The Legend of Great Al: Manehattan Adventures

by Enigmatic Brony



It was a beautiful day in PonyVille, the sun was shining more beautiful than ever the streets were filled with eager ponies bustling through the PonyVille street markets trying to buy handcrafted souvenirs or fresh produce. It was always like this on a Sunday morning and a fellow pony of the PonyVille community had become quite accustomed to the living conditions of a Sunday morning. That Ponies name was Al. Al was a typical earth pony that had a white coat combined with slick black mane and tail that usually represented the style of the Great Elvis himself, he was your average pony he slept during until morning, woke up to attend his daily chores and would usually help his mother around the house but today of all days Al felt like he could use a few extra minutes or hours even of Rest….Well that’s what he was hoping for.
“Wakey…Wakey…eggs and bakey” shouts Al’s Mother trotting into his room smashing to big frying pans together.
This usually would happen when he tried to sleep in, his mother never would let him take time to gain a little bit more shut eye, even If he was finished all his chores his mother would find him something to do so he wouldn’t fall asleep.
“Oh” moans Al, “Can’t I at least sleep in a little longer”
“No…No…We can’t have you sleeping around all day…if we did that who would help me with all this house work” laughs his mother ripping the blanket of top of him leaving Al shivering from the cold that his blanket helped protect him from.
“Agh” yawned Al as he stretched his fore hooves above his head, “What’s for breakfast then?”
“The usual eggs and bacon with a side of hay” smiled the old brown pony
Al’s mother wasn’t very healthy for her age I probably didn’t help that she looked like an old and worn out pony hidden behind the old tacky brown coat and the light grey mane and tail but it didn’t stop her from cooking meals each day, do the laundry every once and a while and attend the Sunday markets when she felt that she was up to it.
“Cool thanks mum” said Al, slowly getting out of bed “I’ll be down in a little bit just let me have a quick shower and I’ll be down.
He walked over to his mother and lightly kissed her on her fore head and then trotted of to the shower across from his room.
He quickly finished up in the shower as he could begin to smell the lovely breakfast he had grown to love of the years of living with his mother.
Al used to live with his dad when he was a young col, he only just happened to begin living with his mother when his father become an arrogant drunk that had a dead end job and couldn’t provide for himself let alone Al as well, he would all ways spend his weekly pay check from work on booze or on anything he could find as a substitute for alcohol.
“Agh it smells lovely mother dear” said Al drying the rest of his mane of with his light blue towel
“It should…I’ve cooked it the same way for almost three years now and you haven’t complained about it since” said Al’s mother as she places the two fried eggs out of the pan and on to Al’s plate, “Well dig in Al”
Al began to wolf down his breakfast as if it was the last meal he would have for a long time but you never know what will happen during the day he would always say after wolfing down a big breakfast like that
“So Mother, what do you want me to do today” smiled Al placing his dirty dishes in the sink ready for him to clean later on
“Well I was planning to go to the markets today but im not feeling up to it at the moment” said his mother sitting down at the kitchen table
“What’s wrong mother?” Said Al concerned about his mother’s health
“Oh nothing’s wrong dear; just could you go to the market and buy the items I have written on the grocery list”
“Sure” said Al getting up from the table and grabbing the list from on top of the fridge
“here this should be enough bits for the essentials” said his mother grabbing the bits out of a perse sitting on top of the table
“Thank you mum, I’ll be back soon with the groceries” smiled Al walking towards the front door
“Hurry back dear” acknowledge his mother, “oh Al Honey”
“Yeah mum” said Al turning to face his mother
“The doctor called today” coughs Al’s Mother into a hanker chief
“Doctor Hoofman, What did he want?”
“He said that he will be travelling to Manehattan on business for a little while so he said that another doctor has been assigned to take care of me while he attends to his business in Manehattan”
“Oh…Okay mother, thanks for notifying me about that, at least he took the decency to call and explain that another doctor will be looking after you as he is away…any other doctor probably wouldn’t have” Smiles Al
“Yeah” coughs Al’s Mother again, “I better not keep you the market will usually be packed at this time of morning and usually that means all the fresh produce has been poked and prodded by the other ponies of PonyVille and Celestia knows what germs they may have”
“Don’t you worry Mother” Laughs Al heading towards the front door once again, “I’ll make sure not to pick up anything that looks like it has been touched by any pony else ok”
“Okay Darling” coughs his mother, “Be careful”
“I will Mother”
Al waved good bye to his mother as he walked out the front door and out onto the street were the market was set up.