Ponies At The Club

by Fanayvea

the Hottest Place In Equestria!

it was a hot nite in ponyville. The nightmare Night festival was heating up, especially because of the guest of honor, Luna herself was there! This was not like last nightmare night, because last time they were being asssholes by acting afraid of luna so much. Luna was so confused why so many people were afraid of her last time, and she convinced them that she had changed, but they were persistently intolerable toward her.

Meanwhile, In filthy rich's estate in the rich asshole quarter of ponyville, he was enjoyning some tea with his marestress. "So, miss lyra, are you enjoying the tea? My servants worked all day. I wanted to make sure it is top-notch for my madame."
He gazed at her with a seductive look. Lyra was unamazed by this, as she was not attracted to old men who took hookers to dinner before they went to bed with them.

"Its fine, I guess, are we gonna rut, now?" She was becoming increaseingly irritated by filthy rich's unnecessary formality. "please lyra, Do not be so unnecessarily hasty. Will you enjoy the tea?" lyra was increasingly ungrateful, and almost spat out the tea she had been given.

"Im thinking of establishing an adult club in the downtown district of town. Just what this primitive old country town needs, dont you think? a place where ponies can have fun in a more extroveted fashion. Dont you appreciate my idea?" "What? youve come up with another way to rake in money from the commoners?" Lyra said. a disdainful tone in her voice.

Filthy Rich got up from his seat and looked out the window. "Do you see the city, now, Lyra? I could have chosen any whore in the entire city. But I chose you. I couldve let you rot in the gutters and brothels with all the other cheap whores. But I chose you." He was visually getting more and more upset. "If it werent for me, youd be playing that silly lute or lyre of yours in the streets and alleys for food scraps, but I take you into my home, offer you the finest tea, pay you handsomely, and this is how you treat me?! Like I'm just another one of your whoring thugs looking for a good time?"

He smacked her accros the face with a fell swoop of his hoof, and drove the filly to the ground, in tears. "Fine then, if you want to rut, we will rut." He looked at her with a sudden change of mood in his face. He was no longer the enraged and dangerous stallion before, but a maniacal, crazed pony with an insurmountable animalistic lust pumping through his veins. She could feel his heartbeat as his surprisingly tiny tool entered her. Lyra wasnt strong enough on the outisde to resist this unwanted approach, but she was strong on the inside. She bit her lip, stopped crying,a.dn prepared for what was to ineviteably come.

That night she dreamt of being a musical star, like she had always wanted. She would get out of this town and sell an album that would top the charts. But first she would need one. Stallions have told her she had quite a becoming body, and she appreciated this. In fact, she found is sweet. she was secure enough in her own physical appearance that she didn't feel uncomfortable with stallions telling her she was a sexy, sexy, mare. In fact she reveled in it. It meant she could sleep her way through life. and that sounded like a fine life to her. "I'm such dirty little kitty", she thought in her sleep. That's what rich had been telling her last night, when he had been sexing with her. "Your a dirty little kitty, aren't you Lyra? You want my filthy, filthy penis inside of your dirty, ooze-infested mare-hood, don't you?" Perhaps, in retrospect, she didn't mind being violated in the way she was. She was too caught up in the moment to see it as something good, but now she loved the idea of filthy pounding her one last time.

She awoke the next morning before filthy rich. It seemed Pounding Filthy would have to wait, today. she had other maters to attend to. Like making herself breakfast in flthys kitchen, eyeing Filthys svelte, young pool-boys, and, of course getting a little xtra money for the road. Of course, she had already been paid for her services, however rough they mightn't been, but she thought she would collect a 'bonus' for having to go through through that borderline rape ordeal. She first grabbed 50,000 bits from filthy's drawer (Filthy isnt very good at keeping his money for a rich pony, is he?) she then made herself an omelette ( the first proper meal she had had in days, might I add) and went out to gaze upon filthys stallion butlers and servants. There was lust in her eyes that only a horse-cock could quench, and she love how she could see a colts penis slightly unobstructed by his tail. It just added to her excitement and made her curious as to how the rest of the penis looked like. Some colts did this on purpose, and it kinda ruined it for her, knowing that colts wanted to see heir dongs. It was the aspect that they didnt want her to see it that made it more arousing. She went up to one and flirted for awhile, and after an hour of keeping this colts off-duty inadvertently, she left. Knowing she had gained a new 'client.'

Filthy awoke to find that his 50,000 bits was missing. He was going to call madame pinkie, but he had no money. He was going to call the police, butthey were at their lunch break. Suddenly, Filthy got a speedy idea and rushed out of his house. If he had no money left, he could always steal anything he needed. Rich was just outside the Apple families 'estate' he would sneak into their shed, steal all the wood he could, and build the club tommorow. He would be the envy oif all of ponyville. He would let enyone in to raise the revenue. He quickly found what he needed, nabbed the supplies, and left. (ALthough, the more logical step would be, of course, to steal the money, he instead stole the parts.)

after a Night of hard Toil, he had finally built that club. All the mnares and stalllions in ponyville gazedupon it, knowing they have a new place to congregatre and fornicate. "Mares and Stallions!" a voice from a megaphone boomed. This new club will be open every night from nhow on. entry is only 1 bit! Fillies night is monday! be sure to not fight, and most importantly, have fun!"

Now, what would he call this wonderous dream-come-ture? Why, Club Mane-Juice, of course.

thank you for reading this! It starts off a little slow, but in the next chapter, Filthy Rich will finally get Club Man-Juice up and running!
I apologize for all the unnecessary sexual parts. this was written by a sex-crazed french teen boy! I need to fap. I did actually fap once during this. sad, right?