Not Our Sunset

by YellowHornIsAGirl

First Day

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of wood being dragged against carpet. The source of the noise was a forty year old woman with a bright smile on her face.

“Morning,” She smiled warmly, “We have to be to work in half an hour, so it’s time you get up.”

“Fuck,” I moaned, “Why can't it wait until tomorrow?”

“First off, watch your mouth,” Her smile dropped, “Second off, because I told you too. And as your mother, I require you to go to school.”

“Fine,” I replied, “Just let me change into somethin’ else. This shirt is sweaty and smell like dirty socks.”

“Like I said, “ She smiled, “Thirty minutes. Oh, and I would recommend the yellow t-shirt with the black leather jacket. Oh, and the blue skinny jeans.”

“Wait, what?” I asked, confused at what she meant.

“It’s in the closet” She pointed towards the door to the left before leaving my room. I opened the closet.

“Woah” I stared. It was a full walk in closet.There were dresses, skirts, jackets and pants everywhere. It even included a fine selection of boots.

“This must be heaven” I stared even longer. I couldn’t help it, everything in here was amazing. I stopped staring and looked for the clothing my mother had mentioned. It wasn’t too hard to find, as it had been hung up together, including the pants.

“She planned it” I moaned. I took the clothes I was wearing off, revealing a nicely curved body. I gave myself a flashy grin before throwing on the shirt and pants. I giggled and threw the jacket over my shoulder before stepping out of the closet. I picked my phone up and headed out my bedroom. As soon as I stepped out, I smelled something faint as if something were burning. Like, pancakes.


Oh, that’s why. I walked into the kitchen to find Luna and my mother arguing over burnt pancakes.

“You rushed my pancakes, sister!” Luna yelled.

“You shouldn’t have been making them twenty minutes before work!” Mother fired back.

“They don’t take that long to cook!”  Luna yelled back. The continued this for a few more minutes before I butted in.

“Hey, you two!” I caught their attention, “Don’t we have somewhere to go? I mean, I don’t wanna go to school, but I also don't want to hear you argue.”

“She’s right, Luna,” Celestia took a breath, “We should get going, even if you burnt the most simple thing in the world to cook.”

“I’m sorry you were rushing me!” Luna, still upset about her pancakes continued to yell. I sighed as the argument continued. This is gonna be a really long day.

After we arrived five minutes late, my mother decided she would dragged me to my first class.

“Now, Sunset,” She looked me in the eyes, “I understand you don’t like school and have a bad record of skipping. So I’m going to warn you this; I find out you skipped, and I will find out, you will hate me for the rest of your life.”
Already done, I thought. I nodded before she walked off. After a few moments I walked into the classroom. The entire class looked up and stared at me like they were looking into my soul. Except one girl who was sill jotting down notes. Either that or drawing. She had lavender skin and blueish hair with a pink stripe through it. She even had a weird jewel around her neck baring a strange symbol.

“Ah, class,” The teacher, a male with a long gray beard smiled, “This is our new student. Would you care to introduce yourself?”

“My name is Sunset,” I told them, “Sunset Shimmer.”

The girl looked up before going back to her note book. What a nerd. But cute. Bad Sunset! I thought, she probably isn’t even into girls!

“Take a seat next to Twilight,” He told me, “The lavender one.”

I nodded and did as I was told. As I sat down she gave me a crumpled piece of paper. I opened and read it: Look for me during lunch. I’ll be sitting with five other girls. I nodded and crumpled the note back up.

I wonder what she wants, I thought, Maybe she wants to rob me. Or beat me up. Or maybe she’s nice and wants a friendly chat during lunch. Either way, I might show up. And that was the last thought for a while. That was, until lunch. Lunch was just some slop the lunch lady put together, which I expected. After taking my tray, I looked around for that girl from earlier. I eventually found her sitting at a small table in the back. I began my stride towards her, but as soon as I turned a corner I ran head first into some loser who, like me hadn’t been paying attention. He had spiked blue hair and wore a crappy leather jacket.

“Hey!” I stumbled down, spilling my tray of food all over his t-shirt.

“No!” He cried, “My new t-shir- Wait, Sunset? Didn’t you go back to Eque-”

His mouth was covered by a lavender hand which belonged to the same girl I had just seen across the cafeteria.

“Hi Flash!” She fake smiled, obviously hiding something, “Why don’t you go clean your shirt! I’m going to take her over to the girls, okay?”

“Sure, but-” He was cut off when Twilight dragged me all the way over to the same table I had just seen her sitting at.There were five girls sitting there. One was pink with pink hair, one was blue with rainbow hair, another was white with purple hair, a fourth had orange skin and wore a stetson fedora over her blonde hair and the last one was pale yellow and was hiding behind her light pink hair.

“So, who are all of you?’ I asked, curious to why this girl would drag me all the way over here.

“Ah’m Applejack,” The one with the fedora said, “And this is Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy an’ the one who brought you here is Twilight.”

“Ahd we need to discuss something with you,” Twilight let go of my arm.

“Alright, throw it at me” I was curious.

“Well you see-” Rainbow was cut off by Pinkie who put her finger against her mouth.

“You see, we met your doppelganger from another dimension where everybody is a pony. Recently, she went back home and the portal to her home is now closed, meaning all of our magic powers that were held in these crystals around our necks are gone. But Twilight here has a theory that if we found the other Sunset Shimmer we could reopen the portal to Equestria, giving us our powers and best friend back!” Pinkie smiled.

“This school is weird.”