My New Life

by Hardwired

Chapter 1: Beginnings

I was just hanging out alone at recess, as I sat down on a bench by the cafeteria, the wind felt cold on my back, I wasn't wearing my jacket since I left it in the classroom, as I opened my lunchbox, I started wandering off to my own, happy world, Ponyville.

Whenever I was feeling down, or just straight out bored, I wander off to my happy place, I always think about all the great adventures I'd have if I went there, I always thought there might be some mysterious way to enter Ponyville, and actually live among them, as one of them, because of this wild reasoning, I created my OC, short for Original Character, Hardwired, he's this small, green, stallion, he wears glasses, and he's pretty nerdy, kind of represents who I am.

I saw my lunch... "Ugh, PB&J sandwich..." I thought to myself as I saw the soggy sandwich, but suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by one of my classmates, James, I like to call him my own personal bully.

"Hey," He said, "What you got there, did your momma cut you out a little pony lunch?"

"S-S-Screw off James," I said, "D-D-Don't you have anything b-b-better to do with your t-t-time?"

Something you should probably know about me is that I was born with this stuttering problem, it's pretty annoying at times though.

"It's just ridiculous that you like a show about ponies!" He said with a devilish chuckle.

"A-A-Anything wrong with t-t-that?" I responded, flustered.

"It's a show for little girls!" He just started laughing, then he "accidentally" shoved my lunchbox off my legs, as my PB&J sandwich hit the concrete floor.

"T-T-The hell is w-w-wrong with you?!" I answer, quite mad, "T-T-That was the only thing I-I-I had for lunch, a-a-and you drop it on the f-f-floor" I stand up, ready to fight, but I know that I shouldn't since he's twice my size.

"You want to fight?" He said, "I'll be merciful, I'll let you hit me first, come on, you'll probably be a whiny bitch and run off."

I didn't hit him, knowing that I would probably get destroyed, but, he just starts laughing! "I knew you were a whiny bitch!" He said, "Want me to show you a real punch?" Readying up his punch.

"N-N-No!" I said, scared for my life.

"Good, now, get out of here, before I beat you up." He said, I hurriedly ran off to another bench as far away from him as possible.

In moments like this is where I start thinking about Ponyville. I make up my own imaginary world to not be lost in the dark cloud of depression.

I go back to class, still wondering about Ponyville, making up my own stories when I get interrupted by the teacher calling my name.

"Kyle?" The teacher said, waving a hand in front of me.

I lift my head to see the teachers mean stare looking straight into my sleepy eyes.

I try to look as awake as possible. "Y-Y-Yes, T-T-Teacher?"

"Kyle! This is the third time you've slept in class, we're both going to the principal's office, now!" She said in a serious and mad tone.

The principal's office never meant anything good, so I didn't want to go.

"D-D-Do I really h-h-have to go?" I said. "I-I-It's just I don't f-f-feel so well, and think that I-I-I should probably g-g-go to my house and get some r-r-rest."

"You are coming with me young man, and you won't run off like last time" She started pulling me by my ear, it felt like if someone was just pulling a piece of skin, what I'm trying to say is, it really hurt.

"OW! N-N-Not so h-h-hard!" I said, whining a little. All my other classmates around started giggling.

We start approaching the principal's office, I feel more nervous the closer I get.

After what seemed like hours, we finally arrived.

"So, Kyle Sanders, according to Mrs. Peterson, you've slept 3 times in her class, is this true?" The principal said.

"P-P-Please, d-d-don't call me by my full n-n-name..." I said in a quiet voice.

"I can call you whatever I want, young man, you still haven't answered my question, did you or did you not sleep in Mrs. Peterson class?" He said with a menacing tone.

"Y-Y-Yes, I-I-I did sleep in M-M-Mrs. Peterson's class." I said, not wanting this discussion to last any longer.

"I see... just send this note to your parents, and the next time you sleep in her class, you'll be suspended."

"Y-Y-Yes... Sir..." I said, lowering my head admitting defeat.

"Mrs. Peterson, you are free to leave with your student." He said.

"Thank you, sir." She said.

Let's fast-forward a few hours, I'm at my house, about to tell my parents about the note, I'm sweating because I'm so nervous, I know they'll not let me talk to my online friends for an entire 2 weeks, who have the same interests as me, ponies!

"U-U-Uh... M-M-Mom..?" I said anxiously.

"Yes, darling?" She said.

"F-F-First off, d-d-don't call me d-d-darling, I'm almost 15." I said, quite annoyed that after many times of telling her, she still called me darling.

"Sorry, why did you come here anyway?" She said.

"W-W-Well..." I said, embracing for impact. "I-I-I got another n-n-note from school a-a-about me s-s-sleeping."

"Kyle, we've talked about this, and you know what we said." She said, in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, mom." I said... I wanted to cry because I knew I wasn't going to be in contact with my only friends...

"You're grounded, 2 weeks with no electronics," She said. "You can go."

I went running to my bed to cry, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. I hid under the sheets of my bed and cried my sorrows out.

I fell asleep, thinking about all the not-so-wonderful things that happened that day.

But, suddenly, I get awoken by something, it feels like something is sucking me in, I grab onto my bed tightly, but that wasn't enough! I went through the portal, I thought, is this my end?

Then, I blacked out.