Day and Night

by Inactive Pone

Hug Battle

The two fillies were talking with each other in Daybreaker’s room. Decoration was much the same, just recoloured. The two sisters were talking about something pretty silly, but to them, important.

So what were they arguing about this time?

They were arguing over who loves their sister more than the other, because they love each other so much after having so much fun the other day. Daybreaker said she loves Nightmare more. Nightmare says she loves Daybreaker more. Obviously, they were quick to try and correct each other on just how much they love their sister, and was a little annoyed at how they weren’t appreciating the love that each other is giving them, only the love they give themselves.

So who loves each other more? Sun or Moon?

They got a fun idea to settle that question.




The two come close to squeeze their muzzles together.

“I love my sister more!” Daybreaker laughed.

“No, I do!” Nightmare chuckled.

“No! I do!”

“*giggles* Nah, we both love each other.

“*giggles* But one of us must love the other more!”

“Oh, right! *chuckles* And we need to find out!”

“Aw, we don’t have to, because I’m the one.”

“Haha, no, it’s me!”

“Come on! You know how much I love you, Night.”

“Day, you should know I feel the same, even though it’s only been a week.”

“True, but I’m the one who loves her sister the most.”

“I insist, I’m the one who loves her sister more.”

Both of them chuckle and start to push against each other.

“Just admit it!”

“You admit it!”

“No, because Day loves more!”

“No! Night loves more!”



They both continued going back and forth, shouting out their side over and over, saying they’re the one to win over this little quarrel. They made cute noises every time they got pushed back. Also, they were both showing a smile as they close their eyes and playfully argue. Turning fights into playtime, no?

They wink to each other, with their muzzles pressed together.

“I don’t think we can settle this, Night.”

“Yeah, we need to find a way, Day.”

“Hmmmm... If we like hugging so much, and it gives out so much love... Why don’t we...”

“Yes...? Go on...”

“I think you’ve suggested this before, why don’t we settle it like how we do for all of our bickering?”

“*laughs* Hug it out?”

“Yeah! I challenge you to a hug battle!”

“Oooooooh! Sounds fun!”

The two fillies decided to do this on the fields of clouds instead of their bedroom since there’s more space for them to play around in. After going through the rules they’ve made up, they were outside, standing at the edge of the borders, ready to show each other what they’ve got. The two claimed this indeed as a silly idea, but it’s also really fun to do, and they needed a way to settle the answer to the question before it turns into an actual fight anyway.

They came close together with a smile. They’re looking forward to this, after all. Squeezing their muzzles together a few times, they started giggling.

“Just a quick question...” Nightmare asked, giving a wink.

“Yes, sis?” Daybreaker looks at her with a cute face.

“How personal are we getting in this little game? Don’t want to feel awkward.”

“*giggles* Come on, we forget about personal space when we hug!”

“Haha, you’re right. Just needed to clear that up.”

The two started to walk in circles, facing opposite each other the whole time.

“See, Nightmare...” Daybreaker sticks her tongue out. “*chuckles* I’m looking forward to this. I can’t wait to nuzzle you and squeeze you and everything.”

Nightmare did the same. “Pssh, me too! Can’t wait to cuddle and snuggle you, Daybreaker.”

“So, how long you want to do this for?”

“Well, I love hugs, but since this is kinda like a fight, and I don’t want to fight with you, I don’t mind a short time.”

“Maybe 10 minutes?”

“Mmm, works for me. Why you specify so?”

Daybreaker giggled. “Well, I may or may not have created a weird and very specific spell for this, haha. Thought I would use it at some point.”

“Hmmm? Interesting idea, sister,” Nightmare said, both now stopping at their sides. “What’s it do?”

“This is why I said we’ll have a grace period before we start, it’s for the spell to kick in. A minute or two should do. What it does is that it acts sort of like a chain, to tie us together. That way, we’ll be forced to stick close to each other and thus hug. It does adjust itself to suit our hugs positions, haha! But our hooves can pass through it. Just our bodies will be chained up.”

“Hahaha, that’s so fun!”

“Mmm, I know. Now, wanna hug?”

Nightmare nodded as the two got close. They decided to go for a two-hoof hug, reaching out with both their front hooves. But soon they used their whole bodies to engage in the hug. They both smiled as they press themselves close to their friend. Lying down, the two look at each other, holding each other.

“*soft chuckle* Isn’t this wonderful, Night?”

“Day, it’s perfect...”

“Yeah. I love hugs now. Especially when doing it with somepony that I love.”

“Me too. *chuckles* So you’re saying... You love me?”

“Haha, haven’t you noticed already?”

“Well... *giggles* Maybe. I guess us hugging freely is enough to say we both love each other, doesn’t it?”

“Pretty much. Hey, Nightmare...”

“*chuckles* Yes, Daybreaker?”

“I know we’re having a fight of who loves their sister more, but please, let’s not play too rough on each other. We love hugging one another, but not too rough.”

“Seems fine. Even so, put out your best. I love it when hugs are sincere. Haha, and let’s switch to arguing mode once we start. Always fun when we have a playful quarrel.”

The two narrowed their eyes at each other.

“Good luck, Day. This will be fun.”

“Haha, good luck to you too, Night.”

The magic started kicking in. In a flash, the two fillies were tied together. Once they’ve confirm that they’re stuck, both of them gave a wink, and their game begins.

The two went easy on each other at first. They just plainly hugged each other very tightly, making satisfied sounds in the process. With big smiles, they nuzzle their muzzles together, squeezing them often because of their close contact. Then they proceeded to snuggle and cuddle as they both wiggled their bodies in excitement. It was an adorable sight, but to them, it was an intense battle.

Every once in a while, they start slowing down, and rest into the embrace for a couple of seconds. Putting a hoof behind each other’s heads, it forced the two to come closer and hug tighter. They got to run their hoof through their manes, too. But, that wouldn’t last long, since they made the condition that if any of them accepts the comfort and sleeps for 5 seconds, they’ll lose. And neither of them wanted that.

After a while, there was still no victor. The sisters loved the snuggling, but they never fell asleep.

“**giggles* Come on, let me win, Night!”

“Haha, no! I won’t let you, Day!”

“Why not???”

“I won’t lose to my sister so easily!”

“Hmph, neither do I, so I should win!”

“No! I should!”

The sisters push their heads together, causing their horns to clash. After a cold smile, they started arguing playfully. They tightly held each other, and started rolling and rolling over and under each other like a ball. This made the hugging got just a bit more intense.

“Only one of us can win, Night!”

“I know, and I’m gonna win!”

“I wasn’t even close to sleeping, come on!”

“I wasn’t either, Day!”

“You know I love you waaaaaay more...”

“Hmph! No, I love you more~”

“*sighs* No, Night... Look how much I’m snuggling you!”

“*sigh* I’m Cuddling you way harder, Day!”

Now they’re starting to get a little bit annoyed. Why wouldn’t my sister let me win? They thought. It was so annoying how they’re both so evenly matched in something they wanted to win for once, and it was meant to be for something good to both of them.

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon couldn’t help but give their sister an annoyed glance. They let go of the hug and lied down, still stuck together. A little staring contest sparked off between the two fillies. Then they started to push heads a little more forcefully this time. Their expression told each other that they weren’t happy how they’re in their way of winning this little game. Not wanting to speak since their muzzles are squeezing each other, they used their thoughts to talk.

”Oh, once this spell breaks, Night... I swear...”

”Hmph! You wanna win, Day?”

”I don’t wanna do this with you... Just let me win, come on.”

”Well if you’d let me, then we won’t have to!”

”*whines* You’re so selfish!

”*gasps* Oh, you take that back...”

The spell wore off, and the two broke apart just a touch. After giving an annoyed face, Daybreaker lunged at Nightmare, As the two sisters started to fight. Rounds of slapping and kicking were shattering their hearts. They didn’t want to fight, but they both didn’t want to lose and made each other mad. As one filly tugs the other’s wing, the other would be tugging her sister’s mane, before the two break up and start slap fighting again.

At one point, Nightmare flew up as Daybreaker tried to charge at her while flying. The force of the two colliding dropped them to the ground, both rolling over each other as they continue to argue. It only got more Firey when they squeezed each other so tight in their grasp once they’ve stopped. They were banging their heads together in the struggle to escape, when they accidentally smacked their lips together in a kiss.

This startled both sisters.

”*gasp* Nightmare?”

”*gasp* Daybreaker?”

They broke the kiss, stopping all the fighting and quarreling. It’s when they realized, they were in a hug again, and they let out a soft chuckle.

“W-Whoa...” Nightmare gasped. “Wh-What did you just do...?”

“I... I don’t know what I was doing,” Daybreaker replied. “S-Sorry... I didn’t mean to kiss you.”

Nightmare smiled as Daybreaker started blushing and crying.

“*chuckles* Awwww,” She pulled her head close to cry on herself. “That’s so sweet of you...”

“But... Didn’t you do that too?”

“Well, I guess I did smack myself into the kiss too, haha.”

Daybreaker suddenly felt very glad to be her sister’s embrace once more. Though the spell has been broken, they agreed to continue rolling over and under each other as they talked, just for fun.

“*chuckles* That was really unexpected, huh?”

“Yeah, Night. I... I thought kissing was for couples and for mares and stallions and all, but... *laughs* Why couldn’t we do it?”

“I dunno. Maybe it’s kinda gross to see us counterparts kissing?”

“Maybe? Haha, how would I know.”

They both chuckled.

“Sorry, big sis.”


“What else? We just fought.”

“*sigh* Right... I thought we’d always be best of friends, but...”

“Mmmm, best friends fight too. You can’t change that.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Sorry, little sis.”

“*giggles* Good sister.”

Nightmare rolled on top of her, to start resting on top of her sister. Daybreaker smiled and forced her sister to look at herself. Then, she pushed herself into a kiss, making Nightmare fall off her. The latter smiled, and reached her hooves behind her sister’s head to pull themselves closer.

“*muffled chuckling* Awwww...” Nightmare moaned in the kiss.

Daybreaker broke the kiss apart. “You said something?”

“No, just feeling happy how you”re being so cute for me.”

“*chuckles* Yeah, I’m happy too, to have such a cute sister to play with all the time, be it games or even fighting.”

“That’s a cool way to purify the harm we do when we fight, huh?”

“Totally, haha. *laughs* You know, this kiss... Really the ultimate weapon for showing that you love each other, right?”

“It’s perfect, because only ponies in love do it. But they didn’t really specify what kind of love.”

Nightmare kissed her sister.

“That’s why we can do it, too. As long we’re both okay.”

Daybreaker smiled and kissed back.

“I’ll always be okay with you kissing.”

They had a big laugh in the hug and planted another tender kiss. Moaning happily, they closed their eyes and focussed on the hug. They took time to focus on it’s warmth, and were able to enjoy it more. The two shuffled, pressing as close as possible. They crossed their hooves together to lock themselves closer together.

”*chuckles* Tighter, sis...”

”*giggles* We’re already squeezing very hard!”

”No, the kiss!”

”O-Oh... S-Sure... Yeah! That sounds fun!”

**Kisses harder**

”**laughing** I don’t wanna let go...”

”I don’t either...

After a few minutes, Daybreaker tried to stand up, but fell back down from the imbalance as they were still holding each other. Nightmare did the same, but failed as well.

”*chuckles* Awww, let me go!”

”Haha, no! Sun and Moon will forever stay together!”

”Oh, stop it. Don’t you want to?”

”Yeah, I need to go and all that, but-“

”Well if you’re not gonna let me leave, I’m not gonna let you, either.”


What come next was an awkward dynamic of them trying to break apart and get out of their sister’s grasp. But they will not let each other be- Every time one tries to escape, the other reels them back in for a hug and a kiss. A lot of laughing and teasing were heard, and despite them kinda bickering, they’re still having fun together.

“*blissful sigh* I like doing this,” Daybreaker moaned.

“Me too,” Nightmare replied. “So... Who won?”

They both look at each other, and give a wink.

“I guess we just have to call a tie, hm?”

“Yeah, let’s call it for now.”

They both stood up and walked together side by side.

“You know, that hug you did during the middle was soooooo good,” Daybreaker praised.

“Aww, shucks, please stop it. You almost made me sleep for the whole time.” Nightmare followed.

“Oh really Now? Because you made me want to sleep too!”

“Hahaha, looks like we were both very loving and cheesy tonight.”

“Totally agreed. But seriously... We need to settle this sometime.”

“We kinda do, because we are kind of in a love-hate friendship at this point, fighting yet still loving each other.”

“*giggles* I guess so. You had fun, little sis?”

“Yeah! You, Big sis?”

“Of course. Love you, you little moonbeam.”

“*laughs* Aww! Love you too, little sunshine.”

They bring each other close with a wing and laughed the whole time.