Studying (with) You

by PonyPlays2014

Path 2: Sometimes the Truth hurts

Two more days and everypony is slowly freaking out, but not Gallus. On the contrary, he totally forgot about all that. It's almost as if last night's experience completely deleted his memory, at least the parts that worried him. How can anyone really blame him though? He lived one of his dreams! Blinding rays of sunshine invade the room and do their best to wake up the sleeping griffon, with success. He slowly opens his eyes and raises his head to take a quick look out of the window. The nightly blue turned into the orange flames of an early morning and the sun begins to rise behind the mountains, showing only a fraction of it's full glory but enough to spread it's light and warmth. He releases one big yawn before wishing his plant-friend a good morning.

"I'll get you some water, little buddy."

This procedure became a daily habit of him since Sandbar gave him the plant. Sometimes it still bothers him, especially when he's still feeling tired, but most of the time he doesn't mind it anymore, like today. He reenters his room with a glass filled with the glorious liquid in his left front talon.

"Here you go! Breakfast fresh from the restroom's faucet", he jokes as he pours it into the pot, where it quickly sinks into the brown earth, coloring it a darker shade in the process.

Speaking of breakfast...

His stomach begins to growl at him the moment he even dares to think about the most important meal of the day.

Yeah, yeah! I need to eat something... Didn't even had dinner yesterday. Except a little taste of pony... But nearly not enough to fill me. Better get something good from the cafeteria.

He searches for his coin sack, which he finds next to his desk, and prepares himself for a quick breakfast. After leaving his room he locks his door and walks down the stairs to reach the ground level, where he interrupts his trip and takes a look down the corridor where Sandbar's room is located.

I could ask Sandy if he wants something to eat but... Pretty sure he is still asleep. I'll visit him in a few hours so he can sleep late.

He turns away and leaves the dorm building, setting his sight on the school building in front of him.

He doesn't meet many other students on his way and the school itself doesn't seem to be very busy either. A few ponies can be seen with books on their backs or levitating in front of their faces. Seeing that reminds him of what he and Sandbar should be doing and why they even decided to hang out so much lately. And it helps him remember that only two full days are left for them to do that.

I really should ask Sandbar to go over everything I need to know today. We don't have much time left and I am still not even a bit smarter than I was before. But I can't do that without a good breakfast!

He heads for the cafeteria but a voice, that he somehow recognizes a bit, calls for him.

"Look who decided to show up in his free time. It's the always friendly and helpful griffon."

Two stallions, who noticed him coming inside, aim for him with a, somehow, ominous grin. The red-coated shoots his friend a quick look before facing Gallus, who he now stands in front of.

"Oh wait!", he continues, "Griffons and everything else than greedy, selfish or grumpy are irreconcilable differences, I totally forgot. Sorry Gal, old pal."

Who is that jerk?

Gallus gives the other male a weird look and examines him to see if he recognizes him in any way but he can't remember seeing him before.

"It's Gallus and, sorry but... do I even know you", he asks but stops before putting on a more mocking voice to end his question, "pal?"

"Harsh but what else can you expect from a griffon. Only interested in things that benefits him. Don't you remember us from the restroom? I asked you for my towel and you, like the griffon you obviously are, just left me hanging. I thought you and the other freaks came here to learn about Friendship and Generosity and Kindness and stuff but especially you don't care about all of that, do you? You only care about yourself. I can't wait to see how miserably you will fail the exams."

What is that jerk's problem? I'd beat him up but... I can't risk that... I have to ignore them... but it's really difficult...

"Oh noooo! How sad it would be to see you leave! We would miss your every day of our lives", the peach-colored pegasus adds before bursting out laughter.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I will pass with ease", the griffon gloats with a cocky expression on his face before turning away from them.

Good enough. Let's get rid of those jerks.

He continues his way towards the entrance of the cafeteria but the two equine males stop him.

Why me..., Gallus thinks to himself as he rolls his eyes in annoyance after bumping into the same obstacle twice now.

"Oh did your little freaky pony-friend give you a little extra lesson or what? Are you two all buddy-buddy and the best of friends?", the pegasus teases and his red-coated buddy ads a little bit more fuel to the fire.

"Is that what you two were doing in the park? I saw you two hanging around there laughing and stuff but now it makes much more sense. I should have realized that you need all the help you can get. A hopeless case even with your buddy's help but it's still nice of him to waste his time with a blighter like you."

"No, we did not! We were just go-, I mean, hanging out because we are friends and that's what friends do. We tried to study but it didn't work so leave him out of this!"

Why am I even getting so worked up about all that. They don't even know what they are talking about so why do I care? I shouldn't care! But I can't control it... It's as if they know how to make me talk or something like that!

"Oh, is that what you two call it? Hanging out? I could have sworn I heard that fish-bird-thing talk about how hard he found it to teach you anything at all", the pegasus replies with a snicker, "and even that lizard-lady said something like that. Something about really knowing how to motivate you. Looks like the only one who's in the dark about all that"

He pokes the griffon's chest with his hoof as he finishes his sentence, "is you. But why trust us if you can just ask him yourself."

"As if!", the griffon snaps back at them, giving them a sample of the rage he fells, "I don't need to ask him and I couldn't care less about what you guys have to say. I know my friends and I know Sandbar. He would tell me what's up! He would tell me the truth!", Gallus impugns the pony's statement.
"And now get out of my way or I'll show you what griffons can really do better than ponies", he shows him his fist and smashes it into the palm of his other talon, "and that's Inflicting pain."

He sidesteps the two males and heads for the cafeteria again to finally get something to eat but a shout from the red-coated earth-pony still reaches his ear.

"Don't say we didn't warn you, buddy!"

He quickly tries to delete that last message from his brain but a small piece of doubt clinges to it with all it's strength, not allowing it to leave completely. Instead of deleting it he just pushes is into the background, ignoring it as good as he can as he finally enters the cafeteria.

Today's menu offers peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, bowls of fresh salat, fresh apple juice from Sweet Apple Acres and other types of juice in different colors, muffins, colorful donuts with and without sprinkles and Gallus' favorite treat: griffon scones. Only a few ponies are eating and two more ponies, one pegasus and one unicorn, are busy putting food on their plates. Gallus takes one of the food trays and is about to take one of the griffon scones but someone's yell stops him.

"Gallus, what a surprise to see you here so early. Since when are you the type of griffon who gets up early? Doesn't suit you at all."

The orange dragon, who stood near the door to the garden when she noticed him, is now standing next to him and shows him a little smile.

"The other girls are outside. Come and join us", she offers him but somehow the hunger Gallus felt is gone and something else bothers his stomach now: A strange and uncomfortable feeling. Could it be doubt? or fear? or maybe both?

I... really don't wanna see them right now..., he admits to himself as the feeling grows worse and worse.

"Thanks but I'm not really hungry. Just wanted to get some juice and get back to my room."

With that he takes a glass and fills it with the first juice that appears in his sight, a strange purple one, before heading for the exit, leaving his tray behind.

"Oh... sure", Smolder replies, obviously worried and a bit confused but she knows that it is better to not annoy him when he seems down so she lets him go without stopping him even once.

The way back to the dorms is a short one but every step drains more and more energy and motivation as his head fills with repeats of his talk with the two stallions, adding more and more fuel to the slowly igniting fire of doubt he develops.

It's true... We haven't really studied at all after out first time and there are only two more days left... Maybe San- No! What am I even thinking! How can I even think that!? That jerk was just lying! I am sure we will study today and if not today then tomorrow and I will pass the exams with ease and that douche won't believe his eyes when he sees my good grade! He's just trying to get int my head for... whatever reason. I won't give in... I won't... right?

He pushes all of those thoughts aside and takes a big sip from his glass, but immediately spits the liquid out as soon as it as much as touches his taste buds, which seem to be shivering from the sourness of the drink.

Ew! What is that? Puddle-water? That's just wrong, he criticizes his dark drink while spitting a few more times, trying to get rid of the bitter and disgusting sensation but no matter how much he tries, the aftertaste never completely ceases to exist. But is that really just the bad juice or is it the ember of the flame that he couldn't suffocate in his own belief and hope?

He pours the rest of the juice away and returns to his room, thinking about everything and waiting for the time to come where he can visit his study-buddy.

The rest of the day goes by just like any other day has. He shows up at Sandbar's room and they spend the day together except this time he is the one just sitting around and watching his friend getting some work done. They don't speak that much but once in a while Sandbar tries to show Gallus something new or asks him for his opinion. Unfortunately, Gallus' thoughts are still occupied and paying attention is nearly impossible and so he quickly forgets everything his friend tries to explain or he doesn't even pay attention at all. After only two hours he suddenly excuses himself, naming exhaustion and a headache as reasons, and aims for the door but his equine friend stops him.

"Are you sure it's just that? It feels like you tuned out a lot today... Is something wrong?"

"I...", he starts but the train of thoughts in his head cause him to fall silent again.

It's almost as if a little angel on his right shoulder and two devils on his left shoulder whisper into his ears.

"This is your chance! Ask him about it. You know that you want to!", the devils cheer but their counterpart disagrees with them.

"You trust him, don't you? It's gonna be all right so forget about what those guys said and stay with him. It's for the best."
"Pah! Sure, let him fool you and lie to you!", the one devils grumbles and his friend joins him, "Why wait and see when you can get to the truth right here, right now. Then all your fears and insecurities will dissolve."
"Trust him!"
"Ask him!"
"Trust him!"
"Ask him!"

"Sandy?... You said you want to help me pass the exams... right? But how are you going to that?"

"W-what? What do you mean how and why... why are you asking that now? I promised you I would help you, didn't I?"

Why is he acting so strange? He seems so... tense and anxious. And why does my stomach hurt, why do my hooves feel cold and why does my heart pound so loud!

"Every time", Gallus continues, "I as much as mentioned it you changed the topic or dodged the question altogether and I want to know why? Isn't that what you wanted to do? Help me study? So how come we haven't done that yet, not even once despite that time? How am I suppose to learn stuff without studying?"

He notices the stallion's attempts to open his mouth but no words leave it, he notices his eyes dodging his stare and his hoof slightly tremble.

W... what is wrong with him today? Why is he acting like that? ... What happened?, the stallion asks himself but he doesn't know the answer and he doesn't know what to do now and he does not have much time to think either.

What should I do? Tell him the truth? It's the only way I know to response and he has the right to know, right? I have to do it!

"I... I mean... You and... We...", he begins but after every words his voice dies, just to be reborn for the next word and dying again.

"We what?"

A sigh escapes Sandbar's mouth and he stands up from his chair and comes a bit closer to the door, where Gallus is standing.

"The truth is... we've been studying together but you never noticed it... you were not suppose to notice it."

The griffon's pupils grow in sizes as the words reach his brain.

W-what! I... I can't believe it...They.... were right...

It feels like time is standing still for both of them as emotions rush through their brains and their hearts, causing chaos and confusion and... silence. Now both of them avoid to look at each other and instead aim the view to the floor. Neither of them can say a word or do something. The thoughts in their heads are as non-existing as their ability to speak until Gallus finally breaks the tranquility. His brain finally started working and it feels like something shattered inside of it. Maybe it was his trust or something even more important to him but the pain he feels takes full control of him. Its as if strings were attached to him, moving him and turning him into a mere puppet, comtrolled by his temper's non-existing hands.

"Of course", he whispers, "I can't believe I didn't notice it... everything we did had something to do with either generosity or fashion... You..."

He focuses his friend, who meets his gaze while sneaking a peek to see how he reacts, with a cold stare, which intimidates Sandbar. It's not an everyday stare he gives his food when he doesn't like it or when it rains even though he wanted a sunny day, it's the kind of stare Sandbar only saw once or twice since he knows the griffon. A stare filled with fury.

G...Gallus! It's not what you think!, the stallion wants to say but his body is being paralyzed by those cold eyes.

"You lied to me. You lied to me from the very beginning! Everything we did was part of that act, wasn't it? The picnic, that stupid machine, EVERYTHING!", he snubs at the stallion, who flinches slightly but he really wants to explain this misunderstanding.

Sandbar tries to fight against his frozen state and wins the fight, gaining back the control over his body.

"No, that's not true! Most of it wasn't pa-"

"As if! Making me help you out, give you stuff so I would learn Generosity and then this entire sewing-act. I bet everyone except me already knows about your oh so secret hobby but not telling me was very convenient for you, wasn't it. 'You can try it, if you want. It is sooooo much fun', Gullible Gallus will surely fall for it, right?!?"

His inner voice, that tries to knock some sense into him, and force him to realize that Sandbar is not that kind of pony and that he knows it, can't get through to him anymore. His fury and the pain he feels in his heart makes him numb for any reasoning or any other feeling except the feeling of distrust and rage.

"Thats not true! Why would I ever think something like that! You know I would never do that to you!"

Sandbar hopes to get through to his friend but, sadly, that plan backfires and enrages the griffon even more.


There is no use in telling him he's wrong. It won't do any of us any good and even if it helped, he wouldn't listen... But there must be something I can do to calm him down!, the equine ponders and quickly gets an idea.

"I know, I know", he replies with a calm voice, "it was wrong to not tell you but I had no other choice! That was the only way to help you. I really wanted to help you with that! You have to believe me, Pl-"

"Oh can it! I don't care about your excuses. You lied to me even though I told you how much honesty means to us griffons and to me!"

He grips the door handle and opens it with more force than necessary, almost tears the door out of it's hinges before sending one final message.

"Leave me alone!"

"Gallus! Wa-", but before he can finish his cry the slamming of the door drowns his voice and shuts him up.

A minute goes by before he can even completely comprehend what just happened, before he understand the consequences of the scene that just played and what it could mean for him and Gallus. He wants to do something but he is unsure what.

I... I need to go after him! I'm sure he's still in this building, most likely in his room... but

The griffon's last words echo in his mind, overlapping each other and and growing in volume before falling completely silent again.

He said that he wants to be alone... Can I, can I really leave him alone now? When he's obviously hurt and driving himself insane with those terrible assumptions and theories? I can't let that happen! He must listen to me, no matter what!

He runs to the door but the moment he touches the handle something stops him. As if his body doesn't obey his brain and act on his own instead. He lets go of the handle and steps back, starring at it, imagining Gallus' exit again and, with a weak headache but a somewhat warm feeling in his chest, turns away from the door and continues his work. He knows that it's weird to do nothing but he somehow something makes him feel like it's the right thing to do.

I shouldn't stress him more... I'm gonna talk to him when everything is over..., he decides and tries to push his recent memories away, with only small success.

He knows that doesn't have to forget them but for now he has to ignore them and concentrate on the exam because it wouldn't do anything for him if he flubs it. He knows Gallus would do the same once he calmed down and they will both pass them and then,.. Then they will talk and everything will make sense. At least, that's what he hopes for.

It's the right thing to do... right?