//------------------------------// // Fourth Day - Ice Skating: // Story: The Dazzlings 12 Days of Christmas // by Zenyattaluver677 //------------------------------// “Ok Sonata, let’s sit down on the bench here and we can put our skates on.” Aria explained softly to her younger sister as her, Sonata and Adagio walked over to the outdoor skating rink that was in their local town. “Can you help me put mine on Ari?” Sonata asked as she sat down on the bench, handing her skates to her older sister. “Sure.” Aria softly replied as she grabbed her sister’s skates, untied the knot that was holding the two together and then gently grabbed Sonata’s right foot to put on her skate and tie it for her. Adagio and Aria’d gone skating a few times before and knew how to do it, but Sonata’d never gone before, this was her first time skating and her anxiety was making her nervous about it. She was worried she’d fall and hurt herself while skating, and she didn’t want to get laughed at by anyone else on the ice that she didn’t know if she fell or for not knowing how to skate. Aria’d told her that she’d make sure Sonata wouldn’t hurt herself and that she knew Aria would defend her if someone laughed or pointed fingers at her for not knowing how to skate or for falling. “You ready to have fun Sonata?” Aria softly asked as she continued to tie Sonata’s skate on her right foot. “Um, yeah.” Sonata quietly answered, watching her older sister tie her skate. “She doesn’t sound to enthusiastic about this Aria.” Adagio stated while tying her own skates, she was sitting on the opposite edge of the bench. “Well she’s scared, she’s never done this before.” Aria explained softly as she finished tying Sonata’s right skate and then moved to tie her left one. “Ok, I’m done tying my skates, when you both are ready, you can set your blade guards for your skates next to mine, we’re only going to be here for an hour.” Adagio explained as she took her blade guards off her skates and set them down where she’d been sitting on the bench once she stood up. “Ok.” Aria flatly replied, she didn’t look up as she was busy with Sonata’s skate. “Blade guards? What’s that Ari?” Sonata asked her older and protective sister once Adagio skated off. “It’s the thing on the bottom of our skates, they just protect the blade from cement, wood, metal and rocks so the blades don’t get dull or rusty.” Aria softly explained as she finished tying Sonata’s left skate. “These feel weirder than shoes Ari.” Sonata said as she noticed how the skates felt on her feet. “Yeah they will at first Nata. Those should be tight enough.” Aria softly replied, looking up and smiling at her younger sister while she tested the tightness of her skates. She was able to stick two fingers between both legs and toplines of the skates but not a third. “I want to take the blade thingy off.” Sonata said when saw Aria reach down to take off the blade guards. “Oh ok, just be careful. The blades are sharp so try not to cut your hand or fingers.” Aria explained as she stood up and sat down on the bench to tie her own skates. “Ok Ari.” Sonata replied before turning and carefully taking off her blade guards as Aria tied her own skates. *2 MINUTES LATER* “Alright, are you ready?” Aria said as she stood up off the bench and set hers and Sonata’s blade guards down by Adagio’s. “Um, I don’t know. No one’s going to laugh at me right?” Sonata replied, asking if she’d get laughed at, she was moving her blades back and forth on the ice, not really liking how easily they moved and how thin they were. “Nope. If they do, I’ll say something, you know that.” Aria softly answered, smiling at her sister to reassure her it was ok as she held her right hand out for Sonata to grab. “Ok.” Sonata said as she took her sister’s hand and slowly stood up, wobbling a little bit on her feet while she did, Aria gently took her other hand and then gently held her by her hips to make sure she wouldn’t fall when she tried to skate. “There, now all I’m going to do is hold you and we can skate towards the other side of the rink, I’ll just say either left or right and that’s the skate you use ok, you’ll have to alternate though.” Aria softly and slowly explained to her younger sister once she figured out her center or gravity and got her balance on her skates. “Ok Ari.” Sonata said, willing to do whatever as long as Aria helped her and didn’t let her hurt herself. Aria and Sonata slowly began to skate across the ice rink with Aria softly telling Sonata which foot to use so Sonata’d learn how to skate, Sonata caught her pick on the ice a couple times and stumbled but Aria was there to catch her everytime so she wouldn’t fall. They eventually made it to the other side of the rink and once they did, Sonata grabbed the wall to stabilize herself and turned to look at Aria. “Good job, you made it all the way over here.” Aria softly praised, smiling at her younger sister, letting her know she was proud of her for what she’d just done. “Thanks Ari.” Sonata replied, returning her older and protective sister’s smile. “You’re welcome. Now, we can go that way, towards where Adagio is, you can either hold the wall with one arm and try by yourself or we can do what we did before and I’ll hold you and skate behind you.” Aria explained, pointing to their older sister who was standing at the far edge of the rink, watching them. “I want to hold the wall and just try by myself, but, what happens if I fall?” Sonata asked, saying she wanted to try herself. “If you feel like you’re going to fall or you accidentally catch your pick on the ice and fall, just bend your knees and squat. Then just put your hands in your lap and lean forward and fall sideways, once you fall, roll onto your hands and knees and get back up by putting one foot at a time between you're knees and push yourself back up.” Aria slowly explained so Sonata would understand better. “Ok. I get it.” Sonata replied once she contemplated what Aria’d said to her for a minute. “Alright come on, I’ll let you go first and then I’ll just skate beside you at the pace you set ok.” Aria softly explained again, skating a little closer to her younger sister. Sonata nodded and slowly began to skate on her own, holding onto the edge of the arena with her right arm, doing what Aria’d said earlier, alternating between her left and right foot as she skated forward. Aria skated beside her and told her she was doing a good job every few seconds and to keep going, at the far end of the arena, Adagio continued to watch them, as she’d figured out they were coming towards her. She skated forwards a little ways so they wouldn’t have to go as far, moving off the wall so they’d have room to stop beside her. Aria and Sonata were about half way to Adagio when one of the picks on Sonata’s left skate caught in the ice and she felt herself falling, Aria stopped and watched as Sonata’d done as she’d said and fell the proper way. Once Sonata was sitting on her knees, Aria skated over to her. “You ok?” Aria softly asked. “Yeah. Did anyone notice?” Sonata replied, asking if someone had noticed her fall besides Aria. “Well Adagio probably did but she knows you’ve never done this before so she most likely won’t laugh, if she does, she’ll just have to talk to me about it.” Aria softly answered, looking around to see if anyone else had noticed Sonata fall. “Oh ok.” Sonata said as she slowly got up the way Aria’d told her to, grabbing the wall again once she was on her feet. “There, good job, now let’s keep going. We’re almost to where Adagio is.” Aria softly said once Sonata was steady on her feet again. “Ok.” Sonata replied, smiling at her sister’s praise, starting off skating again. “She’s doing pretty good I see.” Adagio said when Aria and Sonata reached her and stopped, Sonata stopped by grabbing the wall with her other arm. “Yeah, she’s doing really good.” Aria replied, looking over and smiling at Sonata. “Dagi, this is fun.” Sonata said to her oldest sister. “Yeah, I know it is.” Adagio replied, since she didn’t ever play along with things Sonata said like Aria did. “Ari come on, I want to go that way.” Sonata explained, pointing to somewhere near where the bench that had their stuff was. “Ok come on then, let’s go.” Aria said before she and Sonata skated away from Adagio, who skated in the opposite direction.