Neighsay's Wrath against Celestia

by Robert Emerald Fountain

The Escape, and the Second Attempt

Early in the morning, three weeks into his sentence, Neighsay strangled the guards outside his cell into unconsciousness and got out. However, the alarm went off as soon as he took the shackle off of his horn. He managed to grab his weapons and disappear before being seen by Royal Guards.

"THAT PESKY TWILIGHT IS GOING TO PAY THE PRICE NOW!!", he said to himself as he geared up.

He swooped down on Twilight's school at high noon. He opened fire, critically injuring Twilight, Starlight, Gallus, Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder, and Yona. All of them were sent to the hospital, and the school ended up in worse condition than his first attempt.

Rainbow Dash sent out a distress signal to alert the Christians.


They arrived at once. Link yelled at Neighsay to stop, but he did not listen. Brandon shot Neighsay with his phaser, knocking him out, and whipped him again. Pain was worse this time, because he stll had ulcers from the first time. He screamed in agony this time, and passed out again from the severe pain. He was sent to court again, but Celestia was angrier this time because he had put her to the test.