//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 - Vacation and New Beginnings // Story: Beginnings of the Race Swapper // by Hexan Tronic //------------------------------// Upon awakening the next day, me and my siblings had come to a decision on where to go. So once I finished getting dressed, I head downstairs and ate breakfast. After that, I went back up to my room, and started packing some things in my hat. After having a shower, I head to the kitchen. “Hey Mom, I’m heading out.” I told her while heading to the door. “Don’t take too long, you need to eat.” She replies while cooking. I nod and head off into town. First off I head to school to talk to Book Smart. When I got there she was marking some homework. I knocked and walked in. “Excuse me miss, can I speak with you?” As I asked she looked over to me and smiled. “Of course Hexan, what can I do for you?” She placed her quill down and payed full attention to me. I take a deep breath before beginning to speak. “I’m leaving town to explore other races.” She looks somewhat shocked. “What? Where is this coming from?” She looks curious, but also concerned. “I have talked it over with my brothers and sister, and we decided to go see other races. We want to know how they differ from ponies first hoof.” She nods, looking over some paperwork. “I guess that makes sense, are your parents okay with it?” She asks while watching me. I shake my head. “Not yet, I was going to tell them last.” She frowns, sliding some of the papers over to me. “Okay then. I want you to sign this for me.” I look over the papers, finding it to be some paperwork for my leave of school. Then I signed it. “Thank you Hexan, and I hope you find what you are looking for.” I nod. “Thank you Miss Book Smart.” She smiles as I head off. I decided to go see Fast Mender next. Walking through town, I arrived at the hospital. After talking to the receptionist, I head down to Fast’s office. She smiled when she saw me. “Morning Fast Mender.” “Good morning Hexan, how are you doing?” She asked while watching me. “I’m doing well, but I’m planning on leaving town.” She looks like she is thinking to herself. “Well, if you must, I guess you must. But please make sure your careful alright?” I nod, as she smiles softly. “I will Miss, I promise. I will also remember to send you reports of any new developments.” She nods while listening. “That is fine Hexan, I will await any that you send me in the future. I will look forward to whenever you next visit.” I thank her and wave goodbye as I head off. Walking around, I decided to visit Gene next. When I reached her home, I knocked on the door, her mother let me head straight to her room. She looks over and smiles. “Hey Hexy, what’s up?” She asks while putting her book down. “Not too much right now, just came to let you know I’m heading out of town.” She is shocked and comes straight over. “What! Why?!” She is looking concerned for me. “I want to go explore, and experience other races. I spent all night with my siblings talking this over and this is it.” She sighs and hugs me tightly. “Just, please be safe, okay?” She looks me in the eyes. “Of course, nothing too dangerous, I’ll be fine.” I give her a confident smile, hoping to ease her worries, which seems to work. “Alright Hex, I guess I’ll see you later. Don’t forget me alright?” I hug her close. “How could I forget my best friend?” She smiles and steps back. “Alright then, knowing you, you haven’t told your parents yet, so get to it!” I nod and head to her door. “Bye Gene.” “Bye Hexy.” After saying goodbye, I head off home. When I got home I head to the bathroom to relieve myself, then sat at the kitchen table. While eating a dinner of vegetables and fruits, I decide to break the news to my parents. “Hey Mom, Dad?” They stop their conversation and focus on me. “Yes Hexan?” Mom asks while watching me. “I have decided to go travelling.” They look shocked at the abruptness of my statement. “Um, what do you mean by, ‘go travelling’?” Dad asks me. “I mean, leave town, and visit other lands.” They are now looking to each other with concern on their faces. “I assume you have thought about this already?” Mom asks me. “I have, I also spent all day visiting ponies, for information and to say goodbye.” Mom sighs. “You know, you really went about this a bit quick Hexan” I nod, finishing my dinner. “So you are fine with it?” I ask them. They both sigh then nod. “We wouldn’t want to have put all your time today to waste, so I guess we can’t stop you.” Dad says, as Mom comes over and hugs me. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.” I nod while hugging back. “Of course Mom, my first stop will be the deer lands.” She nods and lets go. “Alright, guess I better prepare some food for your journey.” She heads to the kitchen. “Be safe, alright son?” Dad looks to me. “Will do Dad. Well I should be off to bed now. Goodnight.” I start to leave to table. “Goodnight son.” Dad heads off for his and Mom’s room as I head to bed, and fall asleep.