know that?~”. Cyrax nodded as he gave him a kiss. This moment was simply wonderful. And it had all just started…. *********** Having spent a most unexpected, yet very interesting and relaxing day together with Chester, Cyrax found himself at an emotional state he’d never felt before. Relaxed. Comfortable. Bliss..sing. Is that even a word? Cyrax had trouble naming this particular feeling, mostly because he didn’t want it to go. Pulling the bedsheets closer to him, he let out a soft humming noise as his eyes closed. He didn’t think anything, to his own surprise. A clear mind like this had never before occurred to him. It felt like all problems the world had were gone. Simply gone. So far away, one wouldn’t even bother giving them any space at all. Hearing the familiar splashing noise of water, Cyrax tried to imagine the rain, pouring down the windows as he laid there in his cozy bed. Was it evening? Probably. He didn’t care. The coziness of his situation was too valuable to lose to find the answer to that question. Turning his attention away from the rain he found Chester, sleeping right beside him, his breathing visualized in the sheets as they were moving up and down. Slowly turning towards him, Cyrax gave him a hug and soon found himself embraced in his hooves as well. “Good morning, sunshine~”, Chester said softly, tightening his grip as he purred and cooed. “Slept well?”, he asked, rubbing his face against Cyrax’ chest. The motion caused the latter to open his eyes, which were met by his. His beautiful amber eyes. Can a pony be drunk from love? If anypony in Equestria could, it sure as hell would be a changeling. And yes, he was. Wasted like never before. “I know I have~”, Chester said while giving him a devious, yet loving smile. Cyrax reached out and planted a kiss on his lips, to which he happily replied with the same. A good amount of time later, desire began taking the better of the two as Cyrax tightened his grip around the batpony and rolled himself on top of him, now pushing him in the bedsheets as he gave a playful laugh und leaned in for a kiss. His victory lasted for about five second before Chester easily turned the tides and was now on top of him, pushing his shoulders in, locking them in place. “I believe this position suits you way more, submissive as you were the first time, huh…”, Chester gave a devilish grin at the changeling, whose response was to relax his hooves and not push against him, instead wrapping them around his waist, pulling Chester on his chest. In the blink of an eye, Cyrax began nibbling his ear playfully, much to the batpony’s pleasure. Murmuring something which Cyrax could not make out, he released him from his grip, and he sat up once again.”You really are the gayest changeling I’ve ever met, you know that?~”, that devilish grin still on his face. “I guess I really am. Do you have a problem with that?~”, he replied playfully. “Not. At. All.”, Chester said. “Good. Because right now, you are way too far away from me. I feel so lonely”, almost moaning out the last words, Chester began showing off in a submissive pose, which caused the batpony to develop a new shade of red. Drooling slightly, his eyes moved away from his flank in order to meet his eyes once again. “I love you soo much, Cyrax.”, was all he said. “I know, Chester. Trust me, I know. I can feel it. It is all around you, inside you, coming from you.”, pushing a hoof against his heart he relaxed as his heartbeat matched his own, they almost synced. “It is the single greatest feeling I have ever felt…all thanks to you.” “I love you too, Chester.” Leaning in for a kiss, Cyrax once again wrapped his forehooves around him and began to pull him in to speed up the process. The train must have reached ludicrous speed by now. Who even cares anymore? “Go get him, Cowpony!”, somepony yelled from behind the main door, which caused Cyrax to flare up in embarassment and Chester to flare up in anger, which resulted in the nearest object, a book, to sail through the air crashing at the door accompained by a surprisingly loud roar from Chester. “FOR LUNA’S SAKE. BUCK OFF, BERNARD.” The giggle that came from behind the door afterwards made Cyrax smile brightly, which resulted in a confused look from Chester, who now stood beside the bed. Giving him a playful smooch on the cheek he caught the glimpse of the clock on the nearby wall. Quarter to twelve. His carriage had left fifteen minutes ago. SHIT. *********** “Ummm…Chester?”, Cyrax almost squeaked out the words which immidiately got the batponies attention. “Yes, my Love, what is it?”, he playfully answered, seemingly coming back to himself after scaring away the stalker, known as ‘Bernard’. “Your clock over there. How high are the stakes of it being one hour earlier then what I’m seeing right now?”, he asked in a monotone tone. “I’m afraid that I must disappoint you. This clock is set on the right time, It is in fact eleven am, fourty-seven. Why would you assume it to be earlier?”, the batpony asked. One look at the changelings’ face told him everything he had to know as, in unison with the fourty-eight, his gears made the connection and remembered that he had to leave. “When does it leave? D-do we still have time?”, Chester blurted out, yet the solemmn shake from Cyrax made him relax, if not for the wrong reasons. “Is it bad, I mean, we could check out if, by a miracle, they haven’t departed yet.” Trying to cheer Cyrax up, Chester deflated more and more as his means found no goal. Reaching a hoof under his chin and forcing eye contact he found himself a crying Cyrax, yet what struck him deep was not him crying in sadness. No. Cyrax was smiling, tears running down his sides as he gave him a hug which caught the batpony off guard as he lost his footing and fell down in front of the bed, with Cyrax falling right on top of him. After a moment their puzzled selves recollected and began giggling. “So I take it that you don’t care about it at the moment. Isn’t it important for you to get back home?”, Chester asked, a tad nervous about Cyrax’s demeanor. He seemed awfully passive about it, missing his ride. In every other country, things like this wouldn’t be a problem, yet Hollow Shades’ forests were known for their dangerous wildlife that would not hold back from attacking a carriage. Thus at least three night guards travel with said carriage in order to protect it if anything should happen. Giving the last incident had been years ago, one could never truly know. Better safe than sorry. This is also the reason that there’s only one available per day. So he had to wait until tomorrow, not that Chester had any problem with that. Not. At. All. Yet cutting back his desire, he would not want him to get into any trouble back in his homeland. “Well….”, Cyrax started, “My vacation lasts until Wednesday, so this would be the day that I have to be back at the Hive. I’ll just take the one tomorrow, should not take me that long to accumulate my daily routine. I’ll be fine.” “If you say so. Don’t mind me asking, but could you maybe get off me? It’s getting kind of uncumfortable here.”, Chester squeaked, Cyrax still half lodged on top of him. “Oh, well personally, I would almost love to cut some of your chestfloof off but I guess you wouldn’t like that~”, Cyrax giggled deviously while getting up. “I should probably head to the Hotel and prepare my stuff, so I won’t miss the one tomorrow and be ready for it. “Are you sure you want to go outside in this state? I don’t want to be rude, but you do smell. Like, A lot.” That comment got a good blush out of him, which was amplified even more when he began to sniff at his armor. Amplify that even more, thanks to the devious grin the batpony was shooting him after blowing him a raspberry. “So, what do you propose?”, Cyrax asked while exhaling, already knowing the answer. “A shower. And don’t you even think for a second I’ll give you your privacy. I’m coming with you, like it or not, this is my house, thus my rules~”, came the swift return. One could almost cut the air from all the confidence and lewdness the batpony was emanating. “And here I thought I could escape your coat-burning stare, just so I could get a moment in privacy, silly me. How foalish of me to assume my host would grant me the opportunity to shower alone. Oh the agony!”, Cyrax played in a soap opera tone with the overacting confidence of a silly cuddlebug. “I’ve always wanted to try that out.”, he then whispered in Chester’s ear. That caused his blush to transfer over to the batpony. 1:1. A tie! “Are you just making this up or did I really buck you so hard that your interest swapped? I mean, I’m enjoying this as much as you do, but you do remember that, not even fourty-eight hours ago you swore that you were straight? Remember?”, he playfully accused him, which got a chuckle out of Cyrax. “What can I say? Guess I changed my mind.”, he deadpanned, a loving look on his face. Shaking his head in confusion and disbelief, Chester could do nothing more than accept what he just heard or rather, did. “A changeling really can change. I like that. Little changes spicen up your life, and don’t get me wrong, I like changes.”, he gave him a smirk, “You are not going to change again. I have found my liking in this version of you~”. “I guess I can stick around with it a while longer~”, after which Cyrax leaned in for a kiss. Chester was happy to return the favor to him. Walking in the bathroom, Chester made way for him, so that he could enter first. “Ladies first~”, he smirked. Cyrax gave his flank a spank with his own tail before stepping in the surprisingly large shower. Following without hesitation, Chester closed the curtains behind him and turned on the water. The cold water pouring down on them was no concern to either of them as their atttention was solely focused on each other…. “Bernard, could you please step back from the door? This is really stupid of you. I mean it.”, a green-maned batpony said to the large stallion who was trying to look through a keyhole. “But I’m telling you, they are taking a shower together!”, he replied. “And why would that be of your concern, Bernard?”, the deep purple stallion said in an angered tone “Because it’s adorable and I want to hug him. Poor fella has been so lonely. I wanted to….” “It. Is. Creepy, Bernard. Cut it out. If they eventually come out, you can talk to them. Okay?”, he said solemnly. “I guess you’re right, Michelle. I just hope it doesn’t end like the last stallion.”, he sighed. “Bernard, as much as I like Chester myself, you can’t deny that he has issues as well. He is afraid of bonding, of relationships as a whole. I feel sorry for him. I really do. But don’t forget that it was Chester who broke that stallion’s heart.”, Michelle said in a dead serious tone. Sighing he trotted back in their apartment. “Sorry if I’m a bit rude, but if you wake me up in the middle of the day, only to listen to the neighbors having fun in bed, you have to expect me to be a bit pissed. I’ll be going back to bed and If I were you, you should do the same. Chester is old enough to handle that and nopony can help him face his inner fears but himself.” Trotting right after him, Bernard turned to the door one last time, sighed and closed the door to their apartment. Don’t fuck it up again, Chester. Please….