//------------------------------// // Cutie Mark Tutors // Story: Cutie Mark Tutors // by Lonely Fanboy48 //------------------------------// It was a great morning in the School Of Friendship. Students from all over Equestria learned more about the elements of harmony and of course about friendship. As for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they had become tutors, since they knew everything about friendship. However, their first step was to show every creature what they had. The Cutie Mark Crusaders came inside the School Of Friendship and they made their way to Twilight’s office with Cozy Glow following by them. “So, what are you going to do as tutors?” Cozy asked. “Don’t worry, all we need are students and an amazing classroom. I’m the one who’s decorating the room,” Scootaloo smirked. “Don’t get your hopes up.” Sweetie Belle retorted. “Ever since we became tutors yesterday, I made a list of friends who should volunteer to our class.” Sweetie uses her unicorn magic to show her list to Scootaloo. “Relax, guys,” Apple Bloom replied. “This is our first day! Everything is going to be great!” Once they made it to Twilight’s office, Apple Bloom knocked on the door. “Come in,” Twilight responded. Once the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Cozy Glow entered the room, they could see that Twilight and Spike were doing the school reports. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cozy Glow!” exclaimed Twilight, as she lifted her head. “Twilight Sparkle, we made a list of ponies who should join our class,” Sweetie Belle reported showing her list to Twilight. Twilight used her unicorn magic to read the reports of the students that Cutie Mark Crusaders had picked. “Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Babs Seed, Gabby, Pipsqueak and Cozy Glow. Interesting choices,” Twilight commented. “I realize they don’t know anything about this school yet,” Spike added. “I’ll get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to send them the volunteer papers. Also, is it okay that I put two more students in your class?” Twilight asked. “No problem,” Scootaloo boasted. “Is it okay that I decorate our classroom when Rainbow and Fluttershy get the students?” “All my friends decorated their classrooms so go right ahead,” Twilight answered. “AWESOME!” Scootaloo immediately left the room and went to the classroom to paint and design. “So, what do you think we should do in our class?” Apple Bloom asked. “Teach them about yourself. Like, how you got your cutie marks.” Twilight explained, placing her hoof on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “Twilight, is it okay that I show my wings to everypony in class?” Spike offered. “No, Spike. I’m sorry, but you’re not in charge in the classrooms. You’re still my assistant,” Twilight argued. Spike became disappointed, for as much he agreed with Twilight, he still wanted to show everypony that he had wings now. He felt so happy about himself. Luckily this gives Sweetie Belle an idea. “Hey, Spike,” Sweetie Belle said, getting Spike’s attention. “You can show your wings in our class.” “Really?” Spike reacted. He then rushed up to Sweetie Belle for a hug. “Thank you so much!” “Don’t mention it. After all, friends do things for each other,” Apple Bloom added. Twilight smiled and decided to give Spike what he wanted after all. With everything in order for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they went to their classroom to help Scootaloo with the painting and decorations. A few hours later, all of the volunteers came to the School Of Friendship to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders class. Gabby the griffin flew all over the place in the hallway with excitement. She knew the Cutie Mark Crusaders very well and was a huge fan of them. Being with them in a classroom made her experience with friendship better then she imagined. “How great is this!” exclaimed Gabby, as she hugged both Diamond and Silver Spoon. “You bet!” both Diamond And Silver Spoon replied. Due to their past with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they had both changed their attitudes towards friendship and were willing to learn more about the subject. “And I have to say, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have changed a lot from the last time I saw them,” Silver Spoon commented. “Given that, I will do my best to become an expert at friendship,” Diamond added. “You two aren’t bullies anymore?” Babs asked. “Not anymore,” replied Diamond as she turned to face Babs. “That’s really some kind of improvement,.” Pipsqueak added. “And as for me, it’s really an honor to be here.” “I think the reason you’re here is because the ponies at Cheerilee’s school respected you, and it explains why you received so many votes to become the school president,” Babs observed, as she walked up to Pipsqueak. “Yeah, I guess it does. I can’t wait for class!” Pipsqueak cheered. Then Cozy Glow who had been helping with the Cutie Mark Crusaders during this time, went to the main hallway to meet the students. “Hey everypony, and griffin.” Cozy called. “I’m also a student in the Cutie Mark Crusaders class. It’s great that all of you are here.” Gabby picked her up and she hugged her. “Great? This is beyond awesome! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” She preceded to hug her tighter, causing Cozy to lose her breath. “Thanks… can you please let go of me!” “Sorry,” apologized Gabby, as she put Cozy back down and let her regain her breath. “Come with me, I know where their classroom is at,” Cozy explained as she lead the ponies and Gabby to the classroom. Once they made it inside, they could see that the door was painted in red and purple colors with a huge cutie mark matching that of the tutors of the classroom. As Cozy opened the door, the rest of the students went inside. The walls were painted in the Cutie Mark Crusaders Cutie Mark and included pictures of their families. The rest of the room contained pictures representing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s hobbies. On their shelves were unfinished name stands so everypony would know each other’s names. “Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders classroom!” the three tutors shouted. “This classroom is so…..” began Gabby, as she held her breath for a moment. “AMAZING!!!” “Wow! This maybe my first classroom of the day, but I already love this school!” Babs Seed complimented, whilst looking around. “Babs Seed!” Apple Bloom cheered as she walked up to her for a hug. “I knew you would come!” “Pipsqueak,” Scootaloo said. “Are you ready to learn more about friendship?” “You bet! Especially after I heard that Twilight’s school helps with a lot of problems,” Pipsqueak replied. “And that she helps make a lot of friendships,” Sweetie Belle chimed in. She also noticed that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were there. “So how are things since the last time we met?” “Nothing special has happened, really, but we have changed our ways,” Diamond responded. “But we’re going to change even more for the better in your class,” said admitted, as she wrapped her hoof around Silver Spoon. “Man, we haven’t started and we’re ready to have fun,” Apple Bloom added. “Before we start class, there’s name stands on the shelves. We want you to put not only your names on them, but also to decorate them.” Sweetie Belle used her unicorn magic to lift the box of colors pencils and other decorations and placed them on one of the student desks. The students retrieved their name stands and colors from the box and they returned to their desks to decorate the stands. Meanwhile, Princess Twilight came in the classroom with two fillies accompanying her. “I’m really impressed, this room is nice,” Twilight commented as she looked everywhere. “Hey, Twilight. Who are these fillies?” Applebloom asked. “This is Toola Roola and Coconut Cream, the two that I was talking about,” Twilight explained. “I met these two before this school was built and they respected me more than I thought they would. So I decided that they should attend your class and maybe they can teach their friends about what they’ve learnt.” Toola and Coconut lifted both of their hooves up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Toola said. “And your classroom is beautiful,” Coconut added. Apple Bloom shook Toola’s hoof while Scootaloo shook Coconut’s. “Howdy.” “We hope you do your best. Get your name stands,” suggested Scootaloo as she tilted her head toward the shelves. While Toola and Coconut retrieved their stands, Twilight walked up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “I hope you do your best. At the end of the day, you should all come to my office and tell me what you did with your students. As for Spike, he’s still preparing himself.” “Don’t worry, Twilight. We’ve got everything under control,” Scootaloo boasted. “We assure you that our class will be better than okay!” Apple Bloom stated. Twilight winked as she left the classroom. After every student finished with their name stands, the Cutie Mark Crusaders begin their class. “Howdy everypony, and griffin,” Apple Bloom waved at Gabby which made the griffin squeak. “Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders class!” Sweetie Belle added. “Today, as it’s our first day, we’re going to tell you the story about how we became the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Scootaloo showed her cutie mark to the students, which got Toola and Coconut’s attention. “Those are your cutie marks?” asked Toola, as she and Coconut leaned up against their desks. “Those are the greatest cutie marks I’ve ever seen!” Coconut commented. “Of course they are. These cutie marks are very special and different thanks to our teamwork and of course, friendship,” Sweetie explained. “Now we all know you have your own cutie marks … well, almost everyone,” she said apologetically, as she looked at Gabby. “However,” Scootaloo giggled. “There’s more you need to learn about friendship, like to stop bullying,” she lecturer. After that quote, Diamond Tiara raised her hoof. ”Diamond Tiara?” asked Scootaloo, recognizing that Diamond had a question. “I would love to say that bullying is a devastating experience. Friends should always make a stand for the poor ones,” Diamond replied. “Or if your in school, you just call the teacher,” Silver Spoon added. “That too.” “Great advice,” Apple Bloom smiled. “You don’t have to mention it,” Diamond smiled back. “And not only that, you have to embrace yourself to show friendship to others,” Scootaloo stated. “Show them passion and love. Show them how great friendship is,” Apple Bloom added. “Oh, I’ve got an idea!” Gabby suggested, as she raised her hoof. “We should go on a field trip so we can hang out. That way our friendships will improve to the point that they will never be broken.” “That’s a great idea,” Sweetie Belle replied. “However, we will have to talk to Twilight about that.” As much as Gabby’s idea sounded smart, Gabby knew they needed to be supervised. “Yeah, you’re right,” Gabby said as she lowered her head. Just as class was about to continue, Spike came in the room. “I’m here!” panted Spike. “Sorry I took so long.” “It’s okay, Spike,” Scootaloo said. “We’ve just started and you’re just in time, actually.” “Students, this is our best friend Spike the Dragon,” introduced Sweetie Belle as she lifted Spike up using her alicorn magic. “Hey, I saw him during the time Twilight was still living in her treehouse,” Diamond said. “Yeah, before it got burned down,” Silver Spoon added. “Can we please not mention the past? Twilight and I still feel upset,” Spike called. “Sorry,” Both Diamond and Spoon said. Spike then showed off his wings to the students, which amazed everyone. “Wow! You have wings now?” Coconut Cream reacted. “Trust me, I am as surprised as you are,” Spike boasted. “I saved Zecora and Rarity’s lives.” “Even though Twilight helped,” Applebloom added. “Shhh! Don’t ruin it!” Spike covered her mouth. “Too late,” Cozy quoted, which made Spike sigh. “Okay, I only just got these,” said Spike, gently flapping his new wings, “and I’m trying my best to use them.” Spike explained. “I have to grow up in order to succeed.” “Yeah, that is a point,” Babs replied. “Moving on with something you have inside of you is an ultimate change.” “You can say that again,” Spike replied. “But that’s not a bad thing,” Cozy added. “You can still do great things with your wings like flying with Rainbow Dash. I bet she wants to have a race with you.” Spike smiled awkwardly. “I guess … if I’m faster like her.” “You’re be fine,” Gabby said. Other then showing his wings to every student, Spike was speechless during his appearance. “Well … I guess that’s all I have.” “Maybe you can come with us on our first field trip. We could find you some dragons,” Sweetie Belle offered. “If we can find them, that is.” “It’s okay,” Spike responded. “Thanks for allowing me to be part of your class.” “No problem,” Apple Bloom added as she hugged Spike. While Spike left the room, he facepalmed himself. “I should tell Twilight to start a speech class, so I can show off better. At least this time it wasn’t in front of grown up students,” he said to himself. Back in the classroom, the Cutie Mark Crusaders handed out their first friendship assignments. “I want all of you to do your very best!” Sweetie Belle cheered. “Show us what you got!” Scootaloo added. “To prove to us that you really belong here!” Apple Bloom finished. “YEAH!!!” all the students shouted in excitement. For the rest of the day, the students did their assignments. Afterwords, the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave the students a tour around the School Of Friendship to give them a glimpse of what they were going to be doing during their future in the school. When they returned to their classroom, the students gave speeches about their pasts. Some involved friendship and others who made mistakes - like Diamond Tiara had. At the end of the class schedule, they all worked together to make apple cupcakes for themselves. The students had the best time of their lives. They loved how different the School Of Friendship was and how it had helped them make new relationships. Diamond and Silver Spoon developed a real relationship with Babs Seed and Toola, and Coconut asked Cozy if she could come over for a slumber party - an offer that Cozy accepted. Pipsqueak asked some questions of Gabby about her life in Griffinstone and about the place itself. The Cutie Mark Crusaders felt happy that their first day of class work had been a success. Like Twilight had said before, she needed to know everything in order to understand what they had accomplished that day. All the students from the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ class left the school, cheering merrily. They indeed had the best day of their lives and they were looking forward to more friendship activities. As for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they immediately went to Twilight’s office. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were also present, so they too could see listen to the report of the day’s activities. After the tutors said everything they needed to,, Princess Twilight sat with a respectful smile on her face as her friends were slowly reduced to tears of joy. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo - you all did a great job on your first day as tutors,” Twilight congratulated. “I have a feeling that if you keep this up, future fillies will attend this school.” “But there’s one thing I don’t like,” Apple Bloom interrupted. “I’m worried about Cheerilee and her school.” “Oh my gosh, your right! I had completely forgotten” Scootaloo reacted. “If we keep this up, then we will run Cheerilee’s school out of business. We we’re too excited about being tutors!” Sweetie shouted. “Relax, you’re not doing anything wrong,” Twilight said, motioning for them to calm down. “Because I had plans on talking to her to see if she would come to my school to continue teaching. If she accepts, she can still do her job without any changes. I for one think she needs to be here so her life as a teacher will still continue the way she wants it to.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders all gave a huge, deep breath of relief. “Wow, even when you run a school you still have your limits,” Scootaloo commented. Rainbow Dash and the others gave them a group hug. “And that field trip you mentioned earlier, I think we can make that happen as long as we have your back,” Rainbow smiled. “That is, if we can make the right decisions,” Applejack added. “And I will give the students inspiration about making dresses during the trip,” Rarity suggested. “Man, I love being tutors!” Apple Bloom cheered with tears coming down her face. “So do we!” Both Sweetie and Scootaloo cheered, now likewise in tears. As they hugged their sisters, Twilight sat and watched the heartwarming moment. She could see that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had moved on to a better future and knew that nothing will ever turn into a disaster. “The School Of Friendship will never be the same, and that’s a great thing.” Twilight said.