Through the Stars: Bonding is Magic

by Prismfire Productions

Harmony's strong

Cloudsdale was known by many, and was relied upon by all. No city, not even the majestic Canterlot, held the pull in Equestria that the infamous City in the Clouds did. The Equestrian Weather Patrol, which helped to steer and direct every weather event from thunderstorms, to snow, to even the spring and fall breezes, was based in the city and got their work through the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation.

Even with the ever-imposing status the city held, to the residents who lived there it was home. Cloudsdale Comfort made furniture for pegasi living in places like Manehatten and Baltimare, and also boasted the claim of making replicas of Rainbow Dash's dream cloud with her getting a small percentage of the profits. As beautiful as the city was during the day, it was only when the sun set that its true glory showed.

Bathed in the light of Luna’s moon, the city sparkled in a nighttime array of color. Being higher up off the ground, all moisture that was nearby sunk to the surface of the cloud houses and streets, twinkling like miniature disco balls and allowing a faint visage of color to dance house to house. Tonight, however, Cloudsdale Coliseum took center stage.

It was opening night for the next season of Wonderbolt shows, and with the Coliseum packed it left the city looking like a ghost town. The Coliseum, which had a capacity for just over 1000 pegasi, was sold out and had to rely on a team of unicorns and Earth Ponies using cloudwalker spells to provide extra security. Amongst the sea of pegasi showgoers, a pair of unicorns stood out like Celestia at a cake convention.

“I am so glad you were able to get us these tickets Rainbow,” Twilight said, giving Rainbow a hug before leaning on the unicorn stallion next to her and pecking his cheek. “I haven't had the chance to come to a true Wonderbolt show before, and am thankful that I could come along.”

“Yeah Dash, this means a lot,” The stallion, Shooting Star, said before giving the prismatic mare a smile. “With you girls constantly saving Equestria, it is nice to just have one night where we can kick back our hooves and relax. It has been a while since me and my dear Twilight have had the chance to do so, but I think Scoots is the one enjoying this the most.”

“I'm just glad I didn't waste a ticket on you Star,” Rainbow said, smiling at the couple as Star looked down at the cloud that he was sitting in mixed embarrassment and shame. “It took a lot of courage to come along, especially with your fear of heights. That is something a lot of ponies have so you don't have to feel bad about it either.”

“Didn't want to disappoint my marefriend and foster daughter.” Star said, managing to look Rainbow in the eyes with a small smile tucked at the corners of his muzzle. “Still, I think you having a ticket for Scoots, plus how excited she was about it, was the dealbreaker for me.”

“She is my number one fan,” Rainbow chuckled, looking at the filly coming back with more food and drinks than one would think possible with her underdeveloped wings. Being the special occasion that it was, she was wearing her Cutie Mark Crusader cape to celebrate and, to multiple ponies’ horror, show off a bit that she was a member of the most destructive club in Equestria. “Besides, I'm her idol, and it was only fair that I get a ticket for her since you're her foster parent Star.”

“Very true Dash,” Shooting Star replied, a bit of softness in his tone before looking down at Twilight. “Perhaps, sometime in the future, I will be something more to her…”

“Shooting, you mean-” Twilight’s eyes glistened as her coltfriend nuzzled her, sending off an explosive torrent of pure joy through her form.

Images flashed in her mind of the first few meetings, and the awkwardness involved, and how so much had changed. A pony that had at one point been a complete stranger, but with caring eyes, he was now by her side and they deeply loved each other. She wanted to say so much, how much she cared for him, but before anything else could be said Scootaloo finally made her way back to where they were sitting.

“I got everything!” Scootaloo said, a prideful smile on her face as she passed out the food and beverages. “I got Star his nachos and Heyo Cola, Twi her corn dog with extra butter and chamomile tea, Rainbow her hayburger with fries and Pegaaide, and a nice juicy slice of pineapple pizza for me.”

“Pineapple does not go on pizza, ” Twilight said, talking between bites of her steamy corndog on a stick, not caring about the liquid butter seeping into her coat. “There are numerous scientific studies that have been published saying why that is not a favorable combination.”

“Can you please dial back on the egghead stuff for once Twi?” Rainbow said, noticing Scootaloo's hurt in her eyes. “It is no different than you needing extra butter on that corn, there are studies showing how that is bad for your heart, so don't call the kettle black and leave her meal choice alone.”

“Since when did you read scientific journals?” Star said, raising an eyebrow at the cyan mare. “I know you love Daring Do from how often you check those books out, but still…”

“That's all they have in the hospital, ” Rainbow shrugged, taking a slow bite out of her burger. “Which is why I now get my hayburgers plain, and started exercising more in the mornings instead of napping late. I’m an athlete, and dream of being a future Wonderbolt, so I got to keep my body in the best shape possible.”

Both Star and Twilight had no response, and before one could be formed, fanfare erupted over the speakers.

“Stallions and mares, fillies and colts, ” The announcer began, bringing the crowd to a hush. “Welcome to the opening night of this year's Wonderbolt season! Now, give a warm stomping applause to the best team in Equestria!”

The Wonderbolts themselves, led by Spitfire, soared down from overhead and landed in the middle of the arena. The air was soon filled with the thunderous sound of clapping hooves, with a few younger ponies even bouncing in their seats, as they greeted their heroes.

“Before we begin,” The announcer’s voice once again acted as a dampener, everypony listening to his instructions. “We have a special treat that we are starting this year. Everypony knows of the Junior Bolts, those who have passed the requirements to start their reserve training, and for the first time ever they will be opening the show!”

A wave of applause went off again as the fillies and colts, no older than Scootaloo, made their way out where the Wonderbolts were standing. Each was wearing uniforms that were similar to the Wonderbolts, but with the colors inverted, and everypony could tell that they were nervous.

Rainbow smiled fondly at them, remembering the days when Derpy and herself were ‘Best Fliers’ until Derpy's unfortunate accident during her entrance test. That day haunted Rainbow for a long time, but it was Derpy who told her to get over the fear and follow her dream.

“They'll be alright once the nervousness wears off,” Rainbow said, causing her companions to look at her. “This is their big moment, they won’t let it go to waste once they adjust, I just know it.”

“I don't know Rainbow,” Twilight said, looking down on the Junior Bolts with a look of suspicion. “Something doesn't seem right about them, notice how they keep glancing from the crowd to each other? If they were truly nervous, they wouldn't be looking at the crowd as much as they are.”

No sooner than those words left Twilight's mouth, everything went straight to Tartarus gift wrapped in a hoof basket with a fancy red bow. A flash of green fire burned around the Junior Bolts forms, and the whole crowd panicked as the changelings that had just dropped their disguises made a beeline for the stands.

“Changelings!” Twilight said, her shout barely able to be heard by Star, Scootaloo, and Rainbow over the massive screams. “Rainbow, we take care of the bugs, Star go get Scootaloo to safety. Once everypony is calmed down and the situation dealt with, we'll regroup at the library.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Rainbow smirked, flaring her wings in a takeoff stance. “What about you Star?”

“Yeah it does,” Star said, preparing a teleport spell. “Ready to head home Scootaloo?”

“Scootaloo?” Twilight's tone was soft, looking where the orange coated filly was just standing as they dodged onrushing ponies trying their best to flee out the exits. To their horror, Scootaloo was nowhere to be found, and with how fast the crowd was moving there was no way to track her by sight.”

“Oh buck,” Star said, a look of sheer terror forming as he started to frantically call for his foster daughter, giving up after several minutes. “Twilight, think you can take them out by yourself? I'm going to need Rainbow to help me search, she knows Cloudsdale and what areas Scootaloo is most likely to be in.”

“I think I can,” Twilight said, but quickly shoved Star and Rainbow out the way as a changeling crashed into where they had just been standing.

“Take that you reject!” A voice, belonging to Spitfire, said as the Wonderbolt commander landed a few feet from the group. “Mind giving us a hoof Twilight? The security guards are busy trying to make sure nopony gets stampeded out the exits so we need somepony to keep these changelings in place until backup arrives.”

“We were just discussing that Spitfire,” Twilight said, looking to her boyfriend and Rainbow. “You two go on ahead, I will help things out here.”

“We'll find her Twilight,” Star said, nuzzling her neck. “Don't you worry about that.”

“I know you will,” Twilight tilted her head and gave Star a kiss, turning her body to trot off. “Now go get her.”


Fear was the only thing running through Scootaloo's mind, pure adrenaline pumping through her veins in a desperate attempt to escape her pursuer. Step by step, strife by stride, she could feel the cloaked stallion's breath closing in on her, trying to strangle her like a boa constrictor, but she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Not being able to fly was a disadvantage, but what she lacked in wingpower she more than made up in agility and stamina, a life spent on the ground building her reserves like that of a young Earth Pony. Cutting corners with ease, she tried time and time again to lose her pursuer, but he continued to follow.

”There must be somewhere I can hide…” Scootaloo thought to herself, aimlessly darting shadow to shadow as she tried to catch her breath. ”Somewhere he wouldn't dare go…”

It was then a moment of inspiration struck. Remembering lessons that Rainbow had taught her during visits, she recalled her idol telling her what areas were same for fillies and what areas weren't.

“If nothing else, remember this warning most of all Squirt.” Rainbow had told her as they made their way along Hurricane Boulevard and towards the area of town that had a popular ice cream shop. “Never, under any circumstances, go into the sublayer. Not many who went down there came back up if you catch my drift.”

”The sublayer!” Scootaloo’s brain was practically dancing with joy as a smirk formed on her face. “That's where I will lose him for good!”

Taking off in a full gallop, right between the stallion's legs nonetheless, Scootaloo made a mad dash for her destination. The brief lead she had, courtesy of the stallion falling in a reaction to her speeding by, proved to be the difference. Skidding to a stop in front of the alley she knew that, under any other circumstances, she would never approach, Fate made up her mind. Not noticing one of her feathers come loose and silently drift to the cloud top she was standing on, another rush of adrenaline filled her core seeing that the stallion had recovered and was quickly gaining on her.

The sense of direction fled from Scootaloo like a Windigo fleeing from the Crystal Heart. Not paying attention to her surroundings, she charged forward and pressed on, descending down a flight of stairs and dodging multiple ponies as she ducked between vendors that had been set up.

”I hope that he doesn't find me here…”. Scootaloo thought, her reserves finally emptied and struggling to catch her breath as she hid behind a spice rack. ”I’m not sure how much longer I can go…”

“Can I help you filly?” A voice, which Scootaloo recognized belonged to a mare, said from behind her and nearly exposed her hiding spot. “Young ponies your age have no business being down here unless they have a serious reason to be.”

“Can you please keep it down?” Scootaloo said, her harsh whisper causing the mare to recoil. Peeking out her hiding spot, she could see the stallion that had been chasing after her heading towards the spot where she was at, and her nerves once again became unsettled. “The stallion heading this way has been chasing after me since the changelings attacked the Wonderbolt show. Please help me miss, I'll do anything to keep him from getting me.”

“Anything huh?” There was a slight gleam in the mare’s eyes, one that Scootaloo didn't like, as she spoke. “Tell you what, since I'm a tradespony, I will hide you in exchange for that cape of yours. Do you agree to that trade?”

“Yes I do,” Scootaloo said, quickly handing her most cherished possession over to the mysterious mare. “Now, got a place to hide me?”

“In the back, come quickly.” The mare said, leading Scootaloo into the back of the makeshift stand that held extra spices that were not on display. “Cover your mane and tail with paprika and stay silent.”

Scootaloo did as she was told, the mare helping by dumping several large sacks of paprika on the filly, leaving her practically invisible in the dim light. Satisfied with the work, and leaving the cape hidden in the back room as an extra precaution, the mare returned to the front just as the cloaked stallion approached her.

“Greetings ma'am,” The stallion, using a heavy Trottingham accent, said as he bowed in courtesy. “I am sorry to bother you, but my rascal of a daughter got separated from me and her mother while we were shopping a few stations over. Have you seen her by chance? She has an orange coat, purple mane and tail, and was wearing a came that her friends made for her.”

“A filly you say?” The mare mused in false thought, already suspecting that the stallion was up to no good. “I haven't seen a filly not a colt in a few weeks, but if I find her I will make sure to let you know.”

“Thank you, ma'am,” The stallion said, looking around the spice shop. “Although while I'm here, do you mind if I take a look around? My wife worked in some of the finest restaurants in Trottingham before being sentenced here, and is always looking for more exotic flavors that I might enjoy.”

”Smart ling…” The mare thought to herself, putting on a smile as she held up a vial of fine silver powder. “Certainly! Seeing as I accept trade like the rest of the vendors, what do you have in exchange for some spices? I have some ground Moonbeam Lily seeds, which are extremely rare, but are more than worth the price.”

“Sounds delightful,” The stallion said, taking a quick glance in the back of the store and, not finding what he was looking for, shook his head slightly. “And sorry, was just making sure my daughter didn't slip past you somehow and was hiding. Now, about the price…”

“Ten pounds of chocolate, a peacock quill, and an inkwell.” The mare said, and despite not seeing the stallion's face she could tell he flinched. “I'm pregnant and have spent all morning cleaning so I'm hungry, and I wish to write my sister in Canterlot a letter. I got paper, but no quill and ink, so that’s why those two items are included.”

The stallion fidgeted in place as he reached towards a saddle bag-shaped bulge under his cloak. A tell-tale light green glow penetrate the darkness within, and the mare knew her suspicion had been confirmed and the filly was telling the truth.

“You are in luck since the baker we stopped at had extra,” The stallion said, handing over the requested items as he received the vial. “Do you have any suggestions for what kind of dish this would go well with? And thanks again, I'm just worried about my daughter's safety considering some of the types down here.”

“It is no problem at all really,” The mare said, putting her traded items on her small, makeshift writing desk made of a few old cartons and a sanded piece of mahogany. “As for the dish, I suggest a good Neighponese miso soup with a finely aged white wine. Throw in the spice, and it will highlight each flavor like you never thought possible. Now, while I get ready to eat, I think you should return to your wife.”

“I should, shouldn't I.” The stallion knew when he had overstayed his welcome, at that time had come. “Anyway, congrats on your pregnancy and may it go smoothly, know what gender it is yet?”

“Too early to tell,” The mare fondly smiled, then it left just as quick as it came. “The doctor said it looks it is underdeveloped a little, but he is hopeful the next ultrasound will answer a lot of questions.”

“Sorry to hear that,” The stallion said, moving back towards the entrance as he talked over his shoulder. “Hope all goes well and have a good day.”

“You as well sir and hope you find your daughter soon.” The mare said, waving as the stallion trotted off, and as soon as the visitor was out of sight she made her way back to where Scootaloo was hiding. “He's gone, I think that you don't have to worry about him coming back around anytime soon.”

“Thank you so much,” Scootaloo said, a tremble in her tone as she remained curled up in her hiding spot. “But I do have a question, if it was a changeling, how come he didn't feel my fear when he peaked back here?”

“You honestly think that was my first encounter with a changeling?” The mare's tone had taken a serious edge to it, laced with enough bitterness that Queen Chrysalis herself would have fled back to her hive. “It took some time, but I found one critical weakness that changelings have that everypony could potentially use. Heavy doses of paprika act the same way that pepper does to a bloodhound, in other words, it blocks their ability to detect emotions.”

“How did you manage to find that out?” Scootaloo asked, the mare intriguing her more and more. “And if it won't be an issue, can I hide here for a little bit?”

“I suppose you could,” The mare said, flicking her mane as she picked up the traded cape. “That was a changeling, by the way, saw the green glow under his cloak as he got the items I requested for a trade we did. As for how, my hometown was invaded a few years ago. My mother hid me and my sister in the pantry in the sacks of paprika we bought at the market the day before, and managed to keep the changelings preoccupied. Unfortunately, they took her away and we never saw her again, and had to move to Canterlot with our dad; however, the paprika kept them from finding us, and it is a trick that both of us are thankful for.”

“Sorry to hear about your mom,” Scootaloo said, getting up and giving the mare a tight hug. “Now if you don't care, I'm going to take a nap here until my sister and foster dad come along, I'm sure they must be worried.”

“I bet they are, and enjoy your nap.” The mare said, but stopped in her tracks blushing when Scootaloo asked one last question.

“Is it true that you’re pregnant?”



“Where are you daughter?!”

It had been several hours since the Wonderbolt show had been attacked by changelings, and Scootaloo was still nowhere to be found. Every shop, every street, everypony who was in attendance, had all led to a dead end.

“I'm getting worried Rainbow,” Star said, looking up at Luna’s moon. “It is already close to midnight, and knowing Twilight, she is at the stage where she is finding things to try and keep herself calm.”

“Yeah, I know that Star,” Rainbow said, sighing in disappointment as the two of them started to circle back towards the Coliseum. “I’m getting worried too. Scootaloo is just a filly, and with her wings still not fully developed she can't fly at all. I see her as a sister, so I would be lying if I said I was completely calm.”

“We have to stay calm,” Star said, stopping in place as he looked towards an alleyway. “Otherwise we miss out on obvious clues…”

Confused at the statement, Rainbow opened her mouth to retort but stopped when she saw what Shooting Star was looking at. On the sidewalk, near the passage to the Cloudsdale sublayer, was a molted orange feather.

“Uh oh,” Rainbow and Star gulped, galloping over to the feather as Rainbow examined it under a street light. “This is definitely Scoots’, the question now is where did she go?”

“I have an idea, but I hope to Celestia I'm wrong,” Star said, pointing a hoof in the direction of the sublayer entrance. “Especially a filly who can't fly away going into a place like that.”

“You're telling me,” Rainbow gulped, the pair moving in unison down the alley towards the ominous door. “Now come on, let's hurry up and get this over with, the sooner we leave the better.”

Rainbow and Star reached the foreboding door, mentally preparing themselves for anything they might face. The door itself, while ordinary looking, was in an alley near the center of the city to be kept away from visitor's eyes, and housed some of the most dangerous pegasi alive. Wards had been put in place when the sublayer was first built by Princess Celestia after the unification of the tribes, and connected with magic hoof bands that gave any attempting to escape a strong enough shock to knock the criminal unconscious.

The wards also helped to keep the prisoners at bay by making the clouds that surrounded the sublayer unable to be worked by pegasi magic. The citizens on the surface knew better than to come at night or alone, because not many who tried were seen from again, and the few who did manage to escape had to be committed due to lashing out at the very mention of the sublayer. Normally, the wards themselves would be enough to have no extra defenses, but there were two batpony guards stationed on either side of the door.

“Halt!” The guard on the left, a mare, said as she pointed her spear at Rainbow and Star. “What business do you have that requires entry into the sublayer?”

“Get a grip, Gentle Fang, do you not recognize who this mare is?” The other guard, a stallion, said as Gentle lowered her spear in shame. “I apologize for my partner’s bluntness, but with the attack, everypony is on high alert.”

“No kidding,” Star muttered, looking at the two guards with a little annoyance. “You two haven't seen a filly run by here, have you? Scootaloo got separated from us and we can't find her. The only clue so far is one of her feathers that we found at the entrance to the alley.”

“If she went down there then there is a good chance she's in danger.” Gentle said, opening the door fast enough that the hinges squeaked. “We didn't see her ourselves, only a clocked stallion coming up from there that was visiting his aunt. The wards didn't alarm do we let him go, but warned him to be on the lookout for any change kings that could be hiding.”

Upon reaching the bottom of the cold, damp stairway, the space opened up to the community of crooks, which was sectioned off by building colors. Modeled after the bazaars of Saddle Arabia, the intertwining area felt like one of Discord's infamous mazes, and after nearly an hour they had gotten lost.

“Ugh, we've passed this fish vendor five times already.” Rainbow grumbled, the vendor in question paying the Element of Loyalty no mind after she had rejected his sales pitch. “I can't fly because of the enchanted runes, but think that you can teleport?”

“No, I can't,” Star said, his worry clearly growing. “I’m barely able to channel enough magic to bypass the runes so I don't plummet toy demise, a teleport would kill my cloudwalking spell so I'm not going to try. We just have to keep searching, and in a place like this we should stick together.”

“I think we should split up,” Rainbow said, holding her hoof up so she could explain herself. “It won't be for long, just long enough that we both make a small lap around here. We both count our steps, and meet back here after completing the square to finish the lap.”

“We're roughly the same size, so we will cover the same distance.” Star said, earning a nod from Rainbow. “You go left and I, right? Also, we need to decide how many steps to take per side of the square.”

“I was thinking fifty,” Rainbow said, looking to her left. “And yeah, that sounds like a good idea, we'll meet back up here afterward. Good luck Star.”

“You as well Rainbow,” Star sighed, mentally counting his steps as he and Rainbow separated. “You as well…”

Another round of walking, and finally giving in to the vendor to get some salmon, later, they made their way back to the central square. They had seen several fights, one which required the victim to get rushed to the ER on the surface, but there was still no sign of Scootaloo. All efforts to try and get information had either ended with the criminal refusing to talk, try and bribe, or required services that were not appropriate around minors to be done. Rejecting all of them, they ran into a bit of luck when they spotted Scootaloo's CMC cape hanging in a trader's window.

“Let's see if this pony knows anything,” Rainbow said, her and Star entering the shop, and as soon as they entered their noses were assaulted by a variety of spices. Cinnamon, mint, and every nice spice imaginable combined in a fragrant buffet that brought images of a seasoned feast to the two ponies minds as the trader made her way out the back.

“Welcome to my stall,” A mare with a coat identical to Rainbow's and a mane and tail that matched Scootaloo's, said as she trotted out the back room. “I must ask, seeing as you are an Element of Harmony, what did you do to end up in this despicable cesspool?”

“I was looking for my sister,” Rainbow said, pointing a hoof at the lost filly's cape. “Who just so happens to be the owner of that cape that is hanging up. Care to tell me where she is?”

“First of all, it’s now my cape since she traded it in exchange for me hiding her from the stallion that was after her.” The mare said, eyeing Rainbow like a cat eyeing tuna. “Although, if you want to know where she is currently, I can tell you if you give me something in return.”

“Look, we really don't have time for these kinds of games.” Star said, getting in the mare's muzzle and looking her in the eyes. “We have been searching all night of her, and since she is my foster daughter, I am very concerned for her well being. Rainbow and I have been all over this place for hours now, and Scootaloo's cape is the first hint we’ve seen down here of her since the changelings attacked. So, please, can you tell us where she is?”

“Changelings…” The pure venom in the mare's tone caused both Rainbow and Star to flinch, the mare's emerald eyes burning with a crimson fire. “Those bucking bugs are why I am down here in the first place, and they can all go on a one way trip to Tartarus! Fine, consider this free since the filly’s story matches yours, wait here for a moment please.”

The mare once again returned to the back of the shop, before emerging a few minutes later with Scootaloo. Scootaloo, to her credit, was caked in paprika and shaking like a twig during the Running of the Leaves.

“Scootaloo!” Star said, scooping the filly up in his forehooves and holding her close to his chest. “What in the world happened? Rainbow and I have been looking everywhere for you, and Twilight was getting nervous before she sent us off.”

“Some large cloaked pegasus went after me,” Scootaloo said, finally calming down as she nuzzled Star's chest. “I couldn't tell what they looked like, but I have a feeling that it had to be a changeling trying to capture me. I got scared, and that is what led me down here, but the pegasus continued to follow. Then, I ducked in here, and when this mare asked for my cape to hide me I didn’t think twice and did it.”

“All that matters is that you are safe,” Rainbow said, giving Scootaloo a hug of her own before looking at the mysterious mare. “Is there any way we can repay you, Miss…”

“Dasher, Cloud Dasher.” The mare said, reaching out her hoof. “All I ask is that you see to it the Cumulo Council of Cloudsdale hears my case. Filthy changelings disguised as me when I was visiting my sister in Canterlot and caused a lot of damage to a few of the Wonderbolt buildings. Despite my alibi, and my sister confirming it was true, they still threw me down here for the next three years.”

“That's harsh,” Star grimaced. “Then again, I've heard about their reputation for being more over-reactive than even Ponyville citizens. We will make sure your case is heard, it is the least we can do for keeping my little filly safe.”

“Thank you so much,” Cloud said, smiling at the trio. “Now, if you'll excuse me I will leave you al-”

“Hang on one second,” Rainbow said, a groan coming from Scootaloo as she facehoofed and clearly wanted to leave. “What's the trade for getting her cape back?”

“A strand of each hue from your mane and tail, and a primary feather from each wing,” Cloud said, smirking as Rainbow's jaw dropped. “What? I can get a bunch of stuff that I need from those things, considering how famous you are. That is, of course, if you don't mind.”

“Normally I would object,” Rainbow sighed, looking at Scootaloo before facing Cloud again. “But since you kept her safe, and she is not captured or injured, we have a deal.”

A quick clip and a preen later, Star, Rainbow, and Scootaloo were making progress in trying to make it back to the surface. Using familiar booths as landmarks, it was easier to make their way back to the market center, and quickly located the stairs.

“I'm so glad this little adventure is over with,” Rainbow said, a yawn escaping past her lips as the trio returned to the surface and passed the two guards, who smiled at them before returning to their neutral guard pose. “I think I could sleep for a few days straight with how exhausted I am.”

“Same here,” Star said, his gait slowed to a slow trot as he leaned on Rainbow to keep his head up as Scootaloo happily moving beside them. “So Scoots, tell me how Miss Dasher managed to hide you from a changeling, you had to be pretty scared during the whole order
all, so how did it not find you?”

“She kept him distracted long enough to have him leave.” Scootaloo wanted to take off in a full gallop at seeing the Coliseum, but considering how her night had gone she stuck close to Star’s side. “As for exactly how, I gave her a Pinkie Promise that I wouldn't tell a soul. Can we just forget about everything and go home? I'm ready to be tucked into my safe, soft bed and Luna banish whatever nightmares that will come.”

“We have to rejoin with Twilight first,” Star said, smiling as he saw his marefriend exiting out of the stadium. Her frazzled mane and sagging eyes showed just how exhausted she was, but spotting Scootaloo reignited a bit of life to her as she galloped towards them. “Speaking of, here she comes Scoots.”

“I'm so happy that you are safe,” Twilight snagged Scootaloo with her magic and gave her a hug like the one that Star had done, but Scootaloo could feel a gentle layer of added protection that Star did not possess. “How about I teleport us home and you tell me everything that happened in the morning? After the night you had, I'm going to let you sleep in as long as you want.”

“Thank you Twilight,” Scootaloo said, the energy from her earlier nap long burned off and the Sandmare giving her a double dose of sleep dust. “I just want to go home to our lovely tree, there is no place like it.”

“I agree on that,” Star said, looking back to a near-asleep Rainbow and softly chuckled. “Thanks for all your help Rainbow, is there any way we can repay you for all your help?”

“Let me sleep,” Rainbow grumbled, her exhaustion getting the best of her and making it seem like she had an attitude. “I'm going to go land on my favorite dream cloud, go to my favorite napping spot in Sweet Apple Acres, and pass out. I want nopony, not Applejack, not you, and not even Princess Celestia herself, to wake me up unless it is an absolute emergency. Got it?”

“Calm down Rainbow,” Twilight said, preparing a teleport spell for Star, Scootaloo, and herself to go back to Golden Oaks Library. “Rest well, and we will see you after we all recover.”

Teleporting home, the sight of the library had never been a more welcoming sight for Scootaloo, and a sense of security for Twilight and Star. Upon entering their humble abode, they found Spike comfortably asleep on the couch that was in the study, and due to being so late they decided to leave him alone. Heading upstairs, Twilight went to her and Star's room to prepare their bed, while Star led Scootaloo to tuck her in for the night.

“Everything turned out ok Scootaloo, you're home now,” Star said, pulling the covers up and over Scootaloo as he nuzzled her cheek. "Although, I think it will be a good idea for you to stay home the next few days as a safety precaution. You can still have Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle come over for a visit, but I don't want you leaving the library."

"That won't be an issue," Scootaloo said, her voice a tired whisper as she rapidly approached the dreamrealm. "And thank you so much for caring for me, love you dad."

"Love you too Scootaloo." Star knew that his adopted daughter didn't hear him, evident by the ebb and flow of her snoring in rhythm with her soft breathing. Filled with a new sense of pride, Star gave Scootaloo one last kiss goodnight before heading to bed himself, dreaming of being a family with Twilight and Scootaloo, a dream of perfect harmony.