//------------------------------// // The Storm That Wasn't // Story: A Star Reborn // by burner181 //------------------------------// The night was bitter cold. The wind hissed sinisterly as it ruffled the pink mane of a small purple filly. She was far from home, cast out by those she called friends. Although she managed to make it close to Canterlot on her wanderings, the moon was waning that night. Soon, it would be too dark to travel safely. The filly stopped on the road abruptly. Could that be a light, there through the trees? A scrub bush, pushed aside, revealed…. A mansion? Here? Way out on the outskirts of Canterlot? As she approached, it seemed that there wasn’t actually a light. The building was painted in such a way that it echoed the beauty of the night sky. What’s more, it glimmered…. strangely. Magic coated the premises, warding it against every intrusion. From the looks of things, even that of time itself. And yet, the filly felt no pressure, no warning to turn away. This place felt….welcoming. Like a home you’ve never seen before. A soft blue glow passed from window to window as if tending to the house. The gate held no resistance as the filly pushed against it as if beckoning her to continue on, only to close behind her softly. As she neared the darker toned door it slowly opened, revealing a cat on the other side. At first glance the cat appeared to be wearing a tuxedo, but on closer inspection it was just its fur pattern. The gentle feline turned and gestured for her to follow. Compelled by her curiosity, the filly followed the feline to a door where the same blue glow from earlier could be seen around the cracks. As the filly entered the room, she saw a spectral pony amongst shelves of books, indicating this was an office or a library. On closer inspection the filly could see that the pony was a dark blue unicorn with a dark shield as a cutie mark. The pony put a book back on the shelf, “So Tux, what did the cat drag in this time?” Tux just looked at his master then at the filly then left. “Thank you Tux,” he said to the kitty before it left then turned to the filly sitting there nervously. The stallion looked down at the filly, “Don’t worry little one, I'm not going to hurt you.” He looked up at the door as Tux came back in, carrying a sandwich on a tray which he brought over to the filly. The stallion shook his head at the cat. “Tux isn't actually a butler, he just enjoys taking care of children.” The smiling filly petted Tux before taking the sandwich from him. The stallion nodded and went back to organizing the room. “You must be tired, when I finish here I'll put you to bed when you finish eating.” Yawning, the filly looked up at him “Stowy?” He smiled. “Sure, I'll tell you a bedtime story.” Shaking his head, closing and putting the last book away, and turning to look at the filly he noticed her starting to fall asleep. He gently picked the filly and a book of children stories up and carried her to a spare bedroom. Tucking her into bed and sitting next to it, he opened the book and used his magic to highlight the words he read. He began, “Once upon a time in a forest far far away…” “...The End.” As he finished the story he noticed the filly had fallen asleep and quietly made his way to his secret lab. He started going over his notes. “Well this complicates things.” He looked at a blank space next to him. “Well I'm going to have to be here to take care of her.” As he started to walk around the room he got to some maps and stops. “Being on the outside might give another perspective of avenues we could use to escape.” He shrugged and leaves the room. “Keep working on your end, we’ll find a way, eventually.” Tux looked up at his master, confused and wondering whom he was talking too. “Hmm, oh, hi Tux, nothing to worry about just talking to myself, since you are incapable of speaking Equestrian.” Ignoring his pouting cat, he stopped and looked at a letter on a desk and read it. Dear Captain Darkness Shield We have received your resignation after the most recent incident. We understand the reasoning why you feel you must leave your position. While we wish you would reconsider and stay with us, it is with a heavy heart that we will agree that along with the disbanding of the Moonshadows we will forward your retirement request as well. As a parting gift and a commendation for your service, please keep the armor you were awarded. Yours truly, Princess Celestia Tux nuzzled against Darkness’s leg sensing his master’s distress. “Thanks Tux, you’ve always been a loyal friend.” Darkness headed to his own bedroom to sleep, looking up at the moon before he climbed in bed. “When one job ends, another begins.” He closed his eyes and went to sleep. As he woke up and got out of bed to wander the house he found Tux already making breakfast for the filly. He went over and petted Tux, “You know if she wants to leave we can’t stop her, it will be her choice, but if she decides to stay, well that’s fine too, I’ll be honest. I always wanted a daughter.” Tux looked up at his master and mimicked a horn on top of his head. “Her horn? Well my only issue with that is do I teach her to use magic internally to reinforce herself or find her some sort of implement she can use to cast her magic? Well, until I can get back and make her a prosthetic horn, that is.” Unbeknownst to the duo the small filly was at the doorway after smelling the aromas from the kitchen. The duo was pulled out of their conversation as they heard an excited call of “Daddy”, then Darkness getting tackled by the purple blur that was the excited filly. Darkness looked over at Tux, “Well that answers one question. Hmm, let’s start with internal magic first.” Extracting his new daughter from him, he set her in a chair as Tux brought over the food he was making. “So daughter, do you have a name already or do I need to come up with one? The little filly looked up from her food. “The owners of the orphanage called me Fizzlepop Berrytwist.” Darkness shared a look with his cat, then walked over and wiped off her mouth. “Ok Fizzy, any questions for me?” She looked back at the hallway where a picture could be seen clearly from the doorway. “Who are all those ponies?” She asked, pointing to the picture. Darkness looked up at the picture. “They are the Moonshadows, and the Dream Wardens.” Fizzy perked up at the chance of hearing one of her father's stories. Seeing this, Darkness chuckled. “Ok, sweety I’ll tell you the story.”