//------------------------------// // Fruit tastes good // Story: Avocados, Raspberries, and Other Cool Fruits // by Yumyums23 //------------------------------// In an unknown location, a filly stared at an avocado. The avocado was on a colorful kitchen counter. The stool that the filly sat on was made for taller ponies, so the filly’s eyes were right in front of that avocado, staring at its dark green skin. The filly wondered why she had such bad luck with the beautiful green fruits. Every time she watched someone else eat an avocado the avocados would have no bruises or marks of any kind, but when she would peel her avocados she would be greeted by dark bruises staring at her, taunting her. Even though the filly had really bad luck with avocados, they were still her favorite fruit. All of her hopes and dreams involved avocados in some way. First, she wanted to make things with avocados, then she wanted to farm avocados. When she got her cutie mark she wasn’t even surprised, because she knew the whole time that her purpose in life involved avocados. One day she started hearing ponies talking about her and her love for avocados. They said that it was disgusting for her to love a fruit that much. Soon enough, they started telling her to her face that her love for avocados was disgusting. The filly did not stop loving her avocados though, because she thought that they were her life. The only way she could survive is if she ate avocados every day and praised them every minute of her life. As the filly went through school and time crawled on and on, she started sharing through books and songs how amazing avocados were. She was the happiest when she was writing a book or producing a song about the fruits she loved most. Soon enough, she was a famous author and songwriter. Nobody saw that coming. The filly grew older and older. So old that nobody would even dare call her a filly anymore. The filly was now an old mare looking for some food in her fridge. Her eyes soon locked on a small package of raspberries that her friend Rasp had gotten for her. The mare was very hesitant in grabbing the package. She didn’t want to spend a minute not thinking about the amazingness of avocados. Slowly, the old mare took a bite of a raspberry. It was the best thing she had ever tasted. Nothing could compare to the sourness and the sweetness of the raspberry. Avocados were trash in comparison to this glorious fruit. Then the mare thought about how famous she was for loving avocados, she thought about all of the joy she had felt in the past because of the green fruits. The mare looked at her cutie mark and saw that it was still an avocado. She continued eating from the package of raspberries as tears crawled down her face. The mare knew that she could never even think of eating an avocado again. She watched helplessly as her cutie mark slowly faded and disappeared. Now, the old mare was talentless. She was a fifty-five-year-old mare with no cutie mark and no purpose in life. While the mare who used to love avocados cried as she ate, her friend Rasp was doing a similar thing in her own kitchen. They both cried about their love for their new favorite fruits. Rasp loved avocados and the other mare loved raspberries. They closed their eyes and wished and wished that they could switch lives. That the pony who wrote songs about avocados could write about raspberries without being frowned upon. And that Rasp could escape her life of farming a fruit she now hated. Fields and fields of blueberry bushes laid there, going up the gigantic mountain and back down again. For years and years the Blueberry family had worked on covering this entire mountain in blue, and they finally did it. Bloop was the only one in the family who wasn’t happy about it. It was mostly because Bloop was an only child which meant that mountain would go to him once his parents retired. Just imagine miles and miles of blueberry bushes. They all belong to you, so you’re responsible for them. Everybody in your family is counting on you to take care of them and keep each individual bush happy and healthy. There was one big problem with this arrangement though, one that Bloop’s family had ignored the whole time. Bloop did not like blueberries. Not at all. But there was one fruit that he really liked, it was a fruit that everypony dissed for being extremely sour. Bloop liked lemons. He didn’t like lemonade, he didn’t like putting lemon juice in his water. He liked eating whole lemons alone without anything blocking the sourness of them. He was just a colt so his whole family thought that his love for lemons was just a phase, that soon he would start getting sick of lemons and he would start liking blueberries instead. They were wrong. When Bloop got his cutie mark his whole world went upside down. It was a cutie mark of a lemon with a line on it that was shaped like other ponies mouths when they tried eating lemons as he did. Bloop’s special talent was making food, treats, and drinks using lemons while getting sure to make everything super sour. When it set in that he did not get a blueberry mark like his parents wanted him to, Bloop started panicking. He soon made the decision to go to his Aunt Rasp’s house. Maybe she would know what to do. One day a crowd of ponies was looking at the town’s bulletin board. If you were close enough to the crowd, you would hear whispers of “What is this?” and “What does this mean?” They all gathered up to look at one poster advertising a group of ponies that wanted to make themselves known. Everypony was very shocked about what this poster advertised. They asked themselves what they did to make this terrible thing happen. Most of the crowd was scared that they would not be able to get any more songs celebrating the amazingness of avocados. A few ponies were worried about the sanity of their favorite family member. Two ponies were angry that their son would betray them like this. They all stared at that poster. Alarms going off in their brains telling them that this poster was not normal. All of them soon had the same thought going around in their heads. “Why would this happen?” they asked themselves “How is it possible that a pony could like one fruit one day but like one fruit the next? How is it possible that a pony born in a Blueberry loving family would start enjoying the sour taste of lemons.” They all looked up as they all got the illusion that a voice up in the sky had answered their questions. “You should not worry about why it’s possible.” The voice stated, “The real question is: will you accept these ponies for how they are or will you not?” In their minds, every single pony in the crowd answered the voice’s question.