//------------------------------// // To the castle // Story: Twilight Queen // by Voidseeker //------------------------------// To the castle Loud knocking awoke Twilight that morning. She could hear Spike, her faithful assistant, telling her that her breakfast was getting cold. With only a little bit of quiet complaining about nighttime being too short, Twilight got out of bed and started her day with a healthy scream of terror. “My book. Someone has stolen my book.” Hearing Twilights screams, Spike sighed, knowing that the breakfast would remain uneaten today he stepped into her room. The next two hours were spent turning Twilights room upside down, but the all-important book remained missing. With a defeated sigh Twilight sat down on top of a pile of clothes and looked out of the rooms only window. “Guess I have no choice now. If I want answers I´ll have to find the castle. I just don´t know who could have stolen my book.” “Great, I´ll go heat up the breakfast, make you some sandwiches and gather the girls.” “No. As much as I like spending time with them, none of them really have a knack or patients for archeology. In all honesty they would end up getting in the way.” “Don’t you think that’s a pit harsh. I mean you six have been through countless adventuress and you only succeeded by working together. Why should this time be any different?” “I can deal with this myself. Besides this isn’t an adventure, it´s an academic study and the others aren’t all that interested in looking through some old and dusty books about ancient history.” “I guess you are right, but it would be nice to at least ask.” “If it makes you happy I´ll go and ask them before I leave.” With that Spike and Twilight began to clean the mess they made and prepare for Twilights expedition into the infamous Everfree forest. About an hour later Twilight was standing in front of her castle with a heavy looking backpack on, filled to the brim with food, paper and writing supplies. “But why can´t I come along?” whined Spike in disappointment. “Because someone has to look after the castle and keep the library open.” “Starlight can to that. I want to go on an adventure with you.” “For the tenth time this isn’t an adventure. Besides Starlight is away, remember. She went to her old home to help organize some event.” “But I still want to come.” “Tell you what, while I´m away you can have a party. You could invite all your friends and play all night long.” At that Spikes eyes lit up and he rushed off to gather supplied for the greatest party ever throne. Twilight chuckled at his antics and started walking towards Rarity’s boutique. Once she arrived she found the fashionista dashing around the store working on a dozen dresses at the same time. “Hi Rarity. How´s it going.” “Ow. Hi darling I didn’t see you there. Are you going somewhere.” “To the Everfree to search for a long-forgotten castle. Want to come along.” “Sorry darling, but I´m drowning in orders. Maybe some other time.” “That’s ok. I´ll leave you to it then. See you when I get back.” “Good luck darling.” Twilight visited all her friends afterwards and they were all busy with their own things. Applejack had her hands full with the orchard, Pinky had to look after the Cake twins, Fluttershy was tending to one of her animal friends who had gotten sick and Rainbow was nowhere to be found. So, Twilight set out on her own. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 days later. Nearly out of food, tired, wet and in a bad mood Twilight hacked her way through yet another bush that seemed determent to keep her away from the ruined castle she had spotted buried in the foliage hours ago. Then the stubborn bush cave in and Twilight was threw. In front of her stood a mighty ruin weathered by time, ravaged by the elements and swallowed by the forest, but still standing in stubborn defiance. Its once tall and glorious spiers nothing but ruble or tilted at dangerous angles held up only by the numerous trees and vines that had wrapped themselves around them. The once impenetrable walls filled with holes were water had overtime carried away the rocks and cement. The gate was missing entirely only rusted hinges remained to show the world where it had once stood. The castle itself wasn’t doing any better, the roof was widely missing, walls had collapsed, the beautiful stained-glass windows were nothing but broken glass on the floor. Threw some miracle the floors had remained relatively untacked allowing Twilight to explore the castle freely. After a day spent wandering through empty rooms and decayed hallways. Twilight found herself in the ancient throne room. On both sides the room had been once lined with windows and tall pillars between them. The windows had met the fate of their brethren and almost all the pillars had fallen over, but those who still stood were valiantly doing their duty holding up the roof still bearing a few weathered paintings of days long past. Evening sun bathe the room in light and in the back, standing on top a dais stood the throne. Decorated with gold and gems it glistened in the fading light. Twilight could only imagen the glory this room must have held. She was about to turn around and continue her search for answers when a seemingly random thought went through her mind. “How would it feel like to sit on that throne?” Carefully she approached the gleaming seat and sat down. For a moment everything was silent then the last sunbeam flew through the window and hit the large blood red gem at the top of the throne. And the world began to spin as distant laughter echoed in her head. When Twilight regained her senses, she was in the middle of a clearing. Looking around she heard distant shouts and sounds of battle. But when she listened closely she noticed two things that made her blood run cold. The noises were getting closer and the shouts were in old Equestrian.