//------------------------------// // Steal the Show // Story: A Rose's Journey // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// “Oh no! This is even WORSE than I thought!” Echidna exclaimed as she put away a magical periscope. “What’d you see, honeybun?” Typhon asked; he and the rest of the team were huddled behind a few bushes and trees in the Everfree Forest just outside of Ponyville. “It’s terrible.” Echidna replied. “Everypony in town is dancing and hopping around a fire and they were singing about Tartarus.” “Tartarus?” Tempest repeated in disbelief. “Yes. And believe it or not, I know exactly who is behind all of this madness… Torment.” Babél and Typhon froze. “What’s wrong with you two?” Smolder asked. “Yeah, who’s Torment?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Torment… is the most dangerous draconequus that ever lived.” Babél answered. “Millennia ago, Draconequui lived in harmony on Mt. Bedlam, but all of that changed when Torment entered the picture.” “What did he do?” Starlight asked. “Yes, what did he do?” Discord added. “He was the one who started the rebellion.” Typhon replied. “He said that we Draconequui should rule the world in destruction and chaos, but it’s not the chaos we’re used to. He wanted to enslave ponies and other creatures alike and turn the world into his own personal playground. We wouldn’t have any of it; we beat him of course and he was banished from Bedlam forever, but we never knew what happened to him after that, nor did we care. But now we know what he’s been up to after all this time; he wants to release every creature and monster imprisoned in Tartarus and take over your world.” “No way! Is there no way to stop him?” Silverstream asked. “There is.” Echidna answered. “The only way to beat Torment is to take away his powers and lock him up in Tartarus so he can’t bother anypony or any creature ever again.” “But how are we gonna do that?” Gallus asked. “We should worry about that later.” Tempest commented. “We need to find Violet and save everypony in Ponyville.” “But how? There’s a force field surrounding the whole town.” Sandbar said. “Don’t worry; I have a plan on how we can get in.” The unicorn said before she pulled her comrades closer to her and whispered her plan to them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the entrance of town, Sea Sponge and Star Fish were standing guard, keeping an eye out for any suspicious characters. But they stood there so long that they decided to take a break and whacking each other with pool noodles. “I say I'm Dirty Dan.” Sea Sponge argued. “I say I'm Dirty Dan!” Star Fish retorted. “I say I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” “I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” “I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” “I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” “I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” “I'm Dirty Dan!” “I'm Dirty Dan.” A wagon holding a very large and beautifully decorated cake came out of the forest and along the path towards Ponyville. It was being pulled by a group of ponies wearing long dark cloaks over their faces and bodies; it was Sandbar, Starlight, Sunset, Snow Diamond, and Tempest in disguise. Sea Sponge and Star Fish noticed and stood at attention, pointing their swords at the lead pony. “Halt! Who goes there?” Star Fish asked. Tempest cleared her throat, took out a clipboard, and in a disguised voice and faux English accent, she said to them, “Why hello, gentleclolts.” “State your business, lady.” Sea Sponge demanded, trying to sound intimidating. “So sorry to disturb you, but I have a special delivery for a mister ‘Jackpot Spade’?” Tempest asked, looking at the clipboard on her hoof. “It’s Captain Jackpot Spade.” Sea Sponge corrected her. “Whatever. I was given explicit instructions to bring this cake to the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle’s throne room. Would one of you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?” “Did you order a cake for the Captain, Sea Sponge?” Star Fish asked. “I didn’t. Did you?” Sea Sponge asked. “Nope.” The two stallions looked at the cake in confusion, then back at Tempest. She smiled and batted her eyes at them, trying to make them believe she was innocent. “Sorry, lady. No can do.” Star Fish said, shaking his head. “Yeah; nopony is allowed past these gates.” Sea Sponge added. “We think it’d be best if you move along.” “Alright, fine. Have it your way.” Tempest said. “Oh but before I go, could one of you please be a dear and go tell your boss that he isn’t getting his “Congratulations on Pillaging, Plundering, Pilfering, Ransacking, and Invading an Entire Defenseless Pastel Ponies’ Village” cake? Because I’d rather not be the one responsible for your captain to miss his extra special treat. You know what I mean? And I’m sure you two know perfectly well how angry he gets when he doesn’t get his way. Yes, of course you do…” She backed away from the two ponies and turned around to look at her colleagues. “Are you sure this is gonna work?” Snow Diamond whispered. Tempest said nothing and just smiled; while her back was turned, Sea Sponge and Star Fish were whispering amongst themselves, trying to decide whether to let Tempest in or not. After a few seconds, they looked at Tempest again. “Okay, you can go in.” Sea Sponge said as a section of the force field opened. Tempest winked, turned back around, and walked back over to the ponies as she said, “Why thank you so much, boys. I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you both.” “Make it snappy.” Star Fish ordered. “Of course. And don’t worry; I won’t tell your captain about your little shenanigans.” Star Fish and Sea Sponge nervously smiled at each other; Tempest nodded her head at them as she and her friends made their way past them through the gates into Ponyville. When they were out of earshot, Sea Sponge and Star Fish looked at each other. “Did something about that pony seem familiar to you?” Sea Sponge asked. “Like what?” Star Fish asked. “…I have no idea.” In town, Tempest and the others cautiously walked through the streets and around the fire, hoping not to draw any attention from Andante and her army of monsters. The incarcerated ponies watched Tempest through their cages and they all wondered what she was doing. She glanced over at the cage containing the Applewood Vampires and nodded at them, nonverbally telling them that they were all going to be okay. Suddenly, a large bipedal dog-like creature noticed the wagon and walked up to it, tempted to have a bit of cake. He took a sniff, licked his lips, and greedily shoved a handful of frosting and icing into his mouth. “Mmmm! Yummy!” The dog said before he noticed something inside the cake; it was a large eyeball that blinked after a few seconds of staring. Before the dog could yell anything, Capper grabbed him and pulled him into the cake as fast as he could. A pack of Timberwolves suddenly surrounded the cart, corning the terrified ponies that were pulling it. This quickly caught Andante’s attention. “What’s going on over here?” She asked, joining the wooden beasts. “Oh no…” Tempest muttered under her hood. “We’ve been sniffed out.” Snow Diamond whispered. “Looks like it’s time for plan B.” Sandbar said before he kicked the wagon with his back hoof. The cake in the wagon suddenly exploded, causing Disarray, Eris, Babél, Discord, Capper, Celaeno, Princess Skystar, and the rest of the Students Six to jump out ready to attack. “Ataque!” Babél screamed in Spanish. Battle quickly broke out. The Timberwolves, Cragadiles, and Diamond Dogs attacked, but the group of heroes fought back and boy, did that fight. Through the commotion, Ocellus and Snow Diamond freed the ponies of Ponyville from their prisons and join in on the fight as well. Andante sneered and went back up to Torment, who was watching everything from the castle balcony. “What?! HOW?!” He yelled. “Uh, Torment? Honey?” Andante asked. “You can do whatever you like with them, love, just as long as they’re stopped.” Torment commanded. “You got it. I know what to do. Just gimme a quick beat.” Torment nodded and snapped his fingers, causing music to start out of nowhere. “Thanks.” Everyone was confused by the sudden music, then Andante began to sing. “Ugh, not again…” Tempest muttered. “Clear the way, center stage” The siren sang. “Hit the spotlight! Looking bold, sounding fierce This is my night! Watch me go through the show The stage feels so right, stage fright! So put a star on my dressing room door Stand up, scream my name, beg for an encore! It's my first verse, versus everyone And I've won! Get ready for a standing ovation Buy a ticket and off we go! I'm the next big stage sensation Listen up, 'cause I came to steal the show! Watch me steal the show!” “Relax; I know how to handle her. Just lead Starlight, Sunset, and Snow Diamond to the castle.” Babél said before she began to sing as well. “Scat Cat!” She started. “Get off stage, hit the bricks, This is not right! You stole their home And I'm here to pick a cat fight! Let it go, don't you know, On stage are a fright, stage fright! They call you Andante, you’re nothing but a LIAR! The audience should run like you're yelling fire! Your real voice is a caterwaul, no curtain call! Get ready for a singing violation Get a ticket and off you go! I'm the next big stage sensation, Listen up, 'cause I came to save the show! Watch me save the show!” As she sang, Tempest, Snow, Starlight, and Sunset quickly ran over to the castle while the rest of the group handled Andante and her forces. “For a fish with stolen pipes”Babél continued. “You talk a big game You may fool some folks But it's pretty lame Let it go, don't you know The stage is not your right See the light! Nobody loves the bright lights more than me, The spotlight is a prize You gotta be ready! You're a phony You're so batty Take it, Echidna!” “ECHIDNA?!” Torment shrieked in shock. “Nice try, fishy fish” Eris sang. “With the voice jack! I got friends looking out They've got my back! Now, you know Stealing the show is a crime Unless you do it right! Alright! You can try and imitate me, copycat! But my voice is made of more than that! You can't bite my style Let's face it: you're just a fish stick! Get ready for a standing ovation! Buy a ticket and off we go! I'm the original stage sensation, Listen up, 'cause I came to steal the show! Watch me steal the show! Get ready for a standing ovation! Buy a ticket and off we go! I'm the next big stage sensation, Listen up, 'cause I came to steal the show! Get ready for a standing ovation! Buy a ticket and off we go! I'm the next big stage sensation, Listen up, 'cause I came to steal the show! Watch me steal the show! Watch me steal the show! Watch me steal the show!” At the end, Andante was already tied up in licorice whips that were as strong as rope and her Cragadiles and Timberwolves where either smashed or captured. The rest of Ponyville was free. “No, no, no, no, NO!” Torment wailed. “This can’t be happening! I can’t lose!” “Wanna bet?” Tempest’s voice asked from behind. Torment, Spade, and Violet turned around to see Sunset, Starlight, Tempest, and Snow Diamond standing a few yards away from them with dark glares on their faces. Torment merely smiled the moment he saw the white unicorn with her horn ablaze. “My, my, my! Snow Diamond? Is that really you? …You look terrible.” He teased. Snow Diamond suddenly froze; she knew that voice all too well. “D-D-D… Death Wish?” She muttered.