A Cold Day

by TerribleSpeller

A Trot Through The Snow

A Cold Day

The snow hanged on to her coat as she trotted through the thick layer of snow. It has been 158 days since she started this journey, to leave her home country of Equestria, and find a suitable exile location. She was trialled for treason against the Monarchy, she spat, treason? They were the ones commiting treason!

She continued trotting to the snow, her goggles shielding her from the harsh winds, she looks ahead, looking for any sign of civilization.

None. She kept trotting.

The reason she was trialled for "treason" was Becuase she tried to warn them of the fake Cadence, she knew Cadnece since she was small, she knew how she was! And being a snooty stick in the ass wasn't her! It was like Blueblood took over her body!

She chuckled a bit at the thought. Prince Blueblood in Princess Cadnece's body, would he be panicking Becuase he didn't have his "beautiful hair"?

She tried to warn them, but noooooooooo, Princess Cadence's a Princess, Twilight Sparkle is just Twilight. So of course her so called friends went with her, even her brother and mentor! She stopped trotting, she looked down, tears slowly forming.

Her fri-friends, her first true friends, left her for a PRINCESS! A b*cking Priness they just met!

Twilight screamed, letting out all of her pent up stress.

She continued trotting on this cold day.

After being abandoned. And a bit of crying and an existential life crisis. She confronted "Cadence" in the hallway, she looked at her, no glared at her, and then she pushed up her a wall, ordering her to tell where the real Cadence was.
In hindsight, that wasn't really a good idea.

Several guards saw her doing and managed to sedate her. Then when Celestia heard about that, she decided to intervene.
Saying that "Cadence is Cadence" and "I don't know what's gone into you, my faithful student"

Twilight practically snapped. She attacked Princess Celestia. The Princess of Equestria.

A trial was quickly arranged, and there, she was convicted of treason against the monarchy. Originally she was going to be hanged, but Celestia ordered for her to be exiled.

She looked to her friends, but she knew they would not help. She glared at them, a glare which she knew terrified them. She hugged Spike once more and told him to take care of himself. She glared at Shining Armor once more before being taken away, and said one thing.

"You'll regret this,"

And she said nothing to Celestia.

Then she was taken with some of her belongings, and deposited on the border of Equestria.
She then began trotting and never looked back.

And now after 158 days. Her journey has brought her so far. She met so many different types of creatures out here! She met griffons, Hippogriffs and even Zebras! She even got to meet the mystical Kirin.

She remembered the sad times when she had to leave, always leaving something behind for her new found friends, and they would give something to her to remember them.

Her saddlebags were from the Kirin, as her old ones were torn on the journey. The many tools that kept her alive from the Griffons, especially the multi-purpose knife, imagine that! A whole lot of different types of knifes in one device! Medicine and tomes filled to the brim with spells lost to time from the Hippogriffs, which helped her with the injuries she sustained from falling down slopes. And recipes for exotic potions from the Zebras. Which she used to impress local ponies attending the bars. That earned her a few bits.

Now she was headed to her next destination.

The Kirin told of her a country out in the north, a citadel, the country was relatively peaceful, but words was many weird things happened there. Ranging from the unusual, reports of disappearances, mysterious murders, to the unheard of! Like reports of monsters moving when nopony's looking, ponies not remembering specific encounters, an amulet which could increase the power of a unicorn thousand fold, and the weirdest and most unexplained of them all, was the reports of a portal to another universe!

She wanted to find out what those weird things were.

Even if it killed her.

She bumped into something.

She must have been thinking so deeply so didn't notice the stone walls in front of her.

She took a couple of steps back to look at the walls, and she saw a gate, and trotted over.

The gate was immensely high, roughly 10 meters by her calculations.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Shouted a voice from within the walls as spotlights lighted her position.

She could roughly see figures against the light and snow.

"Twilight Sparkle!" She shouted.

"What are your intentions?" Shouted a figure.

"Seeking shelter!"

"Then you may enter Twilight Sparkle! Welcome to the Citadel of Twilight!"

The gates opened as Twilight trotted in as she thought about what the figure just said, "Citadel of Twilight?" What was that.

Well, since she was staying here she might as well find out.

Site-183: "Twilights Citadel"
Eluclid Containment and Research Site
Site-183 is an Eluclid Containment and Research Site located in the Proxy Universe-582-CWA-738. It is disguised as a Citadel for travellers and traders, and has a council which is runner by Foundation Personnel. No human personnel are allowed to serve on the site to preserve the illusion of a Equestrian settlement.
Assess to Site-183 is limited to prevent suspicion from Citadelian Citizens, and to ensure that the Site does not overflow and that in the event of a containment breach, Personnel are not overwhelmed.
Site-183 is to be staffed with [Redacted] Security Personnel, 50 Research personnel, and [Redacted] D-Class at all times.
Site-183 is currently runned by Site-Director Twilight Sparkle from Proxy-Universe-638-AU-7382. Any knowledge of her existence must be kept a strict secret to prevent scrutiny from Citadelian Citizens, and to prevent any Citizens realizing that there are multiple universes and the existence of the Foundation.

Secure. Contain. Protect.