The Perfect Pear

by The Blue EM2

Chapter 5: Cass, 1994 (Mrs Smith)

Cass, West Virginia, 1994

Mrs Smith sat in her rocking chair looking out across the Pocahontas Valley. The Sun was setting in the distance, and the trees were beautifully lit in the evening light. There was also a rather more familiar sound, that of a Shay snorting down the grade nearby into the town.

She smiled, as that wonderful (albeit noisy) sound reminded her of her son, Bright. He’d always loved those mighty machines and according to all accounts was good at driving them as well. But alas, he was not around, for he was away in California working for that Grand Pear fellow.

She’d got a good sense of what Grand Pear was like through the letters she had received from Bright. He sounded like an upstanding, honest, loyal man, who would never turn his back on anyone. All of the traits that Mrs Smith valued to the very core.

She reached over for one of the letters she had received, one of the very first. She had received it in March of 1991, which was a while ago, and it had taken a month to reach her.

“The post ain’t what is used ta be,” she murmured, as she gave it another read. “Why, Ah remember that the railroad used ta bring all the mail, not these trucks.”

I will now reproduce the letter for your convenience.

Dear Ma,

I have been having a wonderful time at Pearville. Can I tell you that Canterlot is a lovely place? It’s not far from the hills, and if I am ever lonely, or missing you or Pa, I head up into the hills to see the world from up high and soar like an Eagle. At least, that’s what it feels like!

Work is fun as well. Picking pears is one of many things we do, and we have ploughed fields as well. Pa would love the tractors we have, they are all heritage models. Grand Pear has an eye for vintage tractors, I can tell you!

On that note, Grand Pear is a fantastic man to work for. Never have I known someone so fair, apart from you and Pa of course! That brings me on to the other point I have.

I’ve made a new friend here. Her name is Pear Butter, and I don’t know what it is, but there’s something...different about her. She is, put simply, the most beautiful person I have ever met, with eyes as clear as crystal and a voice to rival the angels.

Whether this will go anywhere, I don’t know, but I hope it does.

Your son,

Bright Mac.

It most certainly had gone somewhere, as Pear had been mentioned in every single letter since then up to now. Mac had certainly got up to a lot over those many months, and Mrs Smith wondered whether she should try to get down to Canterlot someday.

But that would require her to leave her husband behind, and that she could never do. It was then she had the next best idea.

She went back inside, and began to write;

Dear Bright Mac,

I’m happy to hear you have enjoyed your time in Canterlot. However, I have a suggestion to make to you.

I am keen to meet Pear Butter, and as such I suggest you bring her to Cass next time you visit. We can show her some West Virginian hospitality, and you can take her up to Whittaker on the railroad.

I look forward to your reply.


Your Ma.