//------------------------------// // Meteor rain // Story: Observation of meteor shower in the hills // by Twilight Star //------------------------------// It was already dusk at Equestria and Twilight Sparkle was at her Friendship Castle arranging her stuff for the meteor rain tonight. She made a list to see what it took to go see the astronomical event.    “Let me see ...” said Twilight Sparkle as she saw her checklist and saw if she had everything in her red tug stand. “Picnic towel”, Twilight Sparkle Checked if it was in the cart and it was. “Check"   “Telescope", said Twilight Sparkle before seeing if her telescope was in her trolley, and she was. “Check"   “Food and punch“, Twilight Sparkle looked at the cart and saw that it had food and punch too. “Check "   “Cups“, Twilight Sparkle saw that the glasses were there too. “Check”   “Scrolls and ink”, Twilight Sparkle saw that the scrolls and ink were already in the cart. “Check”   “And lastly, my Astronomical Astronomomanac", Twilight Sparkle checked and saw that her book was already in the cart as well. “Check"   Twilight Sparkle saw that everything was in the cart and pulled the cart with her magic and left the castle.  It was already dark and Twilight Sparkle was up a hill to watch the meteor shower, the same hill where she, Spike, her friends and other ponies were about to see the meteor shower a few years ago. She put the picnic blanket on the floor and put the food, cups and punch on the towel. She placed her telescope and adjusted her telescope to watch the meteor shower and put her book on the towel.   She then saw that the meteor shower was about to begin and she watched the show with a smile of admiration on her face.   Suddenly she heard a sound of flapping wings and hooves posing on the floor that was coming after her.   “Hello?” asked Twilight Sparkle as she looked back to see who it was. “Who’s there?”   “Sorry if I frightened you, Twilight Sparke”, said a family voice.   “Oh. Hi, Princess Luna. What’re you doing here? Did you come to see the meteor shower, too?"   “Please, just call me Luna. And to answer your question, Yes; I came here to watch the meteor shower, I just didn't expect to find you here"   “Oh. Okay, Luna. Would you like to stay here to watch the meteor shower with me?" asked Twilight Sparkle with a smile.   “Of course, Twilight", replied Princess Luna with a smile and sat down next to Twilight who was sitting next to the telescope. Twilight Sparkle returned to look at the sky with the same admiration that was a few minutes ago. Luna saw the expression of admiration and it made her want to ask something of Twilight Sparkle that she wanted to know, “tell me, Twilight. Have you ever been fascinated in astronomy, star gazing and watch the night sky?" asked Princess Luna looking at Twilight Sparkle.   Twilight Sparkle took her eyes off the show and looked at Luna to answer her question, “sure, Luna. Since filly I always enjoyed staying up late to watch the night sky, star gazing and I always enjoyed studying astronomy. I even have maps of the night sky, I’d even show you, but they’re in my castle"   Princess Luna was very happy with the statement of Twilight Sparkle. Never and no pony once loved her night and Twilight Sparkle seemed to be the one to admire her work. Luna began to have a feeling that she never thought to feel and resolved to answer it back, “thank you so much, Twilight. You have no idea how happy that makes me"   “You’re welcome, Luna“, replied Twilight Sparkle looking at Luna with a smile on her face. The meteor shower was over and Twilight Sparkle and Luna were sitting on the picnic tablecloth. Twilight Sparkle was eating a cookie while Luna was drinking punch in the glass.   Princess Luna didn't know why, but the company of Twilight Sparkle was making her very happy. After all, Twilight Sparkle confessed to her that she loves her night. She decided to confess what she felt from her only friend, “Twilight, I want to thank you for enjoying my night I bring to all Equestria, nopony stay up late and admire my night as you”   Twilight looked at Luna with a shy smile and a blush on her cheek appeared, “heh. Thank you, Luna"    Luna noticed the blush that appeared on the cheek of Twilight and couldn’t deny it was cute.   “Twilight, I have something to tell you”, began Luna  “From what?” asked Twilight Sparkle.   Princess Luna was nervous. How would she say that? How would she confess what she felt about Twilight Sparkle? What if she rejects you and does not want to be your friend anymore and avoid her forever?   “Luna? Are you okay? “ asked Twilight Sparkle worriedly.    Princess Luna realized she was sweating nervously and decided to close her eyes and take a deep breath to try to get the nervousness and anxiety she was having. “I’m sorry, Twilight. It’s just that I want to confess something to you. But I’m afraid of how you’re going to react"   “Luna, Whatever you want to tell me, you can tell me. I will not be angry", said Twilight Sparkle in a quiet, gentle tone with a smile on her face.   The comforting words of Twilight made her calm down and gain the confidence to say, “okay, Twilight”, said Luna before taking a deep breath to confess what she wanted. “I like you. But I like you more than a friend. These feelings came when you helped me on Nightmare Night, I realized those feelings, but I thought it was normal feelings that friends felt for each other. But now I realize that these feelings are more than a friendship of friends, they are lovers’ feelings of love. So I’d like to ask you, would you like to be my marefriend? “ spoke Luna a little nervously, but when she asked if Twilight Sparkle wanted to be her marefriend, her tone was a little low and nervous, but one that could be heard.   Twilight Sparkle listened to everything she said and thought for a few minutes of what to say to Luna.   “And then? Do you accept it?" asked Luna still nervous with the answer she could receive.   “I accept Luna”, said Twilight Sparkle with a smile and hugged Luna with her hooves.   Luna was paralyzed for a few seconds with the response she had received. She had accepted it and wasn't angry and did not reject it, and it made her very happy. “THANK YOU VERY MUCH, TWILIGHT SPARKLE! WE WERE VERY HAPPY THAT YOU WERE NOT ANGRY WITH US! “ spoke Luna with Canterlot’s real voice as she hugged her marefriend.   Twilight Sparkle was shocked by Canterlot’s sudden real voice.   “Luna, the voice", said Twilight Sparkle with a smile trying to hold back the laughter.   Luna realized her mistake and apologized, "I’m sorry, Twilight. I was so happy that I couldn't control myself"   “No problem Luna. I forgive you“, said Twilight Sparkle with a smile.   “Thank you, Twilight"     “You’re welcome, Luna"   “Would you like to spend the night in my castle with me?” asked Twilight Sparkle looking at Luna.     “Of course Twilight. Would you like to go now to the castle or stay here some more?"   “Well, I think I’d like to stay here for a while longer", replied Twilight Sparkle.   “Okay then, Twilight", said Luna with a smile.   Then Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna watched the night sky as Twilight Sparkle leaned against Luna lovingly as one of Luna’s wings embraced and enveloped Twilight Sparkle. After hours on the hill, Luna realized that it was already dawning, and decided to ask Twilight Sparkle, “Twilight, I think we better go back to the castle is about dawn," Luna realized Twilight Sparkle didn't answer her question and she asked, “Twilight? Twilight?" Luna saw that Twilight Sparkle had fallen asleep against her with her eyes closed and a smile on her face as she breathed in her sleep. Luna thought it was really cute the way she slept.   She had picked up everything that was on the hill and put it into the pull cart and levitated the cart slowly with her magic so nothing fell. Then she took Twilight Sparkle with her magic and put her on her back and flew off the hill. After a few minutes of flying, Luna finally arrived at Friendship Castle and went to Twilight Sparkle’s room, she put the cart in a corner and put her marefriend on the bed and covered it with the blanket of the bed with only her head outside. She went to the window and lowered the moon so her sister could raise the sun.   After that, she went to the bed where her marefriend slept and stared at Twilight’s sleeping form and thought,“I don't think she would care if I slept with her ...”   Then she lowered the covers a bit and lay down and covered herself just like she’d covered Twilight Sparkle.   She looked at Twilight Sparkle with a smile and whispered, “i love you, Twilight Sparkle”   That being said, she hugged her with her hooves, Twilight Sparkle moved in her sleep and hugged her with her hooves too, Luna looked at Twilight Sparkle for a few minutes before close your eyes and falling asleep.