//------------------------------// // Talks and Hugs // Story: Day and Night // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// As the night dawned once again in dreamland, Nightmare slept soundly in her room in the castle. But tonight, she had a special visitor coming. The filly nudged the sleeping filly awake. “Nightmare?” Daybreaker asked. **nudges** “You said we’ll be talking tonight, wake up!” She continues nudging and poking until Nightmare turns to her, her eyes half open. “*yawns* Daybreaker...” Nightmare said, giving a hint of a smile. “Hi there.” “*giggles* Hey, sis. Dream world is back on, so we get to talk together!” “Mhmm, I know.” Nightmare uses her magic to levitate the blanket. She motions Daybreaker to sit closer, and as both of them sit on the bed, the blue starry blanket of the Lunar sister’s draped across the two of them. Daybreaker starts to look around in complete darkness. “Hey! I can’t see anything!” She cried. “Where are you!?” “Shhhhhh, don’t worry, it’s me, in front of you.” Daybreaker felt her sister’s hooves touching her. Nightmare smiled. “You still have your magic?” “Yeah, I do. What is it?” “What else? I can’t see you and you can’t either,” Nightmare said. “I just did this because I’m going to get cold.” “Oh, that’s not a problem for me at all. Anyway, how do you want to do this?” “It’s simple. Now, I’m going to try not to poke you with my horn, haha. So, lean closer with your horn, until we touch, then stay right there. If I’m correct, by lighting our horns at the same time and performing a glow spell when our horns connect, we should be able to form a ball of glow for a good while.” “Sounds really fun!” Both sisters lit up their horns. One in ruby red, one in navy blue. Now that it’s lit just enough to see the horns, the two placed them gently together. With a little flicker and a sparkle, a ball of glow was created, then scattered it’s glow particles across the dark area they have formed. At an instant, the sisters can see each other again. “*giggles* It worked!” “Nice, Day. I didn’t expect us to get it right on the first try, thought we’ll be poking each other and all.” “Oh, yeah. Imagine if we tried to cooperate even like that when we hated each other, haha.” They let out a laugh. “Now, I kinda wanna keep the serious stuff short so we can have time to enjoy other things,” Nightmare said. “So... I’m just wondering as I slept... Why did we fight?” The two spent a good while thinking of answers to the question. “Hmmmm, I think I recall a bit,” Daybreaker said after a few minutes. “I do know that we love our Sun and Moon very much. We think it’s the best of everything.” “Say that again?” “Hm? Ohhhhhh! I get it!” “Yeah, Day. I think we must’ve... Argued, over who is better, Sun or Moon. It had to be because of this that tore us apart.” “I think so too. I mean, I still remember everything else besides you, and I know this about sisters and siblings in general. Sisters do fight, it’s normal. Just maybe not our kind where we fight literally every second.” “Haha, I know, right? I remember now, we used to fight all the time. Literally. Every time we meet, it’s me and you yelling at each other. Sounds a little... Naive, don’t you think? You’re right, sisters do have fights sometimes. But they’re mostly because they aren’t willing to share things, right?” “I guess. It’s kinda like us. I think as we fought over who’s better, we start to fight over other things too, when we aren’t willing to share things between us. Our main rivalry back then was similar, you and me refusing to share the facts on who’s better.” “Hm, maybe.” Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon both scratched their head and blushed. The two started to reflect, now that they know they’ve surely fought before. Why were they fighting over such tiny little differences? Why were they so reluctant to opening up to the other? Why didn’t they want to share, and why the hostility? They’re sisters, and sisters should be there for each other, care for each other, and love each other. They realize that they’re each other’s companion- Somepony they can talk to, always. They now couldn’t imagine be broken apart- They’ll feel lonely. Just thinking all of that made a tear slid out from their eyes. They both noticed each other, and tittered a little. “Allow me.” Nightmare wiped Daybreaker’s tear. “Thanks Night, got you too.” “Thanks, Day. Now, sad feelings aside, how about we comfort each other a bit?” “Sure! You did say we’ll be having some hugs together, and I loved it.” “Oh, I loved doing it too. But today, I’m doing more than just hugs. There are a lot of different hugs and I kinda wanna show you. Learnt them from memory and other dreams, felt gross at the time.” “Oh, haha, yeah.” The two sat closer so hugs won’t be awkward, with them trying to reach over. “Normal hug first. Need me to remind?” “Go on. No trouble.” “Okay. So, a hug is formed by two or more ponies together. The ponies would come in close proximity and wrap Thier hooves around each other.” “Mhmm.” After blushing a little more, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon closed the gap, and gently tugged each other into a warm embrace. “Can I place my head next to yours?” “Sure. Makes for more body contact.” “*sighs* There. Mmmmm, this feels nice, Night.” “*giggles* If this makes you feel good, the next is even better. Just a touch to the hug, is a method called snuggling. I think it’s where you and your partner would move tiny bits in the hug and make the hug more comforting.” “So... Something like where we rub our cheeks together like last time?” “Yeah!” The two giggled and did exactly that. As the sisters moan in comfort from the contact, they also start to slowly move their hooves up and down along each other’s back. “Fast learner,” Nightmare winked. “Thanks. I’m just doing what you’re doing, haha.” “*giggles* Cool. So yeah, snuggling is just a few additional actions to make the hug more comfortable, just give your partner some comforting rubs on the back will do. There’s another way to deepen the hug- Nuzzling. It’s simple, wanna try? You have to keep an open mind about us being super close, though.” “Well, as if we aren’t already close, haha.” “Alright, if you say so, no backing out. Now, look at me first.” The two parted their heads to look at each other, very close together. “The most common, and pretty lovey-douby kind, is nuzzling our muzzles together.” “*blushes* O-Oh... You want us to put our muzzles together? But... wouldn’t we...?” “*blushes* No, not kissing, not yet. Just putting your nose against mine will do.” The closer they did so, the more the two started to blush. When their muzzles drew impact, the gentle squeeze they felt from their muzzles touching was very cute. They tried again- But holding it a little longer before being shy and pulling back to where they started. “Awww, Day.,, Stop being shy, cmon!” “*giggles* I’m not shy! You are, Night!” “You’re totally blushing...” “You are too!” **Both squeezes and gasps** “Haha, okay! Seems like us bickering isn’t always that bad.” “*laughing* Well, you’re not wrong... But awwwww, our muzzles squeezing together is so cute~” They started to move tiny bit, allowing their muzzles to break apart to the side, then come in contact with a bit of a crash. They rather liked to plainly squeeze them together, though. “Now, Daybreaker,” Nightmare said, “That’s the simple hugs and all that. Now, there’s a complicated hug called Cuddling.” “I like the name. What is it?” “It’s hugging and snuggling intensely. Think about us hugging, and then wiggling and nuzzling a lot. It’s something like that. The reason why I wanted to do this in bed is because usually cuddling is done on a comfortable place, not because I want to do weird things with-“ **Shoves a hoof into Night’s mouth** “Okay! We are not going any further than that, Night!” “Haha, right...” They let out a chuckle. “I’ll let you begin, sister,” Nightmare dipped her head a little for a bow. Daybreaker blushed, and wrapped her wings around Nightmare Moon. The two fillies shared a bit of a nuzzle, before going into cuddling mode. Daybreaker wiggled around in the hug, as Nightmare nuzzled her cheek. They started slow, and slowly, their cuddling became more natural and intense- Both started to nuzzle forcefully and shuffled in the hug. Laughs escaped from their mouths, mixing into a happy memory between them. “So, do you want to learn the last one? It’s... *chuckles* Kinda suitable for us since we used to hate each other and all.” “Why not.” They both let go unwillingly. “So, who wants to be the one to hug the other?” From the look on their eyes, both of them can tell- They both want to hug. However, this last move would not allow it. “Nonono, wait, I have to go first. Sorry! I’ll give you your chance in a minute.” “*whines* Fine. What do I have to do?” “First, turn your body around. Don’t face me.” **Daybreaker turns** **Nightmare hugs from behind** “This one is a little awkward,” Nightmare giggled. “It’s called spooning. Don’t worry, this is not meant to be something weird, just a normal kind of hug like always. What happens is that one person is the big spoon and the other is the little spoon. The big spoon is the one who does the hug, and the little spoon is the one who receives it.” Daybreaker nuzzles Nightmare’s hoof. “*chuckles* Pretty cool. But why suitable for us?” “Well, because one of us is not looking at the other. Kinda looks like a forced hug, does it not?” “Hehe, I guess so.” Nightmare lets go, and Daybreaker turned around to face eye-to-eye. They both let out joyful smiles with their sister. “Now, let’s see how much you remember.” “Hm? A test, perhaps?” “Yeah, Day. And for me, too, haha.” “Oh, I see... Interesting.” “Also makes for some sisterly bonding together, you know?” “*chuckles* Can’t ague with that. Ready?” The both nod to each other. The two fillies held their hooves wide open, their wings, too- And in the hug they go. Wrapping each other like a present, the two blissfully hum and squeezed a few times. It made them choke out a chuckle. The two feel a sense of cold and warmth neutralizing their normal temperature pressed against their body, making the hug very, very soothing and comforting. Gently, they started to snuggle. Putting their heads together, the two slid their forehead against each other’s, making for contact. They snuggle so hard they came close to falling onto the bed a few times. “*hums* I’m loving this, Day.” “Me too. Okay, turn you body over.” “What? No! I know you want to do what we just did but-“ “*winks* Promise is a promise, Night.” “Noooo!!” “Come on... You want me to hug you all I can.” “But I wanna hug you too!” “Hmph, just do it, come on!” Both of them parted their heads a little, not amused. One is not letting go, one is not willing to continue. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon started to narrow their eyes at each other. Squeezing their muzzles together, they have their first quarrel after reforming. “Ugh, come on, Nightmare...” “No! I want to hug you as well!” “It’s just a bit!” “I just wanna cuddle you and hug you and nuzzle you all I want, Day!” “Yeah, that’s cute and all, but let me go and let me be the big spoon, okay?” “I don’t wanna let go!” “If you’re not going to let me, I ain’t gonna cuddle you.” “*gasp* You did not!” Now they’re mad. Why won’t their sister just cooperate? They thought. Their muzzles continue squeezing as they gave each other threatening stares. They break the hug, and stood up. **tackles** “Ha! Gotcha!” “Waaaaa! Daybreaker!!!” “How does it feel now, hmmm? Trapped in my cuddly prison?” Daybreaker squeezes her sister in her hooves, nuzzling against her head from behind. Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes and giggled as her sister lovingly snuggled against her. The former seemed to really like her sister’s mane, considering she continuously tried to take in its scent. Or maybe there’s just something about her she generally loved that she cannot leave out from her snuggle attack. “Okay, seriously, Day,” Nightmare giggled. “I’m sorry for not cooperating.” “Mhmm, you should be.” “*whines* Stop teasing me! You know you just argued with me a bit!” “*chuckles* I do, and yeah, I am kinda sorry.” “Good girl,” Nightmare turns over to pat her sister’s head. “Now, let’s cuddle it out.” They both nod excitedly and began to cuddle. Nuzzling, wiggling, and tight hugs start happening between the two, even nose boops, which made them giggle. They had a lot of fun- Squeezing each other in their hooves. It’s like they have always been best friends. They really liked how they hug each other- And wanted more hugs, too- Because it is so fun and so comforting and so sweet. They loved to nuzzle each other. “Tighter, Night...” “Oh? *chuckles* Sure. You too, please?” “Sure.” **Tightens Embrace** “There we go! *chuckles* Mmmmm... So soft and snuggly, you are.” “Hahaha, same to you, little cuddlebug.” They both laugh at how cheesy they were. “Haha, look at how are nuzzles bump into each other.” She’s right- Every so often they leaned forward and backward, and lightly pushed their muzzles together. “It’s cute indeed.” “You know what, Nightmare Moon?” “Yes, Daybreaker?” “I... I think you’re so cute.” “Haha, I thought so too!” “Really? Awww... That’s so sweet...” “Aw, what did you expect from your little sister? Of course she’ll look up to you.” “Ha. But cute always comes in small packages. As a big sister, I can’t help but look at you this way.” Both of them stick out a tongue, making sure not to bang them together, because that would be really awkward for their age. “*sigh* I love you, Daybreaker...” “*sigh* Awwwww... I love you too, Nightmare.” “Oh, I love you much more.” “No, I do!” They both remain a cold smile and press their foreheads together. “You sure about that?” “Yes, I’m sure! I love my sister.” “More than I do? I don’t think so.” “I love you most of everything. I mean it.” “Mmm, guess it’s a tie, because I love you most as well.” They let out a chuckle. “We kinda have to settle this at some point.” “Haha, it’s so funny, don’t you think? Day and Night trying to see who loves the other more.” “Yep. When are we gonna grow up?” “I don’t know, but I like being a filly, don’t you?” “Yeah, I do. Because I think it’s easier for me to cuddle you like this.” “Ha, awww. Thanks, sister. Hey, I go an idea, about that ‘Settling of who loves the other most’. Let me whisper to you...” “Mmmm, go on...”