//------------------------------// // Titanic fight (or almost) // Story: The Black Snake // by Spirit Lunar //------------------------------// -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- Solar Flare and I finally arrived at the ground floor and after a few minutes to find our way, we finally see the entrance of the gardens. We were going there when a band of Pegasus on patrol blocked our way. I would say nothing is ever sure he was looking for the filly. It must be said that we could only look suspicious with this potato bag struggling and our stealthy steps. I saw in the eyes of Solar Flare surprise, fear, then anger and finally hatred. This one or now her, called to the surprise of Blood Moon and myself, Sunny Happy, this gigantic colossus of the size of a house of three floors of which we could only see the head. Although I digress, rumors in our team floated about the origin of crazy giant because it must be said it is a little if not completely. It was said that this scientist named Test Zero after many experiments made this demon, a real war machine but it apparently had psychological sequelae. It must be said that having these arms replaced by two infamous hooks must not be easy to live with. Blood would soon flow. -- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious -- We were drank and chatting cheerfully on the place of a beautiful restaurant me and this keeper named Silent Night what was wrong with his name because he is really noisy. A disturbing yellowish gleam, however, invades the sky. There was a moment of long silence and I recognized falling heavily from the sky towards the castle the sinister silhouette of Sunny Happy. Silent Night and I looked at each other as panic spread across Canterlot. Then without a word we flew quickly towards trouble. I suspected that Black Snake did not tell me everything when its nature because it emanated from him a kind of magic that we demons were made. If the Inferno and the Goddess were so keen to seize him, they had to be stopped. And then it's my friend, I see it almost with everything we've seen as my family. It must be said by my sister, I had little family left. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- " Excuse me for disturbing you the stupid narrator but I'm stuck since the end of last chapter and I would appreciate if your mind is not too idle to get me out of here! " " It's okay! I got lost in these damn corridors, I can finally find the exit just to be brimer by something that does not exist! "" You do not exist either, you know? " " This dialogue has no meaning, you want to be free? Now you are! " The bag at his age tore up suddenly releasing the filly but unfortunately still tie from head to toe. Spell Book grabbed her and laid her on his back and ... that's all. " Great! " Moon Stellar said although Spell Book did not understand anything because of the gag. Two dark shapes from the sky melted on my captors throwing them a few steps now dazed. Dark Insidious and a guard bat pony released me quickly and then before the mares wake up, we rise in the air towards the top of a tower. A few meters away I notice the armored colossus throwing the guards as well as Celestia and Luna de Canterlot as Sauron. Then came behind us (again) the narrator provided a radio projecting the music of the Lord of the Rings in the mines of Moria. Surprisingly, Dark Insidious nearly kicked the narrator but recovered just in time. The guard jumped at him with a little cry of surprise before recovering. In short we ignored this small incident and we began to think to counter the attack of Sunny Happy. Down below, my kidnappers desperately searched the chaos of the battle for my trail. " This one I'll kill him if he continue! " Said lowly Dark Insidious. The narrator runs away from the tower landing on a pegasus and runs away towards the clouds. So strange for me. Suddenly hopping on his own, Dark Insidious announced he had an idea. It was absolutely necessary to send a signal to Crown of Winter, his friend who had already beaten Sunny Happy. The guard intervened : " I'm not sure I understand everything, but we can try Princess Celestia's invocation portal. " " Thank you so much Silent Night, you save your life! " Dark Insidious said, kissing her on the cheek, both of them blushed and lowered their heads. " So let's go! " Seeing that the situation was not moving forward. After the time arrived here to guide by the guard, we entered without difficulty to the big mess outside. A huge pentagram stood on the floor to my astonishment. What the heck without a bad word, does Celestia with a pentagram? I will have to consult her on this subject. Dark Insidious launched the ritual to the great shock of the guard no longer understanding anything that I had to get out of the deconcentrating room by its absence of Dark Insidious reaction. It started to get very cold then a female robotic voice spoke : " The number you are trying to reach is unavailable, please try another call again and leave a voice message after the answering machine beeps. " Dark Insidious then sent a voice message and after a minute or two, a powerful magical explosion echoed through the pentagram and finally appeared a creature in armor and ice. He looked at us and asked : " Dark Insidious? " He said hopefully. " It's me Crown of Winter. " Almost Dark Insidious shouted at him and both hugged themselves after spending so much time apart. " You could answer on your mail anyway! " Dark Insidious growled at his long-time friend. " You know I do not answer unknown numbers. " " We have big problems to solve, could you help us. " I meddle " I will do everything in my power to help you but you will have to explain the situation! " After a brief account of the events, Crown of Winter immersed himself in these reflections then: " I can try to get his attention, I have a little bit of petrification powder of limited duration obviously, it would be necessary for one of you to put him. " " Why not you? " Asked the guard suspiciously, whose name I could not remember. " Try to climb that colossus in armor by being stealthy, you'll see after. " He answered in a neutral tone to the insinuation of the guard. " I will not let you use this mare in your stratagem if she risks anything! " Said visibly upset the stallion putting himself in a defensive position protecting Dark Insidious hamper. Crown of Winter cast a surprised glance at the bat pony mare and turned her attention to her interlocutor. " You are nice, but someone would have to do it. " " Not to mention Solar Flare and Spell Book. " Dark Insidious said. " Listen, I have a plan! " I said firmly in spite of my still childish voice to which I received very different attitudes: Crown of Winter gave me all his attention with an excessively serious look, Dark Insidious took advantage of it to shift from the guard while smiling at me and guarding him. rolled her eyes in exasperation. " These are big little filly stuff, so do not worry about that! " After long minutes of debate, I could expose my plan. Everyone nodded for lack of anything better. This colossus and these acolytes was sorry to have attacked us. So we went out into the garden or should I now call it the battlefield. Bodies littered wherever it was possible to see uncomfortable all our small group yet close to the colossus, again pony attacked hoping he probably tired but he kept his smile scar on the face. Crown of Winter turned to us and without another word walked to Sunny Happy shouting his name : " Sunny Happy! " " Who dares? " " Sunny Happy! " " This voice ... I know it! " " You take a long time to answer! " On this statement, Sunny Happy swept the Pegasas with a reverse of the hook, chasing them like flies, then slowly turned to his corpulence and saw the wretched little knight of ice, his eyes getting bloodshot : " You !!! " " Yes, me and the Verum Universalis will defeat you by ... something. " " A thing? Really!? You are pathetic my poor but you will not rebate me. You should have killed me last time because now you're going to die. " " You know that I only kill if I am forced because I am ..." " Verum Universalis. I know, you still sing me the same song. " Meanwhile, the rest of the team and I were moving towards Solar Flare and Spell Book to focus on the appearance of Crown of Winter. The guard threw himself on the pink mare who had just enough time to see him coming and using his horn sent him to throw himself against a tree. I went on Solar Flare slower passing between these legs making her fall. Dark Insidious threw himself on Spell Book who was less fortunate this time uttering a plaintive squeak when my friend cleared her. Solar Flare lifted me into his magic and hung me by ropes that were there at the tree and propelled Dark Insidious into his magic slowly starting to strangle him : " Whoever you are, you will die! " " Dark Insidious! " I cried, unable to hold back my tears vainly trying to get me out of the ropes tying me to the tree. " Dark Insidious !! " Repeated Solar Flare and Spell Book exchanging a look. " If you knew how long I've been waiting for that. " Said Solar Flare, smiling. -- Sugar Belle/Spell Book -- Hold on! But Dark Insidious is not the name of Blood Moon's brother? This one who heard everything from my microphone shouted almost in my ears : " My brother? " Then began to sob and I tried to reassure her in vain : " I beg you Spell Book in the name of all that exists prevents him from dying. " " But ... " " You are ready to let your future brother-in-law die. You're a monster if you let that happen! " I think intensely seeing little by little the life leave the poor wretch with the filly shouting and struggling in an ultimate hope of saving him. I never like to kill but my life has not really helped me so far. It was time for the massacres to stop once and for all. I saw a big branch and with the help of my magic I put a good blow to the back of Solar Flare's head which in shock collapsed knocked out. The blow made him let go and Dark Insidious could breathe. I untied the filly and helped everyone get back on their feet and then firmly tied Solar Flare to the tree and the pony uniformed pony stallion put a magical iron something on the horn of Solar Flare. I turned around and contemplated the battle between Sunny Happy and Crown of Winter. He avoided the enormous blows of the giant in armor with difficulty and gave a swift blow to the legs of the colossus. What I guessed to be a guard by his uniform could not fly after the break that I had made him for the moment. Dark Insidious looked at me by a strange look and then flew over and over Sunny Happy who unfortunately saw him arrive blowing on him with a colossal force sending him against one of the ramparts of the castle. -- Moon Stellar/Black Snake -- I rushed with all my might towards the place of the crash and saw Dark Insidious lying unconscious. I examined it quickly then took the bag containing said paralyzing powder and headed quickly and furtively unnoticed between all the ponies stunned under the terrible blows of the monstrosity. Arrived at these feet, I skilfully climbed the armor and arrived near his head in no time. I threw the powder all over her face, noticing me when it was too late. His body stiffened in a few seconds and collapsed backwards. Spell Book had just enough time to remove all the unconscious ponies before they were crushed. I started to fall with him when Crown of Winter caught me flying and curled up around me protecting me from the hand. Then once the fall was over, we disengaged ourselves and went to help the survivors. Crown of Winter blew into a horn that broke the next moment regenerating the most wounded and literally reviving the dead to life. Dark Insidious limping a little, the crumpled wings stood at my side : " Is someone you do not find? " " Sure. " Then I threw myself to his stroke.It was not long before we saw the two princesses getting up, helped by a crowd of other ponies." Now we will have to judge these people! " Proclaimed Crown of Winter, taking the bust of Sunny Happy as a platform.Some ponies who had not noticed him turned his attention to him like the princesses. The judgment of Solar Flare, Sunny Happy and Spell Book could begin.