Bamboozle boogaloo 2: Tokyo drift

by Theboxcatgamr

chapter 7: the chapter that took over a year for me to get around to

The train lit up inside again when it exited the tunnel. Noah (who was attempting to peace together exactly how he had gotten on the train in the first place) was in awe at the beauty of the landscape surrounding the train. However something in his gut was screaming about something wrong. Something unnatural that deeply disturbed Noah and shook him internally:

”where’s the snow?”

”why would there be snow? It’s not harths warming yet.”

Noah’s eye twitched


Daring tilted her head slightly in confusion

”wait why would it happen any earlier? Were things different when you were alive?”

”alive? I’m not dead...I hope. And also things are very different where I’m from”

”how different?”

”the weather dose whatever it fucken pleases for starters.”

”I’m sorry what? That’s in violation of SEVERAL laws!”

” legal laws?”

”yes of course legal laws.”

Noah giggled a bit at the thought of an entire swat team screaming at a cloud to stop raining before they use lethal force.

”so what do you do when they...break the law?”

”the weather team detains them”

This sent Noah into hysterics

”why is that funny?”

”oh its just the way you said it. reminds me of something.”

”...ok. So what’s your plan?”

”ok so here’s how it’s going to go. I’m going to find Alex and with luck slap the shit out of him until he remembers me. Then...well i don’t know.”

”that’s not a very good plan”

”but it is a plan.”

” Noah. What was your home like?”

”what? Why’d you want to know that?”

”I’m a little curious”

”well for starters it is a lot colder-“

was a lot colder”

”Shut your fuck up”

”...jeez. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?”

”I woke up in a coffin as a shadow monster man” Noah deadpanned

”ok fine. But still you should calm down”

”alright. So how did I get on this train anyway? I don’t think I would be able to get on looking like this”

”we smuggled you on through a massive suitcase somepony left behind. Don’t know who “rarity” is but if we find her we should probably thank her“ Loki explained

Noah simply sat in thought as the familiar name hit his subconscious like an out of control truck being driven by some pompous assbag named Kensington while he texts somebody a breakup text.

Jokes on him. Karen is going to take his kids

Anyway I got off track...for about a year. Right! Shit! Anyway the big train was finally getting close to a station and to Noah’s surprise it was quite a familiar place

”oh god here we go.“ Noah said while braceing himself

Before daring could ask what Noah was doing the side of the train was rocked back and forth as buffalo rammed into the side of the train.



Somewhere in a greenhouse on earth a man and his two sons laughed to the confusion of his workers

A buffalo entered the car and gave a menacing glare to everyone on the nearly empty car. Daring stood up and matched his gaze with her own as Noah quickly ushered Loki and the doctor mercenary guy out of the car.

”hey come on we can take him!”

”Well we got bigger problems right now” Noah said while pulling out his chains and jumping in the air to avoid getting skewered by the buffalo’s horns. Noah suddenly found himself riding the buffalo towards a wall as it desperately attempted to kick him off. Noah hung on with some mad grit as the buffalo began frantically charging into and through many different train cars.

Eventually the buffalo got tired and collapsed in front of a large tree the train was transporting for some reason Noah couldn’t really fathom.

”ok how about we just relax for a moment and think this through clearly”

”what is there to think about?” the buffalo asked

”well it’s quite simple really. I’m get off your back and you’ll leave me alone”

”I’m afraid I can’t do that” the buffalo said angrily

Noah sprung off the buffalo and quickly climbed the tree, while hiding in the branches Noah spots a still sleeping spike on one of the branches. A whistle sound made its way to Noah’s ears and suddenly he felt the tree underneath him being picked up and hauled outside quickly. Spike woke up and also noticed this as he called to twilight for help. Noah simply watched as the tree was very quickly moved away from the train. Spike looked around as the was carried away and spotted Noah.


Noah couldn’t think of anything he could say to diffuse the situation as it was so surreal

Spike screamed in panic and alerted the buffalo that something was in the tree

”Wait. Stop! Something is in the tree!”

The buffalo set down the tree and kicked the side knocking down both Noah and spike.

” cannot be!” the buffalo said in disbelief

”it is one of the ancient ones! And...a daconic compatriot!”

The buffalo all bowed down to Noah and spike as they looked on with shock

” along and I think we can get out of here Noah whispered to spike


”right. We are here to stop a grave tragedy that will soon fall apon your humble land...we must warn your leaders before misfortune strikes!” Noah said as commandingly as he could while spike puffed out his chest in an attempt to look more macho

”is it about the ponys?” the buffalo Noah recognizes as little strongheart

” it is. Regardless if you do not make peace with them you shall all perish” Noah said

This quickly grabbed little’s attention and she quickly called for the group to go warn the chief as little and a few others stayed behind

”what now?”

”we now must go over to the ponys and warn them as well. My friend here knows one of them and can sway their opinion into our favour” Noah explained while beginning to walk back to the town with spike in tow

”oh and can you bring the tree as well?” spike asked

”why?” little asked back

”because if we returned it as a peace offering we can go through the negotiations much more smoothly” Noah said while using his meta knowledge to his advantage

They were walking back when suddenly rainbow dash and pinky were waiting for them

”I’ll hold them off!” rainbow shouted

Spike stopped them and explaind the situation.

Eventually things escalated and they ended up heading back to the buffalo’s residential area

They were brought before the chief and were told what was going on

”We only wanted the tree. The settler ponies have overtaken the land and have planted an orchard all over it! Because of their thoughtlessness, we can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds.”

”We have a long and winding stampeding trail that we have run upon for many generations. My father stampeded upon these grounds, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him, and–“

”his father, than his father than this fathers cousins father, than his father ecsetera ecsetera” Noah said a bit annoyed

”well your warning is false! You aren’t even an ancient are you?” the chife acused

”what? Do you need a demonstration?” Noah asked


Noah picked up a wood log and attached it to his chain. He than let go of the chain as it suspended the log in mid air

”any pony unicorn could do that!”

Noah called spike over and grabbed his shoulder while wrapping him in shadows. Rainbow went wide eyed as she had read in a daring do book about this creature


”I know it’s strange but could you try and claw the log please?”

Spikes eyes turned more reptilian with every strike on the log. Eventually it looked as if he was slashing at it from all directions as he dashed through the wood as if it was air. At the end he simply landed on his feet and snapped his fingers. The wood fell apart and the chain returned to Noah

”was that enough proof?” Noah said not believing what had just happened himself

The chief left the room with a strange look on his face as he tried to process exactly what happened

”it’s you! That creature daring do found!” rainbow said excitedly

”I’m sorry?”

”in the temple of the scorching sun when all was lost right when it seemed hopeless you jumped in and gave daring superpowers!” rainbow said excitedly

”well kinda?”

”Wait so you have me superpowers?!” spike said hopefully

”hell if I know. It depends on if you still have a bit of the blue glowing stuff on you” Noah said

Spike quickly began inspecting himself. He found nothing. He shouted in annoyance and ended up breathing out blue fire

”...woah. Shadow dragon”

”Wait didn’t you go on the train with daring and that griffin foal?”

Noah paused and quickly threw down a shadow portal that lead to the town and jumped through it

”hey! You forgot to give me super powers!”