//------------------------------// // The beginning // Story: Twilight Queen // by Voidseeker //------------------------------// The beginning In the middle of a mighty forest, that one day would be known as Everfree, on the side of a lonely mountain was erected a glorious castle. In the moonlight halls, guards, wearing pitch black armor decorated with gold and silver trimmings, stood silently watch, anyone walking past them might have mistaken them for one of the many statues or suits of armor that decorated the castle halls along with paintings and stained-glass windows. Servants slowly moved through these quiet halls extinguishing torches and cleaning the various rooms and hallways as they prepared the castle for its long slumber. All was deathly silent and a depressing and sorrowful mood loomed over the whole thing. But if you listened carefully you could hear faint crying coming from one of the rooms. Doors to that room were larger than others and decorated lavishly. Behind them was a mighty room painted in the colors of twilight. In the middle of that room sat a large bed and, on that bed, surrounded by teary eyed friends, relatives and even a few enemies laid an old woman. She had purple hair, but it had lost its shine and color becoming dim and greyish. Her once trained and strong body had become weak after a long period of inactivity. She was the Twilight Queen and that night she would die. Slowly the queen opened her eyes, still the shining with wisdom, looked around the room her tired eyes traveling from person to person, until they landed on a small girl with light pink hair crying next to a stoic looking man with a mighty dark beard and she frowned. Gathering the last of her strength she spoke in a quiet and kind voice. “Don´t cry. This is a welcomed death I have lived a happy and a long life filed with excitement and adventure. Now it´s time for me to move on.” “But why … why can´t you stay for a little bit longer?” The queen chuckled. “I could, but then my friends waiting for me on the other side would get sad and they have waited for a long time.” The girl sniffled and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dress. ”But what am I going to do without you?” “You have your sister and Starswirl. I am confident you´ll figure something out.” “But I am no ruler, and Luna is to young. How am I supposed to take care of our subjects?” “You’ll figure something out. And besides Discord is going to look after Equestria until you and Luna are old enough to do it yourself.” The girl nodded quietly and gave a faint, but sorrowful, smile. The queen nodded and turned to the man. “Take care of those two. Make sure they don´t share the fate of their parents.” The man nodded. “You can rest easy. I´ll watch over them and raise them as if they are my own.” Then the queen turned to a creature floating on the other side of the bed. He looked like someone had taken parts from at least a dozen animals and haphazardly sown them together. The creature´s mood was unreadable as it stared at the queen with blank eyes. “I guess you thought I would never go through with my promise.” “I´ll admit I was skeptical when you said you would leave me in charge after you kicked the bucket, but why me. There are hundreds of other who would be happy to do this.” “That is exactly why. Unlike them you don´t desire power, you just want the freedom to do your own thing. You wouldn´t try to harm the girls.” “And why them? I know their Platinum’s daughters and all, but she was dethroned and there are many who claim to have more right to the throne than them.” “If your patient enough you´ll see why. But know that they hold great power within and once it’s released, mark my words, they will change this world.” The queen let out a small sigh and turned her gaze to a painting of six armored figures standing proudly in front of the castle. “We did some creasy things, saw wonderous places, defeated evil villains and created a kingdom. Pity I never got to see my home again, but I have no regrets. I´m ready to go now my friends, see you soon.” And with these final words the queen took her last breath and closed her violet eyes forever, the room erupted in sobs and a rule of the last queen of Equestria had come to an end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight closed the book and thought for a moment. “The Castle of The Two Sisters is in the Everfree forest, but it´s built near a ravine not on the side of a mountain. Could there be another castle in that dark forest just waiting to be found.” She knew Celestia and Luna were Princess Platinum’s daughters, but she had never even heard of this Twilight Queen. Who was she? What role had she played in Equestrian history? Why was she forgotten? Why had she been a queen and not a princess like every other ruler? What connection had she had with the royal sisters? All these questions almost screamed for answers, but she had found the book while exploring the old castle and she knew she wouldn´t find anything if she were to look through her library. And she had read every book in the Royal Archives in Canterlot. So, the only option she had left is to try to find the castle mentioned in the book. Looking at the clock she noticed that it was nearly midnight. This could wait until morning. Everfree is dangerous at night, even for someone as powerful as her. She placed the book on her nightstand turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep. After Twilight had fallen asleep a quiet “pop” could be heard as the book disappeared followed by a feminine voice laughing sinisterly. And the clock ticked one minute past midnight.