//------------------------------// // Chapter 2.4 // Story: The Bonds That Break // by DJ Variety //------------------------------// After the longest day of school ever, finally Miss Cheerilee dismisses the class. Apple Bloom and I wait patiently for the class to exit the building. I see Scootaloo look over at us from the door. She looks annoyed and just roles her eyes before leaving. Once all the other students are gone Apple Bloom and I head up to our teacher's desk. "Girls? May I ask what was so important that you two couldn't wait till after class to discuss?" Miss Cheerilee asks. Even though I know I'm in trouble our teacher has a way of always coming across as though she's about to give you an award. Always so nice and helpful. "It was mah fault Miss Cheerilee. I started it," confesses Apple Bloom. I prepare to counter my friend's noble sacrifice but Miss Cheerilee beats me to it. "To me it looked like both of you were participating. It doesn't matter who passed the first note. Now come on my little ponies what were you discussing?" she re-asked. Apple Bloom just glances over at me. I look down in shame not wanting to tell my teacher about my new found feelings. "Sorry Miss Cheerilee, but it ain't mah place to say. It'd be up to Sweetie Belle and if she don't wanna tell ya just know it's cause it's personal." Said Apple Bloom noticing my discomfort at the situation. Oh, what chivalry. My glorious knight protecting me. I love when Apple Bloom becomes protective, it makes me feel safe. "I'll have to tell your sisters that you weren't paying attention in class if you're not willing to talk to me. I understand if it's personal though so it's up to you?" Miss Cheerilee asks while looking at me. My head is still hanging low. I look over to Apple Bloom who gives me a reassuring smile. "Sorry Miss Cheerilee but I'd rather not talk about it," I respond, giving Apple Bloom an apologetic look. "Then we'll have to go have a talk with your sisters. I'm sure both Applejack and Rarity will be able to come up with an appropriate punishment for the circumstance. Hopefully we can catch them before they leave Princess Twilight's Friendship School." Miss Cheerilee leads us out of the classroom. Upon exiting the schoolhouse I see Scootaloo waiting by her scooter for us. She looks up and over at us as we start to pass her by. "Sorry Scoots. We're not gonna be able to play quite yet." I apologize as we start to walk down the hill away from the school. Scootaloo looked more annoyed now than she did earlier, maybe even a little mad. She has no right, this is basically her fault anyway with that stupid kiss. "Meet us at the clubhouse. We'll be there as soon as we can," howlers Apple Bloom up to Scootaloo. Who in response only shakes her head mumbling as she dawns her helmet. It doesn't take us very long to reach Twilight's school. As we approach we spot Applejack crossing the bridge that gaps the mote of the school. Why do school's need motes? It seems a bit strange to me but Twilight is the one who designed it and she is a bit strange herself. "Good day Applejack," Miss Cheerilee greets. Apple Bloom's cheeks are red with a nervous smile. Her head low but eyes raised high to look at her sister. It's kind of cute. "I recognize that face," Applejack sighs. Wasting no time she adds, "What she do now?" "She and Sweetie Belle were passing notes in class. Normally I'd handle such things on my own but they wouldn't tell me what the notes were about. Only that they were personal," our teacher answers. "Personal huh?" Applejack stares us down with an unconvinced look on her face. I feel myself shrink. "Thanks Miss Cheerilee, I can take it from here. I'll figure out the truth and let Rarity know." "Thank you Applejack. I'm sure you will," and with that Miss Cheerilee turns to leave. "See you two in class tomorrow. And no more passing notes," she adds for good measure. After Miss Cheerilee had left Applejack had us follow her into the school where she taught. I remember the first few times I saw the school. It left me in awe. Now it's just another part of Ponyville. Once we get to Applejack's classroom, Applejack closes the door and addresses us. "What y'all got goin' on that's so personal that ya can't tell your own teacher about it, huh?" she comes out of the gate strong. Apple Bloom looks over at me expectantly. I sigh. It's only fair that I tell Applejack if only for Apple Bloom's sake. She's already done more than enough good by me today as is. "Apple Bloom was just trying to help me feel better. It's really my fault," I confess. "She didn't do anything wrong." "Now hold on. I was the one who started the note passin'. Don't go bein' all self sacrificial for me." Apple Bloom can be a very loyal friend which can sometimes can be a problem when you're trying to take the blame for her. It really is my fault though. If it weren't for this whole crush thing I wouldn't have called Scootaloo cute, which made her tease us by kissing my cheek, which caused the note passing in the first place. "This must be might important to y'all if you're both willing to take the blame. Y'all can tell me, we're all family here the way I see," spoke up Applejack. She had a more comforting look on her face now compared to earlier. Apple Bloom nudges me and gives me a reassuring nod. "I'm having a hard time handling some new emotions," I start slowly. "I've got these uncontrollable thoughts that pop into my head whenever I think of certain ponies. It makes my heart race and my hooves sweat and my brain think of all these really weird things, like I notice things about them that I shouldn't. Not just like things they do but like the curves of their back down to there..." "She's got crushes," Apple Bloom interrupted. "It's just like me last month. Just. Like. Me." I'm grateful for Apple Bloom ceasing my ramblings but that emphasis was a little weird. Wait, Apple Bloom has a crush on somepony too. "Sweetie Belle developing feelings for a colt..." Applejack stopped mid sentenced as if she had just realized something. "Just like you?" She asked looking at Apple Bloom. Whose response was a smile and a nodding of her head that looked almost a little too enthusiastic. Applejack smiles back at her before turning towards me. "Does Rarity know about your, ahh... little crush?" "Yeah." "Well all's fine then. As long as you promise not to pass notes in class again. I know growing up can be hard but school's no place to be talking about ponies ya like. Y'all can do that on your own time." Applejack says as she walks out of her classroom. Are we really not in trouble? How did we get away home free? "Since we got all the chores done on the farm yesterday Apple Bloom you're free to play today. Maybe you two could head on over to the farm together, have some fun and discuss things. Just the two of ya" Applejack ends with a friendly chuckle and a wink directed more towards Apple Bloom than myself. Something seems strange. "Yeah," replies Apple Bloom with a chuckle herself. "Scootaloo's already at the clubhouse. Can't split us up. Cutie Mark Crusaders yay." I wasn't prepared for that so I didn't have time to join in on the cheer but I smiled enthusiastically while nodding in agreement. Applejack in response just rolled her eyes with a warm smile while shaking her head slowly.