Ponytale [OLD]

by Sonic Gamer

Ch. 9 Hangout With Dashie

The human went back to Waterfall to meet up Zany at Rainbow Dash’s house. When she got there, she noticed that Rainbow’s house really did look like a cloud. “Oh, hello, Human!” Zany called out.

“Hey, Zany!” the human responded. “So, this is your aunt’s place?”

“Oh, she’s not my actual aunt, she’s just one of my godmothers.”

“Oh, so should we get started?”

“Oh yes.” Zany then knocked on Rainbow’s door.

Rainbow then answered. “Hiya, Zany!” she greeted. “Are you ready for your one-on-one training?”

“Oh yes, I am, and I brought a friend.” Zany then introduced Rainbow to the human.

“Oh hi, I don’t believe we…” Rainbow then paused after noticing that Zany’s guest was the human that she was chasing earlier.

“Something wrong?” Zany asked.

“Why don’t you two… come… in?” Rainbow then let Zany and the human in. “So Zany, are you ready for your one-on-one training?”

“Oh, I almost forgot. I have to use the restroom.” Zany then hopped through the window, breaking it in the process.

“Well, that was weird. He usually sticks the landing.” Rainbow Dash then turned to the human, and said, “So what brings you here? Came to laugh in my face, boast about your victory?”

The human responded by saying, “Actually, I was wondering if we can become friends.”

“Friends with you? Sure, we can talk about cute boys, and try on some pretty dresses, too.”


“No! Why would I ever want to be friends with you? Get out of my house, and stay out of my life!”

Zany then pops his head through the window. “Oh, what a shame, and here I thought you had what it took to make friends with someone, considering that you're friends with the Princess of Friendship. I guess not.”

Rainbow then turned to Zany, and said, “What are you talking about? I do to have what it takes!”

“Then prove it by befriending that human. Besides, the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend.”

Rainbow Dash thought about, and said, “Yeah, he's right.” She then turned back to the human, and said, “I'll show him, we're gonna become the best of friends! By the time I'm done with you, you'll think about no one but me! It'll be the perfect revenge!” Rainbow then laughed maniacally, and then calmed down. “So, make yourself comfortable. I'll get you a drink. What would you like? Tea, hot cocoa, chocolate milk…?”

The human sat down at the table, and said, “Chocolate milk would be nice.”

“Chocolate milk coming right up!” Rainbow Dash then poured two cups of chocolate milk, one for the human, and one for herself. She then sat down across from the human. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” The human then took a sip out of her cup. “So, what's your beef with humans? Sure, they dragged you ponies underground, but you seem to have a personal vendetta against them.”

“You wanna know my beef against you humans, huh?” Rainbow Dash sighed, and said, “My husband, and our offspring… They were killed by humans during the war.”

“Oh no,” the human said in shock.

“Yeah, when that happened, I lost it, and started hating on all humans. I want to believe that not all humans are cold blooded killers, but that war convinced me otherwise.”

“I'm so sorry. I'll prove to you that I'm not like those humans, I promise.”

“Heh, I'll believe that when I see it.”

The human then decided to change the subject. “ So, you're training Zany to be in the Royal Guard?”

“Yeah, at least that's what I made him believe. Don't get me wrong, he's pretty powerful, but he has too much of his mother in him. I mean, he was supposed to capture you, but he made friends with you inside. I couldn't risk someone like that getting killed in the battlefield. So I decided to give him cooking lessons instead so he can do something else with his life.”

The human then noticed something out the window. “Hey Zany, I thought you left.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash turned to Zany who looked like he was about to cry. “Oh crap! How much did you hear?”

“Every word,” Zany replied as he ran off.

“Wait, come back!” Rainbow then turned back to the human. “Did you planned this?”

“No, I didn't. I swear.” The human answered.

“Whatever, I'm still getting my revenge by befriending you. Don't think I've given up.” Rainbow Dash then got and idea, a wonderful, awful idea. “Zany's probably not gonna want to take these cooking lessons again after hearing our conversation, but maybe you should take these lessons instead. It'll be the perfect bonding activity!” Rainbow Dash then took the human into the kitchen. “Today, we're gonna cook some spaghetti, because the writer of this fanfiction can't come up with something original!” She then took out all of the ingredients as quick as a flash. “First, let's make the sauce. Imagine that tomato is someone you really hate. Smash it with all your might!”

The human looked at the tomato, and imaged it was a drama hunter she knew on the internet. She then smashed the tomato, and shouted, “DIE, YOU UNFORGETTABLE BASTARD!!!” She had made a bit a mess.

“Sweet, that's what I'm talking about! We'll just scrape this into a bowl later. Now, let's boil the water! It's already in the pot.”

“Should I put in the pasta?”

“Not yet, the water has to boil first. Now turn on the stove!”

“Ok,” the human puts on the flame.

“Yes, hotter… hotter…! HOTTER!”

The human puts the stove at its highest temperature. Then she notices something wrong. “I have a bad feeling about this.” She said to herself.

“Too hot, too hot!!!” The house then engulfed in flames. There was then an awkward pause. “So what's next? Scrapbooking, friendship bracelets?” Rainbow Dash then let out a disappointed sigh. “Who am I kidding, I can't even befriend a human like you. I guess Zany was right. Looks like I have no choice.” She then takes out her weapon. “I don't care if you're my guest, anymore! I'm fighting you again, here and now! Go on, make the first move!”

“What? But, I don't want to fight you.”

“Look, I've already failed to befriend you. Just hit me as hard as you can!”

She didn't want to do it, but the human hit Rainbow Dash, anyway. But it wasn't really effective. “There, you happy?”

Rainbow Dash seemed confused. “That's all you got? Are you really that weak?” She then came to a realization. “Oh, I get it now.” She then put away her weapon. “You're not just a wimp, you're a wimp with a big heart. I guess not all humans are bad. Thanks for helping me realizing that.”

“Does that mean we're…”

“Yes,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, “We're friends now. Friendship is magic, after all. Now let's get out of here before we get burned alive.”

The two were able to escape the burning house. “Sorry for burning your house down, Rainbow Dash.” Said the human.

“Don't worry,” Rainbow Dash replied, “It was my fault for pressuring you.”

“So where are you gonna live now?”

“I'm gonna stay with Zany until I get back on my hooves.”

“You think he's gonna let you stay with him after what you said?”

“Eh, I'm sure he'll get over it. Hopefully. Well, see you later. Oh wait.” Rainbow Dash writes something down. “Here's my number. Call me if you need any help, or just want a social call.” She then flies off as the human continues her quest.