Object XP-84c

by Scourge the yellow cat


Fluttershy’s Cottage, outside of Ponyville, Kingdom of Equestria
Next morning

“Angel, time to get up.”

Two little tall ears perked up from the furry white ball that was nearby the bed that belonged to the yellow pegasus. From the furry ball sprouted the tired head of a rabbit. Angel Bunny yawned as he stretched his limbs outward, before rubbing his tired eyes with his little paws. With the sleep mostly rubbed out of his eyes, he looked up at the figure that had talked to him. It was no other then the sweet Fluttershy herself, looking down at him with her kind eyes.

“You must have been very tired last night, haven’t you?” Teased Fluttershy as she urged Angel to follow her. Angel’s face brightened as his ears perked up, a smile beginning to form on his face. This could only mean one thing to Angel, and that one thing was the F word:

Fluttershy giggled as she began to step down the stairs that went from her upstairs bedroom to her cottage’s lower floor. Angel hopped as he followed her, only ending the hopping as he went down the stairs.

“Found your bunny buddy, Fluttershy?” Asked a male voice as the two were in the middle of the stairs. Angel turned towards the source, towards a floating table that had several rotating upside-down teacups. Seated on one of the sideways chairs was a hybrid of an animal that had a right deer antler, a left blue goat horn, one long fang, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He had limbs from various animals. In addition, he has a bat's right-wing, a Pegasus' left-wing, a horse's mane, and a snake's tail that had a white tail tuft. Angel knew who this was right away.

“Yes, Discord,” Fluttershy answered back as she reached the bottom of the stairs, “I am just about to give Angel here something to eat.” She went to the kitchen, which was located right next to the stairs and to the living room. Angel eyed the Draconequus, who was looking at him back while waving at him with a smile. Angel forced himself to wave back, although Discord had proven to be a friend toward Fluttershy and had visited her cottage several times, Angel still didn’t fully trust him. He turned away as Fluttershy’s voice called out to him.

“Here you go, Angel Bunny. A nice, fresh carrot, just for you.” Fluttershy said as she gently dropped a carrot in front of Angel. Angel nodded his head to Fluttershy in gratitude, before picking up the carrot and started to munch down on it. Fluttershy giggled at the sight, before heading towards the Discordified table. Angel watched as she took a seat on one of the sideways chairs and grabbed one of the upside-down rotating teacups. “So, um, where were we?” Fluttershy asked as she took a sip.

“Oh yes! Fluttershy, I heard that there was a ruin discovered relatively close to your cottage?” Discord asked her as the god of chaos grabbed a rogue teacup and began to down the contents in a civilized manner. Angel noticed that Fluttershy lowered her head in the slightest of movement, with her mouth forming that into a small frown. The bunny stopped his munchfest and looked on to his owner in concern.

“Y-yes there is, Discord.” Fluttershy responded, her voice noticeably wavering. Something bad must have happened to Fluttershy for her to be acting like this, Angel realized. His little white face twisted into anger. What could have possibly wanted to hurt Fluttershy? Angel wasn’t the only one to have noticed her change of mood, for Discord noticed it as well.

“Fluttershy, are you alright?” Discord asked her, his face and voice in concern. Fluttershy kept quiet, keeping her vision on the teacup she was looking down on. Discord then began to plead to her. “Fluttershy, please tell me what has hurt you, please.” The pleading tone in her friend’s voice got through to her, letting her have the strength to speak.

“I-I was in the Forest, hanging out with Rainbow and Twilight when we met a Pegasus.” She began. “H-he was hurt bad, and he told us that he and his friends were at the recently discovered ruins that were discovered in the Forest. They were attacked by a red stallion, who eventually took the poor Pegasus’s friends. Hearing the poor thing, we decided to help him by freeing his friends by heading to the direction he came from. There, we found the ruins, where the red stallion a-attacked us.”

Angel could not believe what Fluttershy said, and Discord’s expression met his. Why would anypony, under any circumstance, attack ponies, especially if one of them was the sweetest thing known to Equinekind? Angel knew that the Everfree Forest was home to many dangerous creatures that would harm a pony within a heartbeat, but a pony? That is something completely different.

Fluttershy went on. “R-Rainbow managed to knock him out by slamming him into a wall, although she hurt herself in the process. W-we found the Pegasus’s friends, thankfully neither hurt, but one was awake and was crying. T-the bad pony was eventually put under the watch of Twilight and Starlight, and the Pegasus and his friends were taken to the hospital.” Fluttershy started to waver. “I-I know that Twilight and Starlight can handle themselves fine, b-but I don’t know if they’re okay.” She began to tear up.

Angel hopped over to her and placed a little paw on her back leg, looking up to her with a face of concern. Discord also expressed this, by slowly approaching her and placing a claw on her left shoulder.

“There, there, Fluttershy.” He soothed her, “I’m sure they’re fine with him. Hey, if they dealt with countless Equestrian crises, then one small pony can’t possibly come close to defeating them.” Fluttershy looked up to Discord with tears in her eyes and a smile.

“T-thank you, Disc-cord.” She thanked the Dracoequus, before looking down towards Angel. “And thank you, Angel Bunny.” She patted him with her right forehoof. This made Angel feel good, as his face went from concerned to that of happiness. “Now then, shall we continue the tea-party, Discord?” Angel heard the Pegasus say to the named deity.

“Sure thing, Fluttershy! Now, what do you think ab-“ Discord would not finish what he said, as there were knocking at the door of the cottage.

*knock knock*

“Oh? Who could that be this early in the morning?” Fluttershy asked, excusing herself from the table and began towards the cottage door. Angel looked on as multiple miniature Discords began to pop into existence as Fluttershy had just began to pass Discord.

“But, the tea party.” Said the Discords in unison.

“Maybe later, Discord. After all, I’m awfully curious to see who it is.” Fluttershy told him (them?).

Allrriigghhtt...” Groaned the Discord’s as they held up and then snapped their claws, again in unison. The physics-defying table, teacups, chairs, and miniature Discords all disappeared in tiny little puffs of multicolored smoke. Fluttershy had reached the cottage door, and began to unlock the door and opened it.

“Uh, yes? Is there something that y-“ She began, before gasping as she backed away from the door in fear. Angel snapped his attention to the figure that had scared her, and flattened his ears and furrowed his eyebrows. The figure at the door that scared Fluttershy was what Angel realized must have been the red stallion she was talking about.


Discord looked at the red pony that had a saddlebag that was at the cottage door with anger. How dares this pony thinks that he can beat up poor Fluttershy, and yet think he is okay to taunt and possibly harm her further!?!? No! As a friend of the dearest Fluttershy, befriended of the King of Chaos himself, the uncontrollable (yet lovable) Discord shall bring justice to this foul goon. Without hesitating, Discord went and flew towards the stallion.

“Excuse me, but are you the Miss Flutters-Woah!” The stallion asked before Discord picked him up by the throat.

”Did. You. Hurt. My. Fluttershy?” Discord growled as he lifted and pressed the pony’s face to his own, eyes locking on. The pony tried to reply, his unusual eyes narrowing as his ears retreated, but couldn’t, as Discord was unknowingly squeezing the stallion’s throat.

“Discord, stop it!” Discord heard Fluttershy plead to him. “You’re hurting him!” Discord let go immediately, due to two things. One was by the wish of Fluttershy, as he never, ever, wanted to disappoint her. The second was that her pleading made Discord remember that he was a god, and as an almighty being, one of the things that he had was the strength that little could ever achieve. The pony collapsed as he hit the floor, causing Discord to seriously consider that he may have killed a pony unintentionally.

“But Fluttershy, he had hurt you, did he not?” He asked quickly. Fluttershy nodded her head.

“He did, b-but he could have been here to apologize! D-Discord, w-what has you d-done!?” Fluttershy was talking in a tone between quiet and shrieking. Discord began to feel terrible I had killed a pony! And in front of Fluttershy as well! I never wanted this at all! Discord thought in dismay. Should he get as far away from Fluttershy as possible, in order to protect her from him?

“That...was...intense...” The male voice stopped Discord’s rant about Fluttershy’s safety from him. Discord and Fluttershy looked to the stallion, who was up and rubbing his throat. Was it just him, or did Discord feel that the stallion seemed a bit too ignorant of what had happened to him?

“A-are you okay?” Fluttershy asked the stallion.

“Yes ma’am,” he said, “my sensors didn’t manage to identify the swiftness of movement, for I assume they need recalibrating, but I am surprised on how quickly I was picked up, as well as that 530 pounds of force in that grip. Seriously, do you lift or something?” The stallion realized that the room went from that of concern and fear to confusion. “Nevermind what I said.” He said quickly.

“A-Are you alright there, mister-?” Asked Fluttershy, asking the stallion for his name.

“Just call me Object.” He said, “I take it that you are Miss Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded.

“Yes, Angel Bunny is over here,” she pointed to her left the appropriately named rabbit. “And over there is Discord.” Fluttershy’s tone was of untrustworthiness and lack of kindness usually attributed to the kind Fluttershy.

“Hi, Angel,” Object said to Angel, before moving his head to Discord. “And hello, Discord. Hold on, what are you?” Object cocked his head in confusion.

“What? Never seen a Draconequus before?” Discord asked Object as he extended his arms out to allow Object to fully see him. Object’s face was that of confusion.

“A Dra-con-equus?” A bewildered Object said. Discord was thrown off. How could this pony not know what a Draconequus was?! Literally, even foals know what it is. Discord realized that they were getting off-topic. So, he corrected that.

“I doubt that you came here just to chat.” Discord remarked, bringing the matter at hoof back into view.

“Oh yeah!” Object exclaimed, “As I had apparently done something to make the town mad at me,” he turned to Fluttershy, “Terribly sorry for whatever I did, Miss Fluttershy, but I can literally not recall what I have done wrong to you, please forgive my apology.” Fluttershy hesitated, before replying back.

“I accept your apology, Mister Object. I don’t fully buy into you not remembering what you have done, but this will do for now.” Object nodded in understanding.

“Anyway, a certain ‘Starlight’ and ‘Twilight’ had told me to go find Fluttershy and help with her for a day.” Discord saw Fluttershy nod.

“Okay, I think I get what you mean.” She sighed before Discord’s semiexistant right pocket started to vibrate.

“Oh! Excuse me for a second.” He told the group as he slipped his right lion paw into the semiexistant pocket. He grabbed the vibrating item in question and pulled it out. It was a golden pocket watch, with Discord’s face adorning the lid. He flipped up the lid, to expose the miniature colony of micro Discords living underneath.

“Did he just-!?” Discord heard Object say in disbelief.

“It’s Discord, he does stuff like that all the time.” Fluttershy’s voice replied. Discord was not focusing on what the conversation was, however, he was focusing on what the micro Discords were spelling out.

“Oh, deary dearest dear!” Discord said in false shock as he closed the pocket watch’s lid and slipped it back into the semiexistant right pocket. Looking up, he saw that he had gotten both the ponies’ attention. “My dear Fluttershy, I’m afraid that it’s just about Chaos o’ Clock, as I have to, unfortunately, leave to tend to Chaos stuff.”

“That’s alright Discord, you don’t need to apologize to me,” Fluttershy replied with a kind smile. Discord smiled back as well, before turning his head back to the ‘Object’ pony and began pointing a talon at him.

“And Objection, If you even go and dare think about hurting my Fluttershy again, I’ll be sure as to turn you into a basketball.”

“Discord!” Protested Fluttershy, apparently not had enjoyed what she had just heard. Discord turned his head back to Fluttershy as his head began to lower in shame. That was however paused as a male chuckle came from Object.

“No worries Disc-ord, as I am eighty-seven point nine percent that you can quite literally do that, and I want to be in one piece.” This caused Discord’s head to raise a bit.

“Really?” Fluttershy softly yelled, more of an annoyance than of intrigue. As Discord did his usual Snap-B-Gone disappearances, Angel Bunny could see that this day will certainly get interesting for his owner.


Zecora’s Hut, Everfree Forest

“I still don’t understand it, how could he just vanish in midair?” Asked Object as he and Fluttershy were trotting down the path that led to the clearing of trees where Zecora’s hut was in. She knew the route well and felt completely certain that nothing big or scary would ambush them. Fluttershy didn’t try to reason with Object again, she had already tried to explain Discord’s quirkinesses about six times by now. So, she decided to listen to his expected option instead. “I mean, not only is he going to have to make himself invisible but with the combination that he is made out of, just how?”

“Don’t a-ask me, I don’t know.” Fluttershy simply told him. She could see the little clearance that housed Zecora’s hut, but she felt that there was still some time left until they reach the tree itself that Fluttershy had wanted to ask him about.

Um, Object?” She asked.

“Yes, Miss Fluttershy?”

“W-what is in the saddlebag?” She asked him, referring to the saddlebag Object was currently carrying. She could hear things inside it the bag clanging with each other, and it could be honestly anything, considering the size of the bag.

“Fifty-eight coins of what is referred to as ‘Bits’ from a night’s work.” Object replied. Fluttershy, although knowing nothing about paying jobs, was shocked that Object had managed to earn that much in such a short time. Fluttershy stopped, which so happened to be in front of Zecora’s hut.

“H-how? A-aren’t you a bit tired?” She asked him with concern. It must have been exhausting for him to have worked that fast to do that much work. Oh, the poor thing!

“Simple, really. Quickly cleaned myself by the stream and went back to the shopping area wreck, where I told them that I was given permission to help assist in removing the rubble there, and agreed to do manual labor for them throughout the night. When morning came and saw what I did, they paid me and that’s that.” After heading what she heard, maybe it was best to ignore that for now, as she shook her head and stepped up to the front door of the hut.

“Well, w-we should probably j-just help out Zecora for today, okay Object?” Fluttershy asked him as she knocked on the door and waited.

“I am completely willing.” Object told her before he began to ask. “Miss Fluttershy, I have heard of this ‘Zecora’, but I am yet curious as to wh-.” The door opened before Object could finish, and waiting for them was a feminine zebra that had cyan eyes, and was wearing familiar Zebrican jewelry on her left foreleg, ears, and noticeably longer neck, as well as the Zebrican tribal picture of the sun on her flanks. Fluttershy knew who this was immediately.

“Fluttershy! I’d knew you would arrive!” Zecora said as she looked at Fluttershy with a grin. That grin softened when she noticed the other pony that was with Fluttershy. “And who is that pony, I must admit my surprise.”

“Zecora, this is Object, the marenapper everypony has been talking about,” Fluttershy told her, motioning towards Object.

“Hello there,” Said Object to Zecora, “I assume you are ‘Zecora’?”

“Indeed it is, red stallion,” Zecora responded, with a bit of unease as she looked at his eyes, before suddenly gesturing both Fluttershy and Object inside, “Please, please, both of you, come in.” They did as so as Fluttershy saw the interior of the hut seems to have been slightly changed since she was last there.

The giant pot was still in the center of the room, as well as the masks that were hung up on the walls. The shelves were still full of jars and bottles that contained countless potions and brews. Everything seemed just like last time if it was not for the large basket that was placed in the back, as well as a giant book that was opened to a certain page. As the three were inside the hut, Zecora shut the front door.

“Although I do not trust you,” Zecora said as she looked at Object, who nodded in understanding, “I have noticed that Fluttershy’s eyes are true.” She walked over to where the yellow Pegasus was. “Fluttershy, remember about that time when I was sick?” Zecora asked Fluttershy.

“Y-Yes. W-Why?” Fluttershy asked. Zecora smiled at Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, I may have found the one thing that could get anything fixed.” Zecora urged the two to come closer to where she was, at the large book. Zecora pointed at the illustrations the open page was on, showing four ponies suffering any disease possible. One was drawn a gray Earth pony mare as if to represent coughing and was given pink and blue vertical stripes. Another was of a purple unicorn, this time frozen in pain as his horn had gray things growing out of it.

The third was of a green Pegasus, free-falling as the feathers on his drawn wings were now covered in silver polka dots. The fourth was of an orange alicorn, drawn in bed with what looked to be glazing eyes. Fluttershy felt...uneasy...seeing the pictures, recognizing that some of the illustrations happened in reality. These cures were incurable, so why was Zecora showing them all of this?

“Zecora? W-Why are we seeing this?” Fluttershy asked as she looked at Zecora with a demand for an answer. She had noticed that Object seemed to be looking intensely at the front door for a second, before looking away. Zecora replied to her question.

“The knowledge of this book about diseases and poisons is a major help for me to make potions. I search for herbs, that’s known, but eventually will come a time I need some that can not grow.” Zecora sighed softly.

“W-What are you saying?” Asked Fluttershy. She did not like where this is going.

Zecora sighed, before continuing. “Somepony might fight for a defeat if a cure for a disease is not complete. However, although I dread that sight, I may have found our light.” Saying that Zecora flips the page in the book, replacing the illustrations of the ponies with that of an apple. The apple was colored in a yellow tone and was drawn with the illusion of a glittering skin. The text that was to the right was short, clearly indicating that not a lot was known about this apple. On the top of the page, in big lettering, were the words Golden Apples. The zebra walked over to the basket, where Fluttershy and Object are watching, and hesitates before opening the lid.

“Golden Apples are thought to be a myth, but what I have here will sink that claim to the abyss.” And with that, she fully opens the lid. Showing Fluttershy the bushel of literal golden apples. Not yellow-colored apples, but golden apples, the apples spoken of myth and legend. In some myths, Golden Apples are rumored to have the ability to heal wounds that magic could not heal. In others, the capability to even reverse death itself. Fluttershy personally didn’t believe in any of these tales, but seeing these mythical apples in person completely reversed that belief.

As Zecora watched Fluttershy reel in this revaluation of medicine, the zebra noticed that Object, on the other side of the hut at this point, is looking at a certain part of the floor, which is highly unusual for ponies to do that. His ears twitched as he seems to hear things that she could not, a prank perhaps? Object suddenly shakes his head as he gets up in an instant, causing Fluttershy to stop and look at him. Something’s wrong, she can feel it. As if to confirm, Object shouts something out.

“There are several unidentified targets coming our way.” Object urgently cried out as he jumped back, where the sound of heavy footsteps was rapidly approaching the front Door of Zecora’s hut. Zecora pondered on what Object could have meant. The only thing that could be a threat in this area were-Oh no... Zecora thought as she soon realized what was out there.

“T-Timberwolves.” Fluttershy stuttered out, confirming Zecora’s belief. Timberwolves, perhaps the scariest thing the Everfree has created. Although not a fierce as a Hydra, or menacing as a Manticore, Timberwolves tend to be relentless and savage creatures that hunt in packs. They can’t be killed in the Everfree, and unlike the rest of the Everfree monsters, they aren’t technically alive. As unknown energy that possesses twigs, branches, and leaves, they are immune to pain, as well as Fluttershy’s Stare that could scare even Cockatoos.

There was no time to react, as the hut door was smashed in, sending shrieks from the ponies as the now-freed door flew into the hut. A large Timberwolf has broken into the hut, the twigs snapping as they moved to provide the monster with movement. Another Timberwolf quickly followed close by, knocking over the large iron cauldron that was in the middle of the hut, spilling its contents all over the floor of the hut. The Timberwolves faced the ponies, one focusing on Object as the other focused on the cowering Fluttershy that was whimpering in the corner and Zecora, who was in front of Fluttershy in a defensive stance. If Zecora was right about Timberwolves, and she knew that she was, the Timberwolves would pounce on their prey right about...now.

Except they didn’t. Zecora was confused, why would these creatures from the Everfree not attack? They knew that Zecora and the other ponies were not able to retaliate against them, especially since Zecora knew that Timberwolf packs reached to ten, and in a confined area such as the hut, there would not be effective defenses against them. So why do the Timberwolves not attack? It was if they were waiting for an order to attack.

Zecora slightly lowered her guard as she thought about that possibly. Could Timberwolves be capable of following orders? That possibly is not unlikely, considering that there are Timberwolf Kings as well as ordinary Timberwolves. But why would a Timberwolf King want to save the ponies, and for this long? Was something else controlling them? Zecora soon found out that something was indeed controlling the Timberwolves as a figure soon walked into the view of Zecora.

The figure was tall and slim, with a dirty black robe that had been faded with old age and had definitely seen better days, which also covered the wearer’s face. The figure was that of an Alicorn, but without that of a horn. The robed figure seemed to also have a stick that had a long blade that emerged from one end, a weapon Zecora knew was a scythe. Within an instant, Zecora knew exactly who the figure was, and why the Everfree was so unusual and hostile to ponies.

The reason that the Everfree was so mysterious and hostile towards ponykind very may well be that it could be the home to the Pony of Death itself, the Grim Reaper itself. And at this moment the Grim Reaper has visited Zecora’s hut, a reason Zecora did not know. The figure of Death was staring directly at Zecora, with eyes Zecora had never seen before. The eyes were orange in color and sparked with eternal wisdom and knowledge, knowledge only known to the being. Zecora did not know how to react to this being, whenever to be astounded by the sheer evidence that Death itself was a real figure, or that of fright from Zecora literally staring at Death’s obscured face.

However, the Robed Reaper had a look in its eyes that made its intentions very clear: Death was VERY angry. As Zecora was speechless, the robed figure of Death slowly approached her, not breaking eye contact in the slightest. Zecora found herself shrinking back from the intense glare, absolutely ending any attempt that she made of making any sound. The figure stopped, as it inspected the frightened figures of Zecora and Fluttershy, now shaking on the floor with terror. Death tilted its head to the side, where Zecora followed and saw that it was eyeing the basket that contained the Golden Apples.

Zecora once again tried to stutter out a few words, before a sudden quick movement from Death stopped her. Zecora looked down to her throat, and alongside her Zebrican neck jewelry, was the blade of the scythe just inches away from her throat. Zecora then saw it moving away, where she then looked up to see the Grim Reaper moving the scythe back behind its robed head, and momentarily stop it there. The Grim Reaper’s going to claim our souls... She realized in shock. Was this it? Was this the end?


The Grim Reaper halted its swing as it looked over to the source of the sound, as Zecora and Fluttershy both did the same. It was Object, his face being obscured by the knocked over cauldron that was spilled by the Timberwolves. The Grim Reaper has forgotten about Zecora and Fluttershy briefly, as it was totally invested in the red stallion.

“Do not hurt them, or I will retaliate!” Object said, followed by what sounded to be a scoff from Death. Zecora mentally questioned the stallion's choice of actions, as Object was not acting the way a pony would be expected to do in this situation. Trying to harm Death itself? What was he thinking? Apparently, Death had the same idea, as it turned back to Zecora and Fluttershy, resuming where it left off in the swing.

“I said do not hurt them!” Object yelled, followed by what sounded to Zecora like metal moving and scraping with itself. Death completely stopped at this point as it looked back at Object in a quick fashion. It momentarily stopped for a bit, before lowering its scythe and backing away from Zecora and Fluttershy. The figure then swung the scythe, not towards the ponies, but to the basket of Golden Apples, using the underside of the blade to grip the basket’s handle.

The Grim Reaper, now having the basket of Golden Apples in its possession, slowly retreated towards the front doorway of the hut, focusing on Object. The two Timberwolves began to follow suit until the three invaders had completely vanished into the clutches of the Everfree Forest. The movement of metal was soon heard again, as Object sighed. He then trotted to the two ponies with a look of concern on his face.

“Are you both all right?” He asked. Zecora released her breath she did not know she was holding in and weakly looked around at her hut. It was an absolute mess, she tipped over cauldron, broken front door, spilled potion, and shattered selves and jars were just some of the things that ruined her hut.

“I-I am fine, thank you...” Zecora stuttered, still pretty shaken up by what had just happened, “J-just make sure next time that is not what you do.” Zecora turned to Fluttershy, who was still whimpering and having the look of absolute terror on her face while cowering into a ball. Zecora felt pity for the Pegasus, as not only did Zecora know a lot about her or the fact she trusted her, but rather that of remembering the time when Fluttershy managed to cure Zecora of that nasty disease back then. Walking over to the Pegasus mare, Zecora softly urged her to get up on her legs, which Fluttershy did so with an extreme tremble. Fluttershy needed some time alone, after what had just happened.

“Object,” Zecora started, directing her attention to the stallion, “It would be much appreciated if you would accompany us to her cottage, to protect.”

“Understood, Miss Zecora, but what about the state of your hut?” Object said.

“That can be done later, but Fluttershy here is of the matter.”

Object nodded, and soon the three ponies ventured back towards Fluttershy’s Cottage. As they were doing so, Zecora had a thought come through her mind.
The hut is going to badly need repairing, but I’ll make sure that Object helps in the cleaning.