//------------------------------// // Crystal // Story: Empress Dragon // by Mystic Sunrise //------------------------------// Crystal wasn't sure why Amber had brought her all the way out here to the very edge of Ponyville, and just the two of them as well. But it must have been important since she was smiling in a way that would make Pinkie Pie proud. "So why are out here again?" She asked. Amber giggled. "I just wanted to show you something that we can all do. Plus it's easier to do out here." She rolled her eyes. "Less fuss." Crystal just gave her a flat look. "And we couldn't do this with the others why?" Amber's smirk was unapologetic as she threw a hoof around her shoulders. "Because it's more fun this way duh. Plus this was going to come up anyway so I'm saving us all a headache by teaching you myself." Crystal giggled. It was nice to see Amber lighten up for once. "Okay, so what is it?" Amber grinned. "Time to try out your Dragon Form. Remember what we talked about when we first got back to Ponyville?" Crystal nodded. "That's what we meant." Crystal was still lost. "How does that even work? What do I do?" "Just concentrate on that feeling of change. It'll do the rest." Amber explained, hugging her close before stepping back and giving her plenty of room. Crystal was still lost, but she trusted her to know what she was talking about. She had been doing this for much longer than she had. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on what Amber had told her. For a moment nothing happened, and she wondered if she was doing it wrong. And then she felt it. She called out to something and now waited for a response. One that would get her going on this path. *** Blaze couldn't remember being this excited in a long time, even if by dragon standards he was still young. Though it was hard to tell in this place. He had been excited when some of his friends had been called and had left to join their own Exarch, but it had also left him sad and hoping his own would soon come. The fact that he was only one of a few males among the countless that lived here only added to it. Not that the girls ever held it against him. Most of his friends were girls as it was. Nut now he too had heard the call, the siren song he couldn't resist, or did he want to. It was something they all wanted and in time all would hear it. Joining with their Exarch, giving into their soulmate's control. It was an intoxicating thought and Blaze couldn't wait to get started. As he flew through the Gulf of space he briefly wondered what his would be like, but quickly dropped the thought. It did him no good to think about it. Soon he saw her soul light ahead of him. He smiled as he sped up and soon her shape came into better focus. He was surprised at her age. She didn't look much older than a filly. But that wasn't too surprising, for She was known for picking ones who were young for her Exarchs. No one really knew why, but it had always been that way it seemed. But it did make him slow down as he latched onto her. It felt even better than he had thought as their soul bond rammed home. Knowing she was smiling as well, Blaze grinned goofily as his form began to merge into her own. *** Crystal felt her body shake as something latched onto her, even as she began to grow. It was an amazing feeling that she never wanted to stop. But soon it did. With a vengeance. Crystal felt her head jolt back and forth as the changes ended and her mane fell into her eyes. "Ow." She grumbled. "Watch that first step, it's a doozy!" Amber called out, snickering. But why did she sound so far away? "You can look now, Crystal. Your new friend wants to meet you." Crystal finally opened her eyes, and let out a delighted squeak at what she saw. Her filly head was emerging right above a massive red dragon snout, her head coming out right between the eyes. Which, even as she watched, opened and looked up at her, their color turning the same purple as her own. There was love in them, the kind shared between two lovers. Crystal felt the same for him as well. With a start, she realized what that meant. She was sharing a body with a male dragon, and something more too. They were soulmates, two minds sharing one body, But Crystal felt she had full control over it. He didn't fight her as she looked around and he followed with her. As they did, she felt something building in her throat. Crystal smiled wider as did her dragon. It was her breath weapon and not only that, but she felt it in her filly throat as well. Not as powerful as her mate's, but still potent. Crystal watched as Amber flew up and landed on her snout. She felt it like it was her pony one. Weird, but maybe this was normal. Amber smiled as she trotted up to where Crystal's filly head emerged from her mate, but not to close. "So how does it feel the first time? It's a rush isn't it?" Crystal giggled. "I'll say. You mean we can all do this?" Amber's smile grew. "Oh yeah. Guess the only difference is colors and breath weapons. I know mine's different." She said, tapping Crystal's snout. She watched as the dragon's eyes narrowed. She knew she was taking a huge risk being this close to Crystal when she was in this form. Unless she attacked her directly though he wouldn't hurt her. If for some stupid reason she did, then all bets were off. Amber remembered well when it had happened to her so long ago. It was something she had been trying to forget for just as long. She'd lost count of how many times she had cried herself to sleep remembering what she'd done. Crystal must've seen something in her face because her expression became worried. "What's wrong?" Amber shook her head. "Sorry, bad memories." Crystal didn't push it. Something told her she didn't want to know as she settled her filly head back on her dragon's. "So what now then?" Amber tapped her chin. "Flying I can help you with and walking is the same as being a pony." She smiled. "Let's try breath weapons." Crystal snorted and was shocked when flame came out of her pony nostrils, but it didn't burn at all. Amber chuckled. "Guess that answers that. Looks like you got fire." Crystal tilted her head. "So what do you have?" Amber shrugged. "Chlorine gas. Not as fun to watch, but it's saved my flank a few times. Pony or otherwise." Crystal and her mate shared a look. "What does that mean?" She asked. Amber's grin would've made Pinkie Pie proud. "Give it time and you'll be breathing fire as a pony too. You won't always need to be like this to do it." Spreading her wings, she took off and floated off to the side. *** Amber bit her lip. She was taking a big risk in showing Crystal this. Not to either of them of course for they could take far worse, nor for herself since it wouldn't affect her at all, but it was what it might do to Equestria's wildlife and flora. Chlorine was dangerous as it was and she didn't know what effect it could have on it. New as she was to the new Equus, she still loved it. In the back of her mind though, she felt Blister stir. Her own dragon was old by their standards, yet she still had the fun-loving personality she'd had when she had been younger. "Oh, let it out. You haven't in a while. Time to get back in the groove. Besides, it will only hurt anything if you want it too." Amber giggled. She had a point, as usual, so she stopped worrying and let her gas sacks fill up. Like her dragon, she had special pouches in her mouth and throat where the Chlorine was produced. When she was sure they were full, she breathed out just like normal. It was a rather pleasant feeling too, though she felt her parts of her throat seal off to make sure she didn't get it where she didn't want it. After a moment she stopped and the glands fell dormant once more as she smiled. "See, nothing to it." *** Crystal though wished she could plug her nose. The smell was unpleasant, to say the least. As it was she could only wrinkle it seeing as she didn't have hooves at the moment. Her dragon didn't like it either as he wrinkled his snout. Add that to the list of things to ask about, but for now, she had another. "If we can all do this, can I see yours?" She asked, putting on her best pout face to add to the effect. Amber snickered. Crystal giving her the puppy dog eyes while in her Dragon Form was just too cute for words. Now she knew how the others had felt when she did the same. "Alright, alright, I'll show you mine." She said as she floated over and wrapped a hoof around Crystal's head. "Fair is fair I guess." Ruffling her mane, she took off and gave herself plenty of space and stretched for all it was worth. "Been awhile since I've done this. Time to get back in the groove." She said as she closed her eyes and began to glow. Crystal watched as Amber's size grew larger and larger, soon even bigger than herself and took on a familiar shape. After a moment the glow ended and Amber's new form was revealed. Opening her eyes, Amber shared a loving look with her dragon as together they stretched their wings for all they were worth. "Oh yeah. Feels good to do this again." Aside from her color and height, Crystal could see that the two of them basically looked the same. Maybe. It was hard to tell since she couldn't see much of her body like this. "Now what?" She asked. Amber threw a leg around her shoulders. "Let's try walking. Flying can come later. Just, do it as you do as a pony." Crystal was lost. How did that even work? She was a dragon, not a pony at the moment. Kind of. It was confusing. "Come on Crystal. I know you can do it." The new voice surprised her until she realized that it was her dragon talking to her in her mind as he looked up at her. There was acceptance in that look. He wanted her to take them for a spin. He sounded so young too. About her own age, maybe even younger. Or whatever that meant for dragons at least. But that could wait as she tried to take a step like normal. To her surprise, it worked and one foot took a step forward, followed soon by the rest. Amber smiled as she watched Crystal take a lap around the clearing. She was doing this better than she had the first time that was for sure. Fewer face plants. "See. It wasn't that hard now was it?" Crystal nodded. "Yeah. So now what?" "Now you two are in trouble." Came a voice they both recognized and cringed at as Cosmos appeared between them in a flash of teleportation. With a sigh, she gave them both a pointed look. "Just couldn't wait till we could all do this together couldn't you?" Amber was unapologetic. "Hey, it's not my fault Crystal was so interested in this now and not later." Crystal looked sheepish as Cosmos gave her a look. Blaze just glared at her. She only sighed. "Fine. Just be glad you didn't do this in Ponyville, or something had happened to you." Crystal felt there was something she wasn't being told about that but held it in for now. "So now what? Are we in trouble?" Cosmos nodded. "Very, but since you four are too cute to be legal in any universe, I won't do anything." She grinned in a mischievous way as she looked at Amber. "Except the punishment for doing this without the rest of us." Amber and Blister both paled in horror. "You wouldn't." She pleaded. Cosmos clapped her hooves together. "Oh yes, I would. I'm going to share the story of how your first time like this went." Amber wanted to hide behind her mane in shame while Crystal looked interested as she sat down and waited to hear this. Cosmos got a faraway look in her eyes as she began "This started a few weeks after our first rebirth and Tirek's defeat at Midnight Castle."