Forgotten Remnant

by Tri-Voiced Listener

Chapter One-Awakening

All was quiet. Fitting for a tomb, and that's exactly where I was. Humanity had become bent on the eradication of anything related to magic. In the past century, dozens of races had been wiped out. Elves, dwarves, orcs, all had fallen to the humans in time. Few remained. I had no interest in joining them. I am Renzen, the First and Last Lich. And I would not succumb. I had mastered many magics over the last two millennia, and yet hundreds remained. But in the end, my absolute mastery of necromancy would save me, as it had countless times before. This tomb, on this island, would serve as my resting place, until I was forgotten and none knew my name. I had shrouded the island with the best wards and illusions I knew. Only one thing remained. I climbed into the coffin, staff to my right, Grimoire to my left. My eyes closed as the lid slid shut, and I slept.

2036 years later....

"March 3, 2019. 12:36 p.m. I managed to charter a boat for the three of us, that is, myself, my brother, and our mercenary friend. The captain, a nervous fellow, agreed to take us, but only because the other passenger aboard had convinced him earlier herself. She's an odd one, a pegasus from the other side of the Gate, wearing a pith helmet and a tan shirt. Haven't met one before, but she introduced herself as Daring Do. Like I said, odd. Maybe that's ponies in general. Anyway-"

"Will you just shut it already?! You aren't paying me enough to endure your idiocy."

Matt looked back at the heckler, the mercenary Cordus, that his brother had hired.

"Proper documentation is critical, every detail is important! It's-"

Once again he was cut off, this time by his brother, Zach.

"Matt. Let it go. It's not worth it."

Of the two, Zach was the practical brother. He organized trips, funding, and talked to people for Matt. Where Matt was intellectual, Zach was clever, and
had saved both their asses more times than he could count.

Matt sighed." It's this damn mist, we can't even tell if we're close."

The was a horrific screeching, and the boat shook, before coming to a stop.

Cordus chuckled, and pointed over Matt's shoulder. "That good enough for ya?"

Turning around, the island loomed over them, dark and foreboding.

Zach had gone to speak with the captain, and returned now.

"Repairs will take a while. Let's get going. Something about this island gives me the creeps."

Cordus unslung his rifle, and muttered "No shit. Something off about it."

They hopped off the boat, and headed inland.

*Daring's POV*

Wind stirred her hair a she flew over the island. She had taken off when the boat had run aground. She hadn't planned to visit the Earth, no magic artifacts, because no magic. Earth was devoid of it, everypony knew that.
Ahuizotl apparently didn't get the memo, as now she had chased him to this little island of off Greenland. Upon her arrival, she had felt uneasy. Something about this island was off. For one it was WAY too quiet. And she hadn't seen a single living thing, other the those on the boat she came on. Even the air felt different, sending a faint tingle through her. A stone structure came into view, poking up from the ground. Landing next to it, she paused. It was in incredibly good shape. Practically new as far as ruins go. She didn't like the looks of this. But in the dust of the doorway, were paw prints. Fresh. Grimacing, she pulled out her whip and stepped through. Immediately a shiver ran down her spine, a sense of dread growing. This door had been warded, but the magic had faded with time. What was this place? How was there magic here? It was certain now, she couldn't let Ahuizotl get whatever was in here. Taking a breath, she plunged deeper inwards.

She was deep in the ruins, and their purpose was made clear throughout. This was a tomb. And somepony really didn't want visitors. She had dodged several traps and noted inactive magic traps as well. So far she was okay, but still wary. Up ahead she saw torchlight flickering, and tensed. Ahuizotl was ahead. Creeping into the room, it's true size was revealed. The ceiling was high enough to fly comfortably and nearly the size of a small auditorium.The torches were lit as well. Sitting in the center was a raised platform with a coffin.... And Ahuizotl as well.

"Ahhh Daring. So nice of you to drop by. I don't suppose you'd like to help me with this lid. It seems quite stuck."

She narrowed her eyes, but said nothing, cautious of any tricks he might pull.

He seemed content to sit there though, so she spoke.

"What's in there that you want so badly?"

He laughed "No idea, but whatever it is it's powerful, and it'll be mine as soon as I figure out how to open this." He said tapping the lid with a claw.

"Not likely." She said, leaping into the air. Ahuizotl crouched, ready to lunge.

Both stopped at the sound of footsteps.

The trio of humans from earlier entered, the mercenary leading the way.
"The hell is that?" One said pointing to Ahuizotl.

"I am not a 'that'. I am Ahuizotl. I would ask you not to do that again, lest I cut your throat."

Daring glanced at the humans. One of the brothers seemed nervous, the other tense. The mercenary seemed...relaxed?

Ahuizotl nodded at the mercenary, who stepped away, weapon raised, to stand next to the coffin.

"Wha- The hell are you doing? We paid you!" Matt, she thought his name was, said.

"Sorry, just business. He pays more."

Ahuizotl cackled madly. This wasn't looking good.

"Kill the other. He isn't necessary."

Her eyes widened and she dived toward the merc.

Unfortunately, he noticed her and fired once.Pain exploded through her left wing. She hit the ground hard, stunning her. She heard Ahuizotl say something through the haze of pain.

"Don't kill her. Finish the other one." Another loud bang and a thump,followed by a yell. As the fog lifted, she saw the other human Zach on the ground, part of his head missing, his brother shaking him. Shaking, she tried to get up. A boot pushed her to the ground, followed by cold metal poking the back of her head.

"Don't try anything." Came the merc's quiet voice." I don't want to shoot you, but I will."

Ahuizotl laughed. "Now that I've made an example, you are going to get this lid open. Otherwise, you'll end up like your late brother."

Matt, tears running down his face, nodded and moved toward the coffin.


They all jumped at the unexpected noise.

"The hell was that?!" Came from above her.

She watched as the coffin lid slid off.

And a skeletal hand gripped the edge.