Failing Firmaments

by MidKnight Erratum

Chapter 1: Fallen Twilight

Fallen Twilight

The morning sang with the song of birds greeting its sunrise with a jubilant serenade. Peeking through the curtains and crawling across the walls, shimmering off dust as it settled in the stilled air. Books lay strewn across the floor of the attic loft, as Twilight rolled away from the window. Tear stained cheeks covered by darkness as she wallowed in the refuge of the library's cold solace. The scent of breakfast wafted it's way from the kitchen, Spike undoubtedly was preparing something delicious, but she really didn't feel like she deserved anything. She, Twilight Sparkle, had failed.

Twilight could still see the Princess's disappointment as she stood protective above her sole pupil. It hadn't blossomed from anger, but Celestia's eyes had hinted at a solemn sadness. A pain spanning lifetimes as she turned from Twilight to face Nightmare Moon.
Beams of darkness reached like tendrils from the black alicorn's horn. Celestia's horn burned with an intensity that rivaled the sun itself. Banishing the darkness in an instant.
The Nightmare stumbled back, shielding her eyes as she began to visibly tremble.
The shattered crystal fragments slowly rose, joining in orbit as they created a ring that circled Celestia and Twilight. The shattered elements starting to spark as Celestia's magic flowed through them.
“I will give you one last chance, Nightmare! You're reign of terror has lasted long enough!” Celestia spoke in a booming command. Twilight felt it shake the earth beneath her, as Celestia's shout shook Twilight to the core. Her mentor's usual calm replaced by a bitter fierceness that made the elements spin faster in her agitated magic.
“Go ahead, Sister!” Nightmare Moon hissed, “You never had the guts before, I doubt a thousand years has changed anythi-!”
Celestia's rainbow mane sparked, red hot flame climbed the tendrils of hair. Glowing in a solar brilliance, blowing in a billowing breeze, as Celestia's horn beamed brighter. Sparks flew in all directions as the elements orbited, rebinding into planetary bodies that now shimmered. The spark of magic changing them from their prior pale stone complexions. Rewinding time to their once glorious splendors.
“I'm sorry it has come to this… Sister.” Twilight heard her mentor's words as they whispered by in the arcane display of unfathomable power. As she watched a single tear glide from Celestia's stone gaze to polish the ancient castle's floor. As the magic reservoir burst, spilling like a flood across the room. Swallowing the alicorn of darkness, a single scream pierced the night. Pure agony echoing off the walls, as Twilight watched on in horror.
As stone began to crackle and crawl across the Nightmare's blackened hooves. Surprise flashed through the demon's eyes, as she began her helpless plea.
Unheard by the brilliant dawning splendor. Melting away the reign of fear, as the light burst throughout the walls of the crumbling palace. Before vanishing, leaving Twilight to stare on, as if she herself had been turned to stone as well.
Time passed, seemingly eternities, before the blinding brilliance was broken.

“I’m sorry, Luna...” Was all Celestia could say, as she continued to stare at the frozen terror of the screaming stone statue that now guarded the ethereal thrones of old. Tears scattered across the earth, as Celestia wept. The elements of harmony gently sank to the ground, before being released from the distraught alicorn's magic. A moment of silence fell between Twilight and her mentor. Finally, with a  heavy sigh, Celestia stood. Clearing her throat before addressing her student.

“I thought I gave you an assignment, to make friends…”

Twilight flinched at the accusation. She tried to find her voice, tried to explain. To rationalize her decision she had made.

“I-I tried… But…”

“But?!” Celestia asked narrowing her gaze at Twilight. “Of all my students, I had hoped YOU could do more than try…”
Celestia's words cut like razors through her, as Twilight cowardly knelt in apology.

“I'm sorry, I could have done better, I could have-”

“No, YOU couldn't have, not alone. You failed to look past your studies to find friends. You failed your test, and you failed Me, Twilight Sparkle…”

It had felt like Celestia had put every drop of venom in Equestria into those bitter words. As Twilight gulped nervously, glancing at the place the alicorn of darkness had been turned to stone. Petrified without a second thought, by the blazing Sun, that Twilight humbly bowed to.

“I-I… Am… So sorry….” Was all Twilight could manage, as Celestia turned and walked away.

Now here she was, a failed student. Twilight Sparkle the flunkee, banished to the library of small town, Ponyville. At least she had books to keep her mind busy, but somethings even books couldn't solve. Twilight dove back under the blankets, cowardly hoping she could stay in bed and fall back to sleep. If possible Twilight would've rather melted into oblivion, and stopped existing altogether. Perhaps there was a spell for such a thing, but Twilight didn't have the energy to look for one.
After all, she had failed Princess Celestia, she was probably being expelled as she lay here. No longer the Princess's promising prodigy, but a laughing stock to all of Canterlot. Tears threatened to spill once more as countless thoughts nagged her. Tormenting whispers that swirled about driving her anxieties, as false conclusions boiled and brewed. Spilling over the brim, and dousing her drive to study, as fresh sobs crawled their way up her throat.
The door squeaked open on elderly hinges, most likely Spike coming to serve her a breakfast she didn't deserve.
“Go away, I don't feel like eating.” Twilight moaned. Her ears perking, as they were met with the sound of hooves, unexpectedly bouncing across the wooden floor.

“Well in that case, I guess I shouldn't waste these pumpkin pancakes!” A cheerful voice interrupted the library's silence.
Something about the voice seemed familiar, but Twilight couldn't quite place the bubbly mare's voice.

“Go away,” Twilight insisted, trying to hide her crying embarrassment.

“But if I do that, who's gonna eat these pumpkin pancakes while listening to you pillow pouting?”
Twilight let out a long haggard sigh, as she felt the mattress rock like an angry ocean. When whoever it was had jumped onto the bed. Followed by the sound of pancakes being murdered feverishly. Twilight poked her head from her cocoon of bedding, letting out an annoyed huff as she found the town's pink party pony licking the plate clean.

“It's you,” Twilight spoke with a mild disdain. “Of course it would be…” She muttered to herself. Rubbing a hoof to her temples.

“Well duh,” the cheerful pony said giving Twilight an unwanted hug. “I am, Pinkie Pie, the Superest Duperest Party Pony after all! And pity parties are one of my specialties. I even brought ice cream!”

Twilight wiggled free from the tight embrace. As Pinke began digging through her saddle bag, setting off an explosion of confetti and glitter. That fell slowly to the floor in a flourish of a sparkling mess. Before Pinkie finally found the ice cream, pulling it from the bag in triumph, along with a box of cupcakes.

“Tada! Isn't it amazing? I always come prepared.”

“I don't need your ice cream, and now I'm gonna have to clean up this mess on top of all that! Thank you very much.” Twilight protested, sarcasm dripping from her lips like venom.

“Your welcome,” Pinkie said brandishing a spoon and scooping a giant helping of ice cream. Plopping it onto a cupcake, before devouring it in one swell bite, frosting and all.
Twilight brushed confetti from her mane in annoyance. Reluctantly accepting an offered cupcake, taking a bite as she felt the sugar coating numb her tongue.

“I feel nothing,” Twilight said bitterly, helping herself to another cupcake.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Pinkie asked, giving Twilight the bucket of ice cream, and a spoon.

“I mean, what happened last night? You ran off into the forest, all on your own, and a while later the sun came up. Did you defeat Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie gasped as if realizing something amazing. Twilight felt Pinkie's hooves pull her cheeks so she was face to face, a serious expression masking Pinkie's buoyant excitement.

“Are you a… Hero?” Pinkie asked, a grin plastered across her cheeks with overzealous enthusiasm.

“No,” Twilight replied, fresh emotions welling up, threatening to overflow. “I'm not a hero… Celestia is, she stopped Nightmare Moon.”

“Oooooooooooooh,” Pinkie cooed, waiting for Twilight to continue. “Go on, tell me, was it a super awesome battle of epic proportions?”

“No, Celestia used the elements to petrify... Luna..." Twilight's heart felt betrayed, as she felt the name cross her tongue without thinking. She was unworthy to utter it, as tears pricked her eyes once more. "She was turned to stone, and it's all MY fault.”
Twilight collapsed into another fit of blethering sobs. Pinkie rubbed a hoof across Twilight's back in sympathy. Letting silence fall between them. Waiting for Twilight to regain her composure, as she blathered incoherently into her pillow. Eventually Twilight rubbed the last few tears from her eyes, glancing at Pinkie who offered a reassuring smile.
“Well, I didn't quite catch all that, but getting expelled from a magic school because you don't have any friends, sounds a little ridiculous… But shows what I know about schooling.” Pinkie Pie shrugged, gobbling down another cupcake.
“I didn't just fail to make friends, I failed Princess Celestia! I was her prize pupil, she trusted me, and I fell through on my responsibility! I'd be lucky if I weren't banished from Equestria!” Twilight slumped off the bed, and began to pace across the floor.
“I might even get banished, and then thrown in a dungeon in the place that she banished me to… I might even get sent to Tartarus!” Twilight's breathing increased rapidly at the thought, as Pinkie hopped off the bed and placed a hoof on the purple unicorn's shoulder.
“Calm down, breath…” Pinkie tried to sooth Twilight as she hyperventilated, “I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, you didn't fail to make friends, cause you got ME. And I'm friends with EVERY-PONY! So maybe you'll get partial credit?”
Twilight took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She felt sick, and she felt another wave of emotions fighting to break free.
“Thanks, Pinkie Pie, but I'm afraid tests can't be resubmitted. Especially after the test was taken…” Twilight turned away, sitting on the cold wooden floor. Shivers rocked the unicorn as she wallowed in her despair. Warm hooves reached around Twilight, embracing her in a ginger hug. Twilight felt Pinkies head rest gently against the back of her neck, a hoof ran smoothly through Twilight's disheveled mane. Like a mother comforting a child, trying to make everything right in the world. But Twilight couldn't accept peace, the war of self loathing raged on, despite Pinkie's efforts.
The door creaked open, and Twilight pushed away from Pinkies embrace abruptly. A little embarrassed at the thought of appearing weak and vulnerable in front of anypony. All of a sudden self conscious of her and Pinkie's actions.
“Hey, Twilight?” Spikes voice inquired, echoing in the quiet loft. Twilight turned to see him peeking around the door. His eyes prepared to beg for something, like they always did when he wanted something.

“Yeah? What is it Spike?” Twilight asked.

“I was thinking about going out for a bit, can you keep an eye on the library?... Encase somepony else stops by… Even though I know you've had a rough night...”

“Fine, I'll watch the library. What are you planning to do?” Twilight asked, inquisitively like a protective older sister.

“I wanted to go explore the town, and maybe stop by the bakery for some…” His eyes wandered to the bed, and the box of cupcakes lying haphazardly on it. “Ooh, oooh, can I have one… Or three?”

“Hmmmmm, you can have… One,” Twilight decided, after pretending to think it over.

“Sweet!” Spike exclaimed, running to the box and grabbing a cupcake. Twilight caught him sneak a second one, and rolled her eyes.

“Don't forget to say ‘thank you.’” She teased halfheartedly.

“Thanks, Pinkie Pie!” Spike said through his chewing, as he hurried out the door and down the stairs.

“Well, I gotta get back to the bakery, and YOU got a library to watch.” Pinkie chimed, bouncing to the open door, lingering a few seconds before exiting.

“I'll be at Sugarcube Corner, stop by and say ‘hi’ to your friend sometime!” Pinkie called as she shut the bedrooms door.

Twilight sighed, levitating the box of cupcakes and ice cream as she sauntered to the door. Deciding to clean the confetti later, as she journeyed into the library. Heading for the kitchen to put the desserts away. The cold hit her like a wall, as she walked through the empty space of book shelves. Twilight used her magic to draw the curtains to let the sunlight in, reviling in the sudden brightness of the late morning sunlight. She turned from the windows, briskly making her way to the kitchen. Levitating the treats into the fridge, as she wandered back out to the front. Deciding to reorganize some of the shelves, but as she set about doing what she loved, her mind wandered. Keeping her from any amount of fulfillment as she did the menial task, of repetitively checking a book and adjusting it based on alphabetical ordering. Hours passed, and Twilight's frustration mounted the precipice of breaking. What was wrong with her today? She loved books, she loved reorganizing. Why did she feel like she was wasting time, why did she feel so unproductive?
Twilight, shoved the rest of the books into the shelves with her magic, not caring to keep them in order, as she stormed back to the attic. Rummaging in her closet, the world felt bitterly cold, as she pulled a jacket over her body. Hanging a velvet scarf around her neck for extra warmth. Despite the burning sunshine outside, Twilight couldn’t shake the chilling numbness she felt.
Twilight’s mind had already been made, and she cantered to the library’s entrance. Her mind focusing on the task on her mind, and right now, it was to be anywhere but cooped up inside.
Twilight glanced one last time longingly at the shelves of books, hoping she could have found comfort among them, but knowing her efforts would be fruitless. With that, she turned the sign to ‘closed,’ and shut the door. Venturing off in search of something to do in the small town of Ponyville.