//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Miranda, the Human // by Kaity-Kat //------------------------------// The door creaked open, and I looked inside. I was about to call out for somepony when a voice said “It took you long enough” I looked down and there by the door stood a little purple and green dragon no bigger than a small filly. “I mean” he continued “you only stood out there for about an eternity.” I blushed “I’m sorry, I ju-“ I started He laughed “it’s okay.” He comforted “I know the castle can look scary, at first, but we don’t bite, I promise.” I looked at the cheerful little creature. “You must be Spike?” I offered, only knowing the name from hearsay. “The one and only.” He proudly proclaimed “May I request an audience with the princess?” I asked “Oh, my” chuckled a new voice “that’s quite unnecessary.” behind Spike came a purple mare carrying a large book in her magic. She had a horn, but she wasn’t a unicorn like me. On her sides were the proof. Wings. She was an alicorn. The princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. She walked up to the door to see me. “Oh, Twilight” Spike started “did you already finish studying?” He queried “No, I heard you talking to somepony, and decided to come see who it was.” She explained I bowed low “I’m so sorry to interrupt, your highness. I-“ I began to apologize “Please” she implored “it’s quite alright. You don’t need to be so formal.” She smiled “What you got there?” Spike questioned referring to my still wrapped bow I was carrying, bringing my attention back to the matter at hoof. “Oh, Celestia, of course.” I exhaled “There’s a reason I’m here. I need help, and I fear you’re the only pony qualified.” “Why is that?” Twilight puzzled “It has to do with time travel magic.” I replied urgently Her face went serious “Come inside.” She said. "And you say this is centred around your bow?" the princess asked after I explained my situation. I nodded. We'd made our way into the map room, and were standing near the table. "Let me see it." she requested, sitting in her chair. I magiked it over to her, and she unwrapped it and began examining. She seemed to be casting some kind of spell, but I couldn't be sure. "You were right to think of Starswirl. The magic contained in this bow is very similar to his time travel spell." She observed "You can tell that?" I inquired She chuckled "That's actually what I was studying, just now. A spell that analyzes the magic contained in items. It could prove very useful. Tho, I've only scratched the surface of it's functionality." "Don't be so modest, Twilight." Spike spoke up "She only started looking at that spell an hour ago. It's pretty high level stuff, and she's already got it down this good." He boasted. Twilight blushed "I'm sure anypony with a good understanding of magic could do the same. "I'm not so sure about that" I offered "It sounds complicated. I bet it'd take me ages." "Well" she dismissed "In any case, I think this deserves a closer look. Something feels a little off about this whole thing." She set my bow down on the table and it started glowing. "Oh shi-" I exclaimed, and picked it back up with my magic. "No, wai-" Twilight started, but it was too late. The map lit up with the image of Equestria. Then it began morphing and changing into all kinds of different worlds that I'd never seen or imagined before. We all stared at it in awe. "Twilight, what is it doing?" I trembled "I-I don't know" she panicked "it's never done that before. It has to be interacting with your bow's magic!" "What should I do?" I began to panic, too "Try setting it back down?" she offered I lowered the bow toward the table, but as it got closer, the room lit up with sparks flying about above me. I began to breathe faster than ever, sweating like a stuck pig. In my panic, I dropped the bow, and then the sparks grew into a circle glowing black from inside. I felt it begin to pull. I panicked and grabbed the first thing my hooves could find. The bow. Twilight quickly grabbed it, too. The portal pulled at me even stronger now. "Don't let go!" Twilight yelled the bow unraveled into a ribbon, making me go further into the portal. The ribbon started to tear a little. "It's gonna rip!" I screamed She looked at the middle of the ribbon where it was ripping and looked back at me with a stern look in her eyes. "Whatever you do." She warned "Don't. lose. the ribbon." Just then, it gave way, and I was sucked into the blackness of the circle.