//------------------------------// // Comfort Me // Story: Meta Sketch // by JaninnaMaynz //------------------------------// "Shh... Shh... It's okay, Poly, it's okay... it'll be alright..." "I... I...ohh...." Poly called, sobbing. She'd been back for almost a week now, and she was still sobbing about the passing of her mother. Meta just didn't understand it... but then, he'd never been particularly close to his mother, and in fact, he couldn't think of anything better than her passing. Except, well, maybe... "Poly? I know we haven't been together very long, and this probably isn't the best time to ask this, but I'm starting to get desperate for ways to make you feel better, so now is as good a time as any..." "Meta, I just... I just need some time to be sad, okay? It's how I deal with things... I actually kind of feel like making a new piece..." "Wha- does that mean you're feeling a little better?" "No, but it might help to put my feelings down in art. Might sell it, might not, depending on how I feel about it later. Could I just have some time alone?" "I... alright. Don't go and try to kill yourself, though! I'd be devastated!" Poly giggled, though she was still clearly upset, "I won't. I'm not that upset. I just feel kind of... hollow... and I need time to figure out how much space I need to fill..." she finished, adding in a wink. "Okay... I'll go see if anypony needs some marriage counseling..." "Okay-wait, what?" "Oh, um... a wife came in here while you were away, angry with her husband. I offered her some advice, and the next day the two of them came in, saying that my advice had pretty much fixed their marriage... so, I've been thinking of becoming a marriage counselor. Yay, diplomacy!" he answered, somewhat timidly. "That... that sounds amazing. I mean, you'll finally have a chance to start paying some of the bills!" She teased. "Feeling better, are we?" "I... hehe, yeah, a little..." then, picking up the broom, swatted him on the head, "Meanie." "Wha? What do you mean, 'meanie'?" he exclaimed, his only answer being a small smile and a wink, before she went into the back room to work. "Huh... the silly filly is definitely starting to feel better... I guess she really does just need some time... but I'm starting to get hungry, and while counseling might help, it'll only help so much... I hope she feels better soon..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours later, Poly finally left the back room, nearly finished with her self-expression, to get something to eat, only to find a table set for two. "What the hay is going on here?" "What else, but a romantic dinner for two?" came a voice in that cliche french accent we all know and love. "Meta? What are you doing?" she giggled, as he came out of the shadows, wearing a silly fake mustache and a bow tie, with his mane slicked back all fancy. "I ahm being romantic, of course! For my one and only love, Poh-lee" he answered, laying the accent on thick, making himself look that much sillier. Until Poly burst out laughing. "Hahve I dohne sahmthing wrohng, my love?" "No! No! It's just... you sound and look so silly! I can't take you seriously! And honestly, "Poh-lee"? Really? You make my name sound so silly! I just... I can't take you seriously at all!" she cried out, laughing all the while. "Hohoho! I have sohcceeded in my tahsk! Hohoho!" "BAHAHAHA...!" she called out, rolling on the floor, before he came over, taking off the mustache and mussing his mane, and helped her back on her hooves. "I knew I could do it, if I just did it right." he smiled at her, now speaking normally. "I'm glad. And I really do feel so much better. I don't think I'll ever be able to fill the hole perfectly, but this has certainly helped. You're absolutely amazing. I don't know what I would've done without you!" she told him, with a hug. "I'm just glad you're feeling better! Now, I'd really rather not let this marvelous dinner go to waste... shall we?" "We shall!" And so, they spent the rest of the evening in peace and quiet, simply enjoying one another's company. Or so they claim... if you ask me, I doubt that's all they did... two ponies, just sitting there, eating, staring at each other? For a whole evening? No way. But that's what they claim, and no amount of questioning has changed their answer.