//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Discovery // Story: Lost Memories // by Holly-Heart-MLP //------------------------------// ~The last thing the exhausted Alicorn observed was the scent and sight of flowers before everything went black~ It was a rather pleasant day in Equestria and even more so in canterlot. The weather was nice and the sky, clear as can be. Ponies were chatting, and going about their business. In the sky the noble sun beamed brightly. Canterlot castle was almost glowing from the sun's bright rays hitting the towers. Inside the castle, the sunlight lit up the hallways and various rooms and even brought some light to normally dark places. The sun's light has always felt like a warm hug to ponies everywhere. And the reason was because only one pony in all of Equestria was responsible for raising the sun and bringing it's light to others. That pony is the lovely and beautiful Princess Celestia. As an Alicorn, she was given the power to move the sun. Just like the sun, Celestia was just as warm and friendly towards others. She loved talking to her subjects and learning from them. And of course she loved getting letters from all around Equestria. This lovely day, Celestia was busy in her chambers. She had gotten a bit behind on answering a few important letters that had been sent by delegates from around Equestria asking if they could visit or talk to Celestia. She was currently working on getting caught up in peaceful silence. The only thing that made a sound was the soft sound of a quill on paper. About an hour passed. Celestia felt a little drained. She had been signing letters for an hour after all with her magic. She decided it was time for a brake. She got up from where she was and walked to her balcony. The fresh air was nice. The regal White Alicorn stood on her balcony looking over her kingdom. She smiled, feeling proud of herself. She sat down and gaze out at the land. This always made her happy. It was rather calming as well. The peace however was short lived. Out of the corner of her eye, Celestia saw something. She turned her head to get a better look. Something moved near by in her flower garden. Celestia couldn't tell what it was. She was cautious as she got up to go investigate. She was hoping it wasn't anything dangerous. But if it was an intruder, better to take care of it now instead of later. She flew down near where she saw the movement and stopped to listen for a moment. There was nothing but the small breeze that was in the air. Celestia prepared herself for whatever was in the area. She was ready to defend herself at any moment. She moved closer to where she saw the movement. As she got closer, she could see a figure of something. Still getting closer, the figure started to look like something more familiar. Getting closer still, Celestia soon was close enough to make out what was before her. And she couldn't believe her eyes. Celestia had seen a lot in her live time. She was, after all, over 1,000 years old. But this was something she never expected to see and it was unbelievable. Before Celestia, passed out on the ground at her hooves was a pony. But not just any pony, it was another Alicorn. But this was no common Alicorn. In Equestria, all the Alicorns were female. But this Alicorn before Celestia was...Male. She couldn't even fathom what she was seeing. It was impossible. Male alicorns were a myth. They didn't exist, they were invented for stories only. But here one was, right before the High princesse’s eyes. And she still couldn't believe it. While Celestia was stuck in shock, her pale purples seemingly glued to the very real male alicorn before her, he let out a pained groan while still out cold. This snapped the awestruck princess back to reality. She blinked a few times and shook her head. Even though she was still shocked that a myth had become truth before her very eyes, it was now evident that the Alicorn before her was injured. Her snap back to reality made her eyes now see the wounds he had. There was a large gash on his torso and many smaller lacerations around his body. Celestia's shock started to be replaced with worry and also wonder. She wondered how he got such grave injuries and also where he had come from. But now wasn't the time for that wonder. He needed help. And he needed it now. Celestia acted quickly. Her horn glowed a gold hue as the male alicorn's body lifted slowly and gently off the ground where he was passed out. Celestia was careful as she took him to the closest room in the castle. If she were to take him through canterlot city, Ponies would freak out and surround her. This was a lucky chance that there was a medic pony on the staff that worked at the castle. Once she got the male Alicorn placed in the bed of the room she was in, she called for said medic pony. Celestia meet the medic pony just outside the door of the room. "Thank you for coming so quickly." She said graciously. "Now I need you to swear you will not tell anyone about this alright? At least not until I have come to understand what is going on and can say it is safe for others to know." The medic pony nodded slowly. It was unlike Celestia to ask anypony to swear to secrecy. But that just meant whatever Celestia was hiding was very important that she didn't want other to know and she didn't want to freak others out. Celestia then let the medic pony inside. Upon seeing the pony laying on the bed, the medic pony at first thought nothing of it but as she got closer, her jaw dropped. She looked to Celestia, not saying a word. Her face said everything. Celestia nodded. "I know what he is and I know he should be a myth. But please. You have to help him. He is hurt." Celestia pleaded. The medic pony closed her mouth and shook her head to get rid of her shock. She did have a job to do after all. The Medic pony was quick to bandage the Male Alicorn's wounds and all without weakening him with the help of Celestia's magic. She told Celestia that he just needed to rest and would soon. Celestia nodded and thanked the medic pony. And then went over to one side of the bed and sat down. "I'll stay with him till he wakes." She said. The medic pony nodded then left the room. Celestia really hoped the medic pony would stay quiet. The worried princess looked at the passed out Male Alicorn with worry. She hoped he was ok and that he would recover. Her horn then glowed the gold hue of her magic. She figured if she was gonna be here for a while, She might as well read. There were a few books in this room after all. A book floated down from a shelf and opened before her. She started reading. Celestia realized the sun needed to be lowered when she was about half way through the book she was reading. She glanced over at the Alicorn in the bed. He was still not awake. Celestia sighed and got up and went over to a window. She closed her eyes and slowly Lowered the sun so her sister could raise the moon from somewhere else in the castle. When Luna crossed her mind, Celestia wondered if she should tell Luna about this. She could trust her sister right? Celestia sighed, thinking it over. In the end, she decided to wait until she knew the Male Alicorn was alright and made sure he wasn't a threat. The regal princess walked back over to the book she was reading and sat back down to keep reading. But as time continued, Celestia felt tired. Her eyelids had grown heavy and soon enough, she laid down and went to sleep, Not knowing what might happen when she awoke in the morning. ~End of Chapter one~