//------------------------------// // Should Have Taken The Scenic Rout... // Story: One Wrong Turn // by A Wild Magikarp //------------------------------// "SANS! HURRY UP, FRISK AND MISS TORIEL ARE ALREADY LATE AS IT IS! THEY DO NOT NEED YOUR LAZY BONES MAKING THINGS EVEN WORSE!" The skeleton in question merely chuckled to himself and casually slid into his signature bright pink slippers. "be down in just a sec bro. i'll get them there in time, try tabia little more relaxed." "SANS!" Grabbing his favorite hoodie, Sans chuckled again to himself as he stepped out of his room and into the hallway, making his way to the stairs. Zipping it up and stowing his hands in their proper pockets, he made his way down into the living room, were the others where waiting for him. "THERE YOU ARE BROTHER! FINALLY, I WAS ABOUT READY TO MAKE MY WAY UP THERE AND DRAG YOU OUT MYSELF!" Papyrus scolded, sporting a super cool toque and waving a ladle at his brother from over the dinning counter. Toriel chuckled at the brother's antics and shook her head and adjusted the purse draped there. "Now, now. There is no need for that. if what Frisk has told me about Sans' 'shortcuts' is true, we still have plenty of time to get the the school before classes start." Her smile faded slightly, looking back at the source of the delay. Frisk was busying themselves with tying their shoelaces by the door. Sitting next to them was a backpack, which currently held three homework assignments, two notebook, four pencils, and one extremely grumpy flower. "Are you... sure that Flowey is ready to join you at school, Frisk? I am more than happy to continue with our after school lessons if he would be more comfortable that way..." Flowey scoffed at Toriel's offer and rolled his eyes. "Of COURSE I don't want to go to your stupid school, you dumb-" "Hmmm!" Frisk sounded warningly, arching an eyebrow at the belligerent flower, cutting his insult short. Flowey turned his attention away from Toriel and glared back at them, and the rest of the room could almost see the two testing their wills against one another. The tension lasted for a few more second, before Flowey's eyes lost their fire, and he lowered his head, sighing. "Sorry M... Miss Toriel. Frisk is right, I... I should go. I need to..." He looked over at Frisk out of the corner of his eye. "... 'Learn to play well with others.' Learning everything by myself isn't going to help me handle people." Toriel looked between her two charges, recognizing there must have been a conversation she was not privy too before all this. Still, if Frisk had convinced Flowey to go along with it, than it was not of her concern. Frisk smiled gently at Flowey and reached out to pat him on the head. The flower retreated from the hand, giving a death glare to its owner. "Touch me and I'll hurt you!" The smile was replaced by a sad frown, and Frisk withdrew, opting instead to carefully pick up the pack and put it on. Checking themselves over one more time, the human looked up to their adoptive mother and gave a small nod. "... Alright then, if you two are quite certain, I suppose there is no further reason to delay. Just... be good, wont you dear?" Flowey rolled his eyes again at her request, making his disgust known. "Uuugh. Yeees Mo-" His attitude suddenly disappeared, and was instead replaced with a look similar to the one Frisk was wearing. "... Y-Yes Mam." Toriel watched the two for a moment longer, trying to piece together what had just happened. She had just about as much success as usual. Frisk was a sweet child, always so eager to help, so tender with everyone they met, monster or human. Flowey, for all his faults, truly did seem to be trying to fit in, even if he was so short with people most times. It was such a shame then that to her they sometimes seemed so... sad. Haunted even. Frisk was the best example of this, always apologizing for things out of their control, hiding their face whenever she looked at them too long. Often Toriel would wake to the child crawling their way into her bed after some unshared nightmare or staring off into the distance with a depressed look. They tried to hide it, presenting a happy, cheerful child with a flirtatious attitude most days, but it was clear to the boss monster that it was a front. The real Frisk, the Frisk she saw under it all, was sad and lonely child, and it hurt her to see. Flowey was more of a mystery. Frisk had insisted on a trip back up the mountain one day soon after they had settled into their new home, and upon returning had been carrying with them the strange talking flower in a clay pot. When asked, Frisk had simply told her that Flowey was a friend, and one that needed their help. Toriel had not been able to get Flowey to look directly at her for days after his arrival, and he was exceedingly quiet most of the time. He never talked about his past, and when he did speak it was generally short and angry. The only person he seemed to listen to was Frisk, and when the child was in one of their moods a understanding, if not so much caring attitude would befall the flower, as he would stay by his friend and simply offer support as he could. It was the only show of compassion she could recall the flower expressing to another. Still, there where moments when she would catch him looking at her when she was otherwise busy, or cutting off his threats and insults abruptly when talking with her. It had made her nervous at first, but now, she was only curious. Their was something they where hiding, both of them. They shared a secret that obviously left the both of them still hurt from the memory, but try as she might, she could not get them to share what it was. As a mother and caretaker, it hurt her to be so useless, and apparently untrusted. Still, she would not give up. She promised Frisk that she would be there for them as long as they needed, and she did not intend to break that promise. She would do her best to care for the two of them, until hopefully some day, they would open up to her about what it was that caused them such pain. Shaking her head from the melancholy of her thoughts, Toriel put on a smile for the group and made her way to the door. "Well! If everyone is ready to go, I think its time we make our way there now. Come along everyone." Opening the door for the others, the goat monster let her wards and the shorter skeleton brother by before surrendering the door-frame to Papyrus, who stepped out of the kitchen to send them off. Stopping on the front porch, Sans looked around at everyone with his trademark grin. "everyone ready?" he asked, receiving various confirmations from the party. "well then, guess we're off!" "FAREWELL EVERYONE, HAVE A GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL! DO NOT WORRY SANS, I WILL BE SURE TO LEAVE SOME BREAKFAST OUT FOR YOUR RETURN! NO BROTHER OF MINE WILL GO HUNGRY ON MY WATCH! NYEHEHE!" "thanks a million bro. udon't know how horrible the pastability of missing out on your cooking was. I was out of my noodle thinking about how your hard work would be al forno-thing!" "SANS!" "Trashbag!" Sans, Frisk, and Toriel were too busy laughing to notice the ladel sail from Papyrus' hand towards his brother. Flowey, on the other hand, got a perfect view of what happened next. The kitchen utensil flew true as it arched straight into the annoying comedian's head, knocking him off balance and causing his eyes to open wide in surprise. A flash of panic washed over Sans' face, and his hand became sheathed in an ethereal blue glow and he attempted to catch himself with it before it seeming vanished into thin air, quickly followed by the rest of him. A flash of light came a moment before sudden nausea overtook Flowey, a kaleidoscope of colors entering his vision. His body, unfamiliar the to stress being applied to it, finally gave out, and Flowey found himself succumbing to darkness.