The Shadow's

by Secret-Lover

Chapter 4

The feelings were horrible as she read that text message. She knew it was wrong and that she shouldn't be sorry giddy and that she shouldn't be wanting this to happen. She should feel the opposite because she knew that was what Vinyl was feeling, and yet she couldn't stop these feelings.

She replyed back with, "What happened dear?"

The reply was instant, "I completely poured my heart out to him, layed everything i have out on the line. And he crushed it. It's like he had a giant boot and i was nothing but a small ant. It feels like my entire world is caving in and theres not a thing i can do, like im dead inside but still stuck alive. What do i do?!"

"You breath. You let yourself calm down and just keep taking breaths. He's a waste of hooves if he did this to you. Did he explain why?"

"No he just said that he didn't feel the same anymore and that i was better off moving on. Apple i don't know what to do!"

"Well dear i'm here for you and no matter what you'll always have me, i wont break your heart apart. Millions of ponies and stallions might, and yet i never will. I'll always be here. I'll only ever hurt you, if theres a God damn good reason. And know if i hurt you, it will feel like im tearing my skin apart with my own nails. It will feel like im digging inside my body and trying to grab a hold of my heart. And once i do i will tear it out and stomp on it, so that it never beats again. Vinyl, i'll always be here, and i could never hurt you without completely dying inside."

"Thank you Apple. That means alot. I'm glad to have you as a friend, i know you'll always know me best and be here for me. Thank you."

"Anytime anywhere Vinyl. I'm here for you."

"I feel slightly better. Thanks to you :) "

"Well i do have something to tell you, i dont know how youre going to react, but i need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I have feelings for you. I cant get you out of my head, youre everything to me, i need you in my life, and i cant stop smiling when i think about the possiblity of you and me. The only thing that's been stopping me has been you and hooves. Also the fact this could ruin out friendship. Yet i need to tell you, you make the air i breath worth it, you make waking up in the mornign possible, you saved my life, and youre saving me over and over, by me just seeing your face. You are everything to me, and although it sounds crazy it's true, and i can't help but tell you. I want to be with you always, you light up my world, your life is sweeter than music to my ears, your face is the most beautiful creation i have ever seen. And i want to be wrapped up in your arms forever and always. I never want you to let go. Damn it Vinyl, I Love You.! I have since day one, and i always will !"

Fear wrenched in her mind soul stomach and heart as she sat there staring at her phone, not accepting what she just said or did, but also knowing she did it. That it couldn't be undone, and now she must wait. She must wait through the sick feeling of this horrible pain, and fear. There was no way to get around this. She couldn't hide, she must face what ever Vinyl replied back to. She must deal with every moment of this. IT felt as though the world just engulfed her, and her breath was fading with each second passing. The seconds felt like ages, and finally there was a reply. Yet she was to scared to read it. There was no way she could. She felt sick and so many what if's ran through her head like horses at the track. What the hell to do? She could read this or leave it. She had no clue, she might as well get it over and read it. Facing the music was the worse thing ever. It took moments for each word to register, finally she managed to muster it all together.

"I don't know what to say. Can i think about this please?"

Apple felt like her whole world was just put through a shredder, like everything was being ripped slowly and she could feel the pain, and sadness racing through her body. She felt like jello, and she couldn't move. She couldn't think, she didn't want to. It took everything she had to not break down right there and then. She picked the phone up for she had dropped it, and texted back,

"However long you need, i can wait."

Little did Vinyl know each moment was killing her faster and faster. She felt like there was a poison slowly over taking her body and there was no cure. There was no way to stop it. Then the world went black, she passed out, and dreamt like none of this had just happened.

They were by the water. Were she went to go and think, her most private part of the entire town. Her and Vinyl, and only them. No one to interfere, no way for anyone to tell them no. And Apple leaned in and kissed Vinyl. It was exhilarating, it was pure chaos coursing through apples veins and it felt like she was on top of the world. There was no way to describe it, as wonderful as it was, as pure as it seemed. The kiss was so light and gentle, so quick and soft, and yet it sent shocks through every part of her. She'd kissed many before, but none like this, and she knew she would never kiss another like this. She knew she loved Vinyl, and the pure exhilaration she was feeling was more proof than anyone would ever need. She Loved her, and it was as simple and as sweet as the kiss.

Then she woke up, she woke up to her phone going off. Wondering what the hell it could be. It seemed like she was out for about 8 hours, and she had a text from Vinyl. That's when the world hit her like a speeding train. She opened her phone and went to go read the message. Shock hit her like no tomorrow, and her entire world spun into circles....