Bamboozle boogaloo 2: Tokyo drift

by Theboxcatgamr

chapter 6: the training montage that ends up somehow putting us on a crazy train to Equestria

Loki and Thor flew up and began freeing oden from the chains as Noah stood up and got out of the chair. Noah looked at the usurper closely. Several scars and bald spots were present on the griffin. A small symbol was burned into a particularly large bald spot where no fur of feathers would ever grow again. It was a funky looking box with a skull on it. It was obviously some sort of brand.

”so after all these years...”

” after all these years what?”

”well that was rude”


”it is fine. Though may I ask what your quest is?”

”find my friends and try not to die.”

”a Nobel cause if I’ve seen one! Speaking of which, what house are you from?”


”...are you joking? You have the traits of most nobles.”

Noah before becoming a shadow guy was the pasty white guy who stayed indoors too often. Noah remembered that nobles of the past also had the trademark blue veins showing (which he also had) however it was currently impossible for oden to know about how white Noah was.

”I’m sorry. What traits?”

Oden looked surprised at this response.

”...erm you have that air of nobility?”

Noah was very skilled in covering up his own lies. This also made it easy to look for anything that could tell him others were lying to him. This is not what helped Noah deduce that oden was bluffing before. It seemed that he had mistakenly called oden on his bluff. His eye was erratic and could not make eye contact with Noah’s.

”...oden. Are you lying to me?”

”! Not at all! It’s just unheard of for an ancient to be...”

”come on. Say it.”

”a peasant”

”oh. I thought you were going to say commoner. Eh kinda? Point is it doesn’t matter. What I need to know is why you look so...familiar”

Oden sighed.


Noah’s eye twitched. He was getting sick of all the dramatic pauses

”this isn’t our first time meeting.”

It was here that it finally clicked for Noah

”wait. Hold on. Are you really-“

”the same small feline residing in Alexander’s dwelling? I am.”

The room went silent and oden wasn’t lying. Oden entered a side room beckoning Noah to follow. Noah and Loki entered as Thor stood there awestruck at the revelation that his father was one of the chosen.

Oden showed a painting to Noah that had many other recognizable griffins. And also a human sitting at a table in what seemed to be a recreation of “the last supper”. The human’s expression was mirthful and holding back laughter. Yep leave it to Alex to cook up something like this. Two familiar griffins were sitting beside Alex (who was sitting where Jesus was supposed to be) one missing an eye and the other with a fur pattern on its head that created a upside down crucifix. The title of the painting was “Satan and the boys’s wild Night out.” The entirety of the painting was blasphemous to Noah’s religion.

Yet he could not hold back the laughter that followed. After a moment Noah calmed down and remembered he was supposed to be doing something

”what is so funny about this?”



”I don’t really know.”

”anyway this is me and my kin.”

Noah looked through his coat to see if he had his phone on him. He wanted to take a picture of the painting. He could not find the phone. He found a hat though.

Noah has a tendency to carry many different objects in his coat.

Noah put the hat on and this specific hat held meaning to Noah. You know how applejack is never seen without her trademark Stetson? Same deal with Noah’s hat. Noah had no idea what his hat was called but it was basically one of those newspaper boy hats. Like the one on a specific Irish YouTuber. The one who screams a lot? Yeah that guy.

And that hat.

Anyway while I was explaining the prowess of hats to you Noah left the room agreed to training with Thor before a training montage passed where Noah got the shit kicked out of him until he managed to successfully perform the splits doing a head-spin while also doing the Macarena and with much effort ripping one of those water park bracelets apart with his bare hands. Quite simple really!

Then suddenly Noah woke up on a train with Loki.

”ok he’s coming out of it!”

”out of what? Where am I? Why are we on a train? HOLY FUCK I AM THIRSTY”

”calm down. Your just coming out of a training montage. Here drink this water”

Noah drained the glass quickly

”heh. First montage?”

”I’m sorry. What were we doing?”

Loki said everything mentioned in the montage to Noah. Noah didn’t believe Loki until he noticed that he had lost weight. Noah felt great and also like he had ran a marathon

”I feel like I ran a marathon”

”that’s because you did.”

”shite. Anyway where are we now?”



”because you said something about “hunting them all down and booping their snoots” whatever that means”


”hey you said it not me. Also what’s a boop?”

Noah reached out and pressed his finger on Loki’s beak causing Loki to go cross eyed



”that was a boop.”

”why would you want to go all the way to Equestria just to do that to some pony’s?”

”why wouldn’t you want to go all the way to Equestria just to do that to some pony’s?”

”because I’m normal”

”pff normal is boring”

”so am I boring?”

”are you the definition of perfection?”


”then you are not boring.”

”thanks Noah”

”no problem. Uh one question.”


”why are you humming The Macarena?”

”the what?”

Noah looked up and after seeing something strange he decided to ask one last question

”why is that mercenarie guy laying up there with the luggage?”

”because the luggage is much safer to crack open then a boobytrapped chest”

yay I’m gonna save the world!”

”ok seriously what the fuck happened while I was out?”