The Blackened Skies

by gosha305

At the Gates of Tartarus

The ride wasn't long, it even was a bit too short. In fact, everypony would have preferred if they didn't have to walk several more miles, but sadly, there were no other way. They needed to walk (or fly, but mostly walk). Several hours were required to reach their destination, the Gates of Tartarus. As they got off the train and started moving, the surrounding nature was all but menacing. This journey even started resembling a peaceful ramble, but this wouldn't last. Rapidly, the wildlife around them started deteriorating. There were fewer and fewer plants, the birds' songs became rarer and quickly stopped. No life was welcome near the Gates of Tartarus. At first the ponies continued happily chatting but this didn't last either. The ambient bleakness started affecting their morale. Their thoughts became concentrated on the encounter to come.

This was all until another confrontation broke the ambient monotony. A terrifying roar resonated around the desert valley. Although it was far less frightening than the unearthly laugh of the Entity, this sound stayed alarming. Something was near, and its intentions seemed quite murderous. Suddenly, a mighty manticore appeared in their field of vision. Its impressive height closely matched those of the surrounding hills. The beast had sharp teeth alike to daggers and a threatening gaze that meant nothing good to those on its path. As the creature was eyeing its prey, preparing to strike, the scorpion tail it possessed slowly moved from left to right like that of a cat.

The ponies were prepared to defend themselves, they were observing the beast's movement, waiting for an attack. But such attack never came as, to everyone's surprise, Fluttershy flew towards the Manticore and gave it a warm hug. The animal was, at first, staggered by this move, but it didn't seem to be bothered by it as it hugged Fluttershy back. The other ponies just stood there, surprised by this turn of events. It was certainly for the better, as now, they didn't have to take more risks than the ones that awaited them in Tirek's prison. In addition, this manticore could actually be useful later.

The rest of the journey took place without major problems. The manticore, that now joined the group, was happily trotting amidst the ponies. Its previous fierceness and aggressively were gone and replaced by the loveliest qualities of a cute pet. Naturally, this sudden metamorphosis seemed strange, but Fluttershy's talent with animals was so indisputable that even this wasn't extremely unbelievable.

The Gates of Tartarus approached. Although Luna roughly described its supposed interior, most of the ponies taking part in the little expedition had no idea on what
really awaited them inside. Near this cursed entry, no wildlife was present. The manticore even fled as soon as the door became visible. Its escape was unfortunate, but the poor beast seemed so afraid by this portal that nopony had the heart to try stopping it.

Only Luna knew the spell capable of unsealing this prison. It was probably for the better as only the filthiest creatures took residence in this horrid place. As she opened the door, her companions prepared themselves to see the vilest place a mortal could contemplate, but they didn't. What they saw instead was a large hall. It wasn't enormous, but impressive nonetheless. On the sides of this passage were disposed numerous cages, each containing a different creature. Most were chimeric amalgams composed of species that had nothing in common. This wasn't pleasing to the eye, but it was far from the horrors they expected to discover. Even the Princess of the Night seemed stupefied. It appeared like the descriptions of Tartarus she knew were mere works of fiction.

However, what they didn't know was that even though the Tartarus they saw was far from what they expected, it was even further from the truth. No mortal could contemplate it in its normal state. Only the sight of such torments could have made any sapient creature mad or even worse. No mind is able of processing the pain and suffering that take place in this damned realm. This is why Tartarus protected its visitors, all they can observe is a highly subdued version of reality (or even something totally different from it).

After eyeing the area for a long time, in search of the goal of their visit, the ponies noticed that the hallway ended not too far ahead. There, a huge cave could be seen. The plan of actions was established: Applejack would stay guarding the entrance along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (the latter just had to stay and comfort all these poor animals) while the other four would go and meet Tirek. The troop, led by the Lunar Princess, advanced towards the aperture.

Quickly, what it contained became apparent. It was Tirek's personal prison. An elevated peak could be seen in the middle of this area. It could be accessed by traversing a narrow bridge. All around the peak, was a bottomless pit (judging by the nature of the place, this description probably wasn't a hyperbole). On the top of this terrifying structure, a cage was visible. Within this cage, a Centaur-like figure was noticeable. The end of this expedition was rapidly approaching. Hopefully, they would obtain the answers they needed.

The Centaur seemed unsurprised by the visit. "Welcome to my domain, Little Ponies." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"We do not have time for greetings, Tirek" responded Luna, unamused "We have an important task to fulfill and thou shall be of great help to us."

"Oh... And what will be the reward for my cooperation?" quizzed Tirek, a grin forming on his face.

"We shall see, but only after your part is done." replied Luna with a determined frown.

Tirek visibly wasn't satisfied by this response, but decided that he wasn't in the best position to argue. "Then how can I help you, Princess?"

While this discussion continued, Applejack saw something. Something in the sky. She and the Rainbow Dash were still guarding the entrance (of course Fluttershy was also there, but she spent most of her time flying around the hallway and complaining about the terrible conditions the beast of Tartarus were kept in) as the same thing that happened several days before started reoccurring. The Entity was coming back. Its gloomy smoke quickly emerged from beyond the clouds and started sprawling in the sky. Seeing this event for the second time was in no way less frightening. Fear and panic were starting to rise inside the farmer's mind, but she didn't let them take over her thoughts. The others needed to be warned. Rainbow Dash apparently had the same idea as she instantly took off, heading deeper into the tunnel.

Tirek was swiftly bored by the interrogation. Of course, he didn't know anything about some evil cosmic Entity. He didn't even see the sky in ages. Being asked if he was the cause of this felt insulting to him. Was imprisoning him in Tartarus not enough? Did they really need to blame him for any bad thing that happened to their stupid land? It was infuriating.

The annoyed Centaur was about to confirm again that he didn't even have knowledge of what occurred, when Rainbow Dash suddenly appeared with a face expressing determination and panic at the same time.

"The Entity, it has returned!" she screamed.

The worry that already plagued the other ponies only became more apparent. At least, this confirmed that Tirek was innocent, but this information was of no relief to them. It even was the opposite.

Watching the distraught ponies, Tirek almost felt amused. This amusement however, didn't last too long because a strange feeling emerged from the depths of his mind. He felt the Entity. This presence was all but reassuring. Its limitless power and inherent evil were obnubilant, but there was something more. This Entity somehow felt familiar. A part of its magic was once in his possession. How could this be? As he thought about that, another thing became unmistakable and it was even more disturbing. So disturbing in fact that he felt the need to tell this to his enemies.

"This Entity... it is formed of pure mana..."