Life is A Test 2: Test Harder (Quite A Bit Harder)

by Brony_of_Brody

The Answer 37

In the first sequence, the answer is 8.

Pretty simple to reach: all you have to do is multiply the digits to get the next number in the sequence. 7 x 7 = 49, 4 x 9 = 36, 3 x 6 = 18, 1 x 8 is therefore 8.

In the second sequence, the answer is 20.

For this sequence, you square both digits of the previous number and then add them together to make the next. So 42 =16, 12 + 62 = 37, 32 + 72 = 58, and so on down the chain until we reach 42 + 22 = 20.

Interestingly, this is where we'd loop back to the answer 4, making this whole sequence a loop.

In the third sequence, the answer is ten googol.

There doesn't appear to be any mathematical rhyme or reason here, but when you actually spell out the realise each number in the sequence uses one more letter than the last number. Ten (3), Nine (4), Sixty (5), etc. until we reach a number that needs nine letters. But there's lots of numbers with nine letters, so which one is it?

Looking back at the previous numbers, you can see that each number in the sequence is the LARGEST known example of numbers with that many letters. So the largest number with nine letters must be ninety six...right?

Nope. There's a number that can be represented as 10100, in other words, a number followed by a hundred zeroes, called a 'googol'. Add an extra zero and we get ten googol, which has nine letters, and that's the best answer you can give.