//------------------------------// // Well Sent // Story: Side-Job // by CrimsonEquine //------------------------------// There was a crunch, several boots slammed against the dirt that a single slop of mud had been quieted by loud shots. A man covered in a green suit, a metallic hat with an engraved number sat on his head, and boots that were black and tall that ran up the side of his feet to his ankles. He raised his long-metallic, bolt-action rifle with a long barrel and a jutted ammo canister that protruded down its open ammo taker. Several of these men felt their shoes had dug into the death-filled expanse of earth. Many corpses had fallen into the cold, ever-accepting, life-eating planet that was below them. They trudged on, each one would fall to the ceaseless agony of the dirt. There wasn’t much left, just a few that breathed heavily and had screamed a horrific battle cry. They fired back at the sped-up bullets that flew at them. A number of the combatants tripped from the bullet blows that assailed them. The organs spilled over the muddy plains, their constitutions lost, a bellowed cry would give out from the torrent of death. A light shined down on one while darkness had surrounded him, his organs spilled out of his gut and floated on the mud. A quadrupedal being, white as snow, a glorious rainbow-like mane had floated as she flew with her large wings. Golden spiked horseshoes on her hooves; the sound of soft children that sang into the moonlight. A pearl white horn that was upright and strong. “You shall be saved, Sam Torrison,” she said with a soft yet clear voice. The bellow of what was sung had arisen into a full concerto of beautiful noise. “Come, it is time for you to rest.” She stood beside him, his stomach was free from the pain that he had felt. It had been sealed up with what could not be understood. His open chasm of a stomach tightened into a familiar, clean human belly. “W-who are you?” he asked with what will he had. “Is it really time to go?” “Yes, you shall rise after all the sacrifice’s you have made.” “I… but I don’t know who you are, are you from the Bible, are we going to heaven?” he said. “Will everything be okay now?” “Well, I’m kinda siding for The Angel of Death, for now, a little side job for Jehova and stuff,” she said. “I’m not really from this dimension” “Oh…” he said. What was sung had reached an apex. She lowered down her body and smiled at the blessed figure before him, who had smiled at finally finding rest from this world. “Come ride my back and I will take you to the gates of heaven, child,” she said. He went atop her strong back and her powerful wings slammed down, which had made them aloft towards the sky. With incredible speeds, they flew towards space, which they passed all the planets into the edge of the universe, where the gates of heaven were found. They were golden, they glistened, and were bright to the eye. The soldier went off her back and went forward towards the gates, to which she watched till he was gone from sight. There she left the gates of heaven and returned back to continue her side job. --- Princess Celestia shook in her chair for ease of access. The castle needed some renovations, but she didn’t want to force her subjects to such work for now. Princess Luna came by with a cup of coffee, her eyes tired when she waited for Celestia to come home, had then sat next to her. “So Tia, how was the side job?” she said. “Was it worth it to help all those people?” Luna took a sip of her coffee and massaged her tired eyes after. “Sure was, now we can guard our ponies even longer than before,” she said. “Death will be put off for longer now that Jehova has given us longer life”. “Well I’m glad, I just hope all those deaths you had to deal with weren’t too taxing,” she said. “Even angels need vacations, Luna,” she said. “But the amount of death that happens in that world, corruption, and general monstrosity are always disheartening”. Luna took another sip and placed the cup down on the table. “I just wish they wouldn’t have to deal with all that pain, but I guess it isn’t our problem…” she said. “Don’t worry Tia, everything will be well enough for them in the end, just don’t get too fussed up about it,” she said. “I know”. Luna got up and poured the coffee down the sink drain. She decided a few more hours of sleep was possible and that it was probably better than being stuffed with coffee just so to alleviate a little bit of tiredness. “Luna, did we do good with our ponies?” said Princess Celestia. Luna paused her walk before she turned and gave her sister a smile. “Without a doubt, Tia, without a doubt”. The smell of coffee still wafted in the air. A few guards stationed near the royal bedrooms watched Luna walk by before they saluted with their spears in formation. Celestia stretched her body a bit before she leaned against her chair. She looked at the open window to see her sun as inflamed as possible. Strong enough to keep Equestria hot for millennia to come. With her powerful eyes, she saw the sun burn with lava quakes and heat explosions that popped against its surface. Luna leaped into her bed and snuggled into the surface, which was made of the softest fabric. She fell back to sleep as quick as she came to the kitchen. Not a care in the world had worried her for there was nothing that would get in their way. Celestia would continue to sit there, her body sore from all the flight she underwent. But, everything was just fine to her, for Equestria was going to be just fine.