The Greatest Show Unearthed!

by Halloween Spirit

chapter 1

It was Nightmare Night in Ponyvile and all the normal games and other things where being setup around the town but, this year would be different. For a carnival was making camp near the quant little town. The first anypony heard of it was when the music of the carnival was reaching the ears of those who could hear it. The carnival quickly got the attention of practically everyone. With what many guessed to be one of the performers who was handing out tickets like candy to anypony.

"Come to the Dark Carnival, the greatest show unearthed and see horrifying delights to complete your Nightmare Night," said the mare as she handed out the tickets.

To say the town was interested would be putting it mildly and, soon a line was made in front of the Big Top tent. A fog shrouded most of the carnival grounds it snaked and wisped around the legs the ponies who walked in it giving a eerie feeling. While those in the big top where seated and waited for the show to begin.

Twilight and her friends Pinkie pie, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Fluttershy and, Rarity where all seated in the big top waiting for the show to start when a spot light came shining down to the center ring where a stallion stood on he had a purple top hat covering a deep navy blue mane. His coat being the same purple as the hat while his eyes where a violet that seem to emit their own glow despite the bright spot light shining down on him. The Stallion cleared his throat while holding a cane in his magical aura.

"Mares and Gentlacolts Foals and Ghouls! Sit back and enjoy for tonight we here at the Dark Carnival shall bring you a show like you never seen. Brining to life a ghastly concoction of delight, horror, fantasy and, terror! Your every wish is our command. Your every whimsical desire brought to life. So with out further a due I welcome you to the Greatest show unearthed," the Stallion said in a deep and booming voice that made Fluttershy flinch from the volume.

The Stallion then vanished in a Cullum of fire as the spot lights moved to the openings in the curtains where a troop of skeletons clattered out juggling each other before doing all sort of other such things to themselves and, each other. Skeletons continued this for a while before one of them pointed to someone in the crowd and waved them over. The pony was ushered down and handed to femurs which they where then instructed as best they could be to play them like one would a xylophone. After this the Skeletons left and the ring was empty till in a plum of smoke and a bang! A pony took center ring. It was a mare who had a Azur coat and mane with baleful green eyes.

"I am the great smoke mirrors and I shall be your entertainment for this next act," she said in a accent that sounded slightly Prence.

"Now where is my handsome assistant," smoke mirrors asked before in another flash and bang a pile of bones appeared.

"Dear me it looks like he needs some help putting himself together luckily for him I have the perfect solution," Mirrors said putting the pile in into a coffin and spinning it in her magic. When she opened the door an Stallion with a white coat and matching green eyes like Mirrors walked out of the coffin.

"Feel better my friend," Mirrors asked the Stallion.

"Much Mirrors hopefully this wont be a norm," he said with a chuckle.

After that the two went on to do some more tricks ranging from escape acts to the simplest of card tricks. Ending with Mirrors assistant sawing the stage mage in half before they left and the Ring master reappeared in a Cullum of fire once more.

"We here hope you have been enjoying yourselves at our little act because," at this he took a dramatic pause. "We sadly come close to our finally in all its grandness," He said seeming to look truly some what sad that the show would be ending before a smile that split far to wide deformed his features. "But this finally will be one you shall not forget for we here aim to please so with that said. LET THE FINALLY BEGIN," his voice boomed louder than ever at this as his magic charged and, burst.

The magical burst acted like a shock wave passing through all it touched but, not moving them merely making a glow the same as the Ring master's eyes outline the ponies in the stands. As this was happening the Ring master began to sing.

"~Behold the terrors
You won't believe what I have done to you
I've made it look brand new
oh how cute~," as the Ring master sang the magic seem to take hold morphing the ponies in the stands into all manner of Nightmare night monster. The Mane 6 included in the number changed as Twilight was turned into a warlock while AJ wash made into a werepony. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy became vampires and, Rarity become a possessed porcelain doll. Pinkie didn't seem to have any effect save that her mane and, tail had lost its puff. Her cutie mark also seemed to be sporting some rather bloody looking balloons.

"~But don't digress
I'm the ring master you see
In this horrifying fantasy
I take up every shadow believe me~," the Ring master then sang as the glow of the magical shock wave faded.

"And with that our show comes to a close so mares, gentlacolts, foals and, ghouls we thank you for staying and watching our show. We hope to see you all next year with new faces and we will have new horrors to show you," The Ring master said in his booming voice being met by resounding appalls and deafening cheers.

As ponies left they all knew this was one show they would never forget in their lives.