Taylor Goes to Ponyville

by Rage Machine


Chapter 1 - Intro

It was the final day of midterm exams. I had just finished my Chemistry, Calculus and Biology exams. Afterwards, I chastised myself for having chosen two science courses for a single semester. I could’ve chosen art or some type of game development class, but no. That would be too easy. So now, I lie barely awake on my bed, head throbbing and regret sinking in.

Laying in my dorm room, I peer out the window. I see that the sun, despite the numerous hours I’d spent taking exams, is still out.

“It must be close to 6:00 or something” I say to myself.

My groggy head tilts to look at the clock to see it read “2:30”.

“Jesus, how?!” I say, irritatedly pushing the blonde curls from my eyes.

My god, I feel so tired, I just want to pass out. Actually, you know what, that’s just what I’m going to do. With the malevolent pain from my head not subsiding, I slowly close my eyes. The darkness slowly absorbs all of my vision, until all I see is black.

Having my eyelids shut has never felt so satisfying. In addition, the absolute silence of my room, leaves the sound of my hushed breathing as the lone sound. I’ve never felt so at peace, even with the way my head hurts. Not even the pain of my headache could ruin this moment. A long-awaited smile spreads over my usually expressionless face as I exert one of the deepest sighs in history.

I feel the sudden presence of sleep’s embrace bringing me into slumber. My muscles relax and my mind begins to wand-


My eyes almost shoot out of their sockets at the unwelcome intruder. I just about internally cry at being evicted from my beautifully peaceful sleep.

“Get up and come get food with me,” the familiar voice says, peeking from my dorm room door.

I immediately recognize the voice, it’s my sister, Jaiden.

“Did you hear me? Come get food with me!” she says with her usual and unwelcome enthusiasm.

I don’t even respond to her. I just want her to leave and let me go to bed. But, knowing her, there’s basically no chance of that happening. I would need some type of miracle for her to leave. I cover my head with my blanket and try to use the covers and pillows to create a castle of comfort and protection on top of me.

Jaiden lets out a quick sigh, “I guess I won’t drag you out of your room to be social.”

YES. I almost break my silence and thank her, but before I do, I feel the comfort of my blankets being yanked off my bed.


The pillows and blankets that protected me from her, were now scattered all over my floor. Now standing over me, Jaiden just stared at me with those too gleeful eyes and had a smile that would scare even the most insane psychopath.

Trying to avoid her gaze, I bury my face as deep as I can into my mattress. I feel her tug on my shirt, trying to drag me off my bed, but I resist all I can. I feel her give up on the shirt and begin pulling my legs. It starts to work and I feel more and more of my lower half falling off the bed. She eventually gets my exhausted corpse to sink onto the ground beneath my bed. I exert a defeated sigh at the determination of my sister. Whenever she was adamant about something, especially when it came to me, she didn’t give up. She really is just the worst.

“Alright, now come with me to get some food,” she says, patting my head.

I immediately, swat away her hand. “I’m not a dog!” I exclaim with as much energy as I have.

“Lul, you’re so cute when you’re upset! You could easily get a girlfriend if you just talked to other people.”

“Please stop talking,” I say.

Jaiden is quiet for a moment. “I’ll stop talking if you get up and come get food with me.”

Another deep breath and sigh is my response.

“Great,” Jaiden says, taking a seat on one of the chairs in my room. “I’ll wait and make sure that you actually get up.”

I lay on the ground for a moment before pushing my groggy self off the carpet. Once up, I turn to look at Jaiden with a furious glance.

Her light brown curls cover some of her light skinned face and one of her hazel eyes. She always liked pushing her hair over to the right side of her face to conceal her right eye. Her bright and bubbly personality was visible at all times. A usual happy smile and cheerful eyes was my sister’s trademark. And she was wearing, wait, what is she wearing?

My upset gaze changes to one of confusion. "What are you wearing?"

"What do you mean? I feel like this is totally normal to wear," she says with a cheeky grin.

She was wearing some kind of pajamas, maybe? It had ears and covered just about all of her. It was covered white and had pink in some areas, kind of like....

"Are you wearing bunny pajamas," I say, putting a disappointed hand in front of my face.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?"

"It's the middle of the day!" I basically shout.

"So? I can wear whatever I want! And, now that you're up, we can go eat." She turns around and takes a step towards my dorm room door.

"I'm not eating with you until you change out of that."

Jaiden stops in her tracks. She doesn't move for a moment before turning around. She faces me with a devilish grin on her face that sends a chill down my spine. "If you don't come eat with me right this second, I will tell everyone on campus about how you watched My Little Pony and wrote fiction about it."

"You really are the worst person I've ever met."

"What do you mean? I'm the greatest person you've ever met because I actually make you do stuff. Now, come on, let's go grab some grub. I'm getting hungry."

With disdain, I walked with her as we made our way towards the elevators of my dorm's floor. We were on the fifth floor and, conveniently, our building had a cafeteria on the first floor. We passed several people on my dorm's floor, each one greeting us, giving hugs and hi-fives to Jaiden. Nobody seemed to even notice that my sister was wearing a bunny costume. It was as if it was a normal thing for her to do. I bet they just expect it from her now, knowing what kind of person she is. Just about everyone on campus loved her bubbly personality. Many people, even girls, said she was cute and adorable. This was attention that she just loved.

However, on the other hand, not many people knew me or really much about me other than that I was Jaiden's brother. I didn't take much offense to it. I liked having my space anyways. I think it would be fair to say that my sister and I are complete opposites. My sister loved it when people came to say something to her, but I dreaded it. Now, the only things I hear people say about me are from my sister. She says that a lot of girls think I'm handsome, a lot have even said cute, which strikes me the wrong way. I don't want to be known as a cute boy, but my sister says the only way to change that is by actually interacting with other people, which I know isn't going to happen.

After having had lunch, Jaiden and I head back up to our dorm floor and say our goodbyes. I mention that she needs to stop wearing bunny costumes during the day, because it's just weird. All she does is laugh and stick her tongue out at me before heading towards her own dorm room, bunny ears flopping around as she skips.

All I do is shake my head and go back to my room. After I finally shut the door to my room behind me, I realize just how tired I am. I really want to sleep.

I get into my boxers and climb onto my bed, encasing myself in my comfortable sheets. The warmth of my bed, combined with my overly drained self, quickly drift off to sleep.