//------------------------------// // Dear Diary // Story: Journal of a Mad Pony // by Jork //------------------------------// These are the remnants of a soaked and charred journal found in a Canterlot alleyway. July 9, 983         Dear diary         I can’t wait, I’m going to school tomorrow, I bet I’m going to make all sorts of new friends.  I wonder what my new friends will be like, will any of them have their cutie marks yet? I know I’m not supposed to say it because daddy wouldn’t like it, but the real reason I want to go to school is because daddy keeps hitting me and mommy, when he has some salt licks, he starts calling her a dirtlicker, and saying all sorts of words I don’t understand. When mommy is gone he hits me even more. He calls me hornless, wingless, and worthless, I wish he would stop, but I don't have a horn like him, and for some reason that's why he's mad at me. But tomorrow, I get to go to school, and he won’t be there, so I’ll be able to have fun! July 10, 983         I hate school, nopony would talk to me and they kept calling me dirtlicker like daddy calls mommy when he’s angry. When I tried to play with them, they just kept moving somewhere else and ignoring me. When I tried to go on the slide, they pushed me off onto the ground.         In class, the teacher was saying how each of the three types of ponies has a special talent, like how unicorns can use magic and pegasuses can fly, but she never said what’s special about earth ponies like me. When I asked what was special about earth ponies, she told me I should raise my hand. But I was already raising my hand. I put my hand up again, but she never called on me.         When I came home, daddy was already hitting mommy, he was talking about how he had been fired from his work at the university because he married her, and kept calling her a dirtlicker and saying that that was why he was fired. After he hit her so hard she stopped moving, he kicked me and left. I’m in the hospital with mommy right now, but the doctor said she’s not going to to make it to a nurse, but he told me that she was going to be fine... July 10, 994         I’m finally about to get out of this god damned town and head for Canterlot University today. I don’t ever want to see this place again. I worked damned hard to get here, I fucking took their abuse, and I rose above it, and now I’m the first earth pony to get a full ride scholarship to CU. Before I finally head out, I think I’m going to rub this in a few more horned faces, maybe even break off a few horns. December 23, 994         Reading the pages I wrote before I came here, I’m shocked by my own naivete. I should have realized that moving to this unicorn infested town wouldn’t end the mockery. No one at CU wants me here, they just see me as a dirty blot on their impeccable history, a country bumpkin not by virtue of intelligence, but by species. I’ll show them, I’m going to get my degree in engineering and I’m going to prove that us “dirtlickers” have it in us to do anything the wings or horns can do. September 30, 999         I’m done here, got my degree, and I’m heading out to find a job. Again, no matter how those horns tried to stop me, I’ve outdone them all. I’ve already sent off my applications to several institutions, and I’m hoping to hear from them soon. In the mean time, I found a nice quiet place outside Canterlot where I can live for a while. September 30, 1000         At some point over this last year, I realized that I wasn’t going to get a response from any of the institutions. Instead, I’ve devoted my efforts towards an invention that is going to revolutionize self defense. I’ve drawn the blueprints and acquired the materials. My work shall begin immediately, and when it is finished, there will be no institution that will bar its doors from me. December 2, 1000         Those god damned horns and wings continue to conspire against me, I’ll never be able to make it as a scientist. I even brought my case before Celestia herself, asking her if any part of the government could use my invention. Her decline was obviously just spite. She would never say it out loud, but it came through in her voice.  As a pony with both wings and a horn, she couldn’t bear to think that a dirtlicker like me had something to add to her kingdom other than raw manual labor. But still, I shall persevere. May 6, 1001         It’s been four months since they evicted me. They said that I hadn’t paid my rent for almost a year. The pegasus mailmare probably just took what I put in those envelopes for herself. I bet right now, she’s laughing about how she got me thrown out. June 19, 1001         Tomorrow, all of my plans will come to fruition. Just wait and see Equestria, I’ll show you just what a dirtlicker can do. But for now, I must take leave of you diary, my only companion for these many years. If you were to be discovered, it would be my downfall. Canterlot Times EXTRA! Princess Celestia killed! June 20, 1001 At the opening of the Summer Sun Celebration today an earth pony attacked Princess Celestia using a strange metal weapon that spewed fire. Some spectators reported seeing a frazzled looking earth pony pull a metal tube from a saddle bag and point it at the princess. Witnesses then report hearing thunder and seeing the princess collapse while the assailant was sent flying backwards. The assailant was quickly arrested, but died on the way to the jail of unknown causes. Police have no idea as to the attackers motives or name.  We will make sure to follow this story closely. We will have more on this story as it develops. ___________________________________________ Big thanks to Not for help with editing!