The Unseen Guardians of Equestria: The Wolf-pack

by ragingbatpony

The Battle

Magi-scanner operator-corporal Searath Volikir was mind-numbingly bored, they had been patrolling this sub-sector of the Oreas ocean for two weeks now and nothing. He was beginning to believe the reports from the scout flotilla had been incorrect, and there was no infernal fleet activity in this area when suddenly the magi-tech machine in front of him started reading a group of vessels matching infernal navy sound profiles. Going ramrod stiff in surprise before alerting his superior.

"Sir, confirmed enemy contact, 1500 yards out." The chief of the boat, in accordance with the protocol, approached the ship broadcast console before speaking into it.

"Attention, would Prince-Commander Alekier please report to combat Information and command, please." Five minutes later, a tall and lean muscled man in an officers uniform walked through the doors leading into CIC. His black hair styled in a loose ponytail, and his officer's sword hanging from the sheath and belt around his waist.

"Lieutenant- Commander Forath, why was I summoned?" The commander said with authority in his voice.

"Corporal, give the Prince-Commander your report." Prince-Commander Alekier turned to the magi-scanner operator, causing the corporal to stiffen.

"Sir, my scanner picked up a group of vessels matching infernal navy ships roughly 1000 yards out." Upon hearing the news, the Prince-Commander turned to the Lieutenant-Commander.

"I assume you called me to the combat center to give the order?" The Lieutenant-Commander just nodded. "Well Lieutenant-Commander, alert the rest of the unit while I do so." The LC walked to the inter-vessel communicator passing the order along; while the Commanding officer of the wolf-pack opened the ship broadcast channel. "Attention, all hand to battle stations, repeat, all hands to battle stations, prepare for combat orders."

The submarine became a mass of men and women swarming around each other and throughout the ship getting ready for combat. "Pilot-Corporal, divert to an intercept-attack course at these coordinates." Upon his command, the magi-scanner sent the coordinates to the pilots, who diverted the boat known as Alpha-male to the course indicated, the rest of the wolf-pack following their lead vessel on the new path. Suddenly throughout the other vessels of the wolf-pack and through the Alpha-male's broadcast system came Prince-Commander Alekier's speech. "We are called today to perform the duty our species has been called to do throughout history since the dawn of our race, still your fears, steel your nerves, and if you wish, pray to the Almighty for deliverance, but know that we will sink these demonic bastards and send them to a watery grave at the bottom of the ocean. although we may not all survive, I swear this to you all, should any of you fall, your brothers and sisters in arms will avenge you. May the Almighty look favorably upon us all."

Cutting his speech and sitting down in the commander's chair and sending a message to the fleet about what they were doing, upon receiving the confirmation from fleet command, Alekier gave his first order of the battle. Prepare all torpedo tubes, I want us ready to fire upon them the moment we are in range, Is that clear?" The chief of the boat relayed the order to the battery deck.

"Sir, Tubes one through six are ready to fire upon your order, and all section commanders are reporting their command are in combat stations."

"What about tubes seven through twelve?"

"Sir?" The COB asked confused.

"In the event of us needing to make a fighting retreat, are we prepared to do so?" The LC shook his head. "Well fix that Lieutenant-Commander, and quickly please." The COB saluted and relayed the order. All was silent for a few moments when suddenly, the magi-scanner called out.

"Sir, we will be in range in fifteen seconds."

"Are the other vessels ready?" The COB nodded. "Fire on my mark. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. FIRE!" At that moment the wolf-pack fired torpedoes at the enemy ships closest to them, sinking four of the twenty-four in one volley. Cheers erupted throughout the submarine squad. seeing the enemy vessels sinking due to the skill of the men and women under his command filled Prince-Commander Alekier with pride. "Fire at will!" The COB relayed his commanding officer's order throughout the squad quickly, allowing them to sink eight more ships before things went wrong. Suddenly beta-1, one of the vessels under his command exploded, causing it to quickly sink. "What the hell was that?" The COB replied quickly.

"Sir, from what I saw, it looked like a torpedo malfunction, poor bastards." Suddenly, the remaining vessels under his command were rocked by explosions.

"Sir, This is the battery deck, we are low on torpedos and the remaining ships are armored and apparently equipped with depth charge batteries. We don't have a chance." Rage filled Prince-Commander Alekier, as well as guilt.

"COB give the order to make a fighting retreat at full power.." The COB shocked, interrupted his CO.

"But Sir-"

"NOW COB! I will not lose the rest of my men to these bastards, I will alert fleet command that we are retreating into allied territory."

"Sir, you can't mean we are to retreat into Equestrian waters, we will be breaking the mandate, this goes against a multi millennia-old tradition."

"Not true LC, the preservation article allows commanding officers to order a retreat into friendly territory as long as they send forwarning to the leaders of whatever nation they retreat to. Break out the Canterlot Dragonfire." The COB saluted before rushing off to find the jar. By the time the jar was found and handed to Alekier, the wolf-pack's remaining ships were using their remaining torpedos in a fighting retreat.

P.O.V. shift: Celestia: Canterlot

It was a nice, warm, sunny day in Canterlot, the kind Celestia had learned over the centuries had a fifty-fifty chance of going great or horrible. The alabaster alicorn was sitting on her throne, drinking tea, when a royal messenger came bursting into the room carrying a black scroll.

"Princess, This came from one of the emergency Dragonfire jars, protocol dictates that I bring this to you immediately. Upon being handed the letter, and upon seeing the orange wax seal with an insignia of a pair of swords crossed over a spear and the trio of weapons in of a shield, Celestia was filled with terror. 'Why would humanity send an emergency message, Is Equestria under attack?' Celestia then opened the message, giving her an answer. "Dear Princess Celestia of Equestria, I, Prince-Commander Alekier regret to inform you, my naval unit, the wolf-pack, is making a fighting retreat into the nearest Equestrian port city, which on our course, is the city of Manehatten, I request aid, our ammo stores are already too low to defeat this enemy, and I fear we will not even make it to Manehatten."
Turning to a nearby guard, Celestia gave an order.

"Prepare the First solar division and have them report to the east courtyard for an emergency trip to Manehatten." The guard saluted and ran off to follow his orders
Penning a reply before handing it to the royal messenger.

"Send this reply through the same jar the first message came through." The royal messenger saluted.

"Yes, Princess Celestia."

P.O.V. shift: Prince-Commander Alekier: 150 nautical miles from Manehatten

"Sir, we received a reply." The COB said, handing it to his CO to read.

"Dear Prince-Commander Alekier, I have received your message, thank you for the warning, feel free to retreat to Manehatten, I will be waiting with a division of my finest guard."

'Thank the Almighty, we might just survive this after all.'