The Pink Switch

by unleashedtwilight

Love on a Different World

“So… this isn’t a party hammer…?” I ask.

“No… and now we have to wait for knuckles to wake up… if you didn’t hit him too hard…” Cream said.

“I’m really sorry Cream…” I said with a slight frown.

“It’s ok Pinkie Pie… accidents happen…” Cream said.

We both just look down at Knuckles completely knocked out when I hit him with the hammer… I didn’t know it would hurt him like that…!

“Ugh… my head…” Knuckles said waking up.

“Oh! You’re ok!” I said smiling.

“Ah!” Knuckles yelled. “Oh… it’s just you…”

“Sorry I hit you with the hammer Knuckles…” I said.

“It’s fine… just please be careful with that thing next time…” Knuckles said.

“I Pinkie promise that I’ll be more careful… cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” I say poking my eye.

“…Well that’s definitely new…” Knuckles said.

“It’s so great to make new friends like you two…” I said.

Wait a minute…! New friends… I need to throw them a party!! It would be SO rude of me if I didn’t throw them a party! I mean I always throw a party for anypony back home… so that shouldn’t change here!

“Hey, you two! How about you meet me back at my house in exactly one hour!” I say.

“For what, Pinkie Pie?” Cream asked.

“I have something special prepared for the both of you…” I say with a grin.

“I don’t know… I have to stay on guard, protecting the master emerald, Pinkie Pie.” Knuckles said.

“Then why don’t we just bring it with us?” I ask picking it up. Then all of a sudden the Island started falling!

“Pinkie Pie! Put it back!” Knuckles yelled.

“Sorry…!” I said putting the emerald back, and the island started going back up.

“Please! Be more careful Pinkie!” Knuckles said.

“Sorry knuckles… I guess you can come over later… but as for you Cream, meet me at the house in exactly one hour!” I said and then ran off in a puff of smoke.

“…How does she do that!?” Knuckles and Cream yell simultaneously.

I can’t WAIT to get the party ready for Cream… it’s too bad knuckles can’t come though… Even though he can get mad easy… he still looks like a good friend to me.

“Now… how to make a good party for Cream…” I said to myself. “I know…! I’ll use my party canon!”

I just pull out my party canon and start setting up for the party… streamers… games… cake… and music…! Everything I need for a great party! One hour passes and on schedule, someone knocks on the door.

“Oh! She’s here!” I said hopping to the door. I open it and… I don’t see Cream… I see a fox with two tails-… Hey! Wait a minute!

“Hi Amy… what are you doing with all the decorations…?” the fox asked.

“I’m throwing a party for Cream! Oh, and my name isn’t Amy, my name is Pinkie Pie.” I said.

“Pinkie Pie…?” the fox said.

“Yup… and you’re Tails, right? Cream told me about you.” I said.

“Amy, what are you talking about?” Tails asked.

“Tails… this really isn’t Amy…” A small voice said behind Tails.

“huh…? Cream?” Tails said.

“Her name really is Pinkie Pie… and Amy… is on her world…” Cream said.

“What??” Tails yelled.

After Cream explained everything to Tails, he just looked shocked at the situation… he also looked really worried.

“I sure hope Amy’s okay…” Tails said.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine!” I said. “She has all my friends that she can be with!”

“Unicorns… Pegasai… Talking ponies…? Amy must be having fun…” Tails said.

“Speaking of having fun, come on! I set up this party to PARTY!” I said.

“Well… what’s the occasion?” Tails asked.

“To celebrate making THREE new friends!” I said.

“You set all of this up in an hour…?” Cream asked.

“Yup! It was easy with my party canon!” I said pulling the canon out.

“Where’d that thing come from!?” Tails yelled.

“I NEVER leave home without it!” I said.

“But I thought that… your body…!” Tails was interrupted when she put a hand on Tails’ mouth.

“Don’t question it Tails… I’ve already stopped questioning it…” Cream said.

After about three hours of partying… I decided to tell them about my adventures in Equestria… and I told them about the elements of harmony.

“So… let me get this straight… there’s Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic?” Tails asked.

“Yup!” I said. “And I’m Laughter!”

“Hey! Is there a party going on here?” a voice called from outside.

“Who was that?” I ask.

“That sounded like Sonic.” Tails said.

“Sonic…? He’s here!?” I yell.

“Sheesh, relax Pinkie Pie…! You’re starting to sound like Amy…” Tails said.

I then see that same blue spikey thing I saw running in that vision… so this is Sonic the hedgehog… I wonder why Amy is so interested in him…

“Oh, uh… hey Amy… is this your party?” Sonic asked.

“Yeah! But my name isn’t Amy… it’s Pinkie Pie…” I said.

“Uh… Pinkie Pie?” Sonic said.

“Yeah, Sonic.” Tails said. “Pinkie Pie and Amy switched bodies… apparently when she tried to use chaos control…”

“Wait, Amy tried using chaos control??” Sonic asked. “What for?”

“She mentioned something about being able to keep up with you…” Cream said.

“Oh geez… that girl never quits, does she…?” Sonic said. “And now look where it got her!”

“Anyways… it’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie…” Sonic said holding his hand out.

“Nice to meet you too Sonic…” I said taking his hand.

Why do I feel so strange…? With these other friends I felt fine! But… When I’m around Sonic… for some reason I feel nervous… In fact, I’ve never felt this way around anypony…! What am I feeling…??

“You… feeling ok, Pinkie?” Sonic asked as he noticed I was sort of in a daze.

“Huh? Oh… yeah, I’m fine!” I said with a grin.

“Well, ok… I should probably get going…” Sonic says. “I’m gonna go for a run.” He then runs off at a fast spend in the blink of an eye!

“Whoa… Rainbow Dash would definitely have trouble keeping up with him…” I said. “So where does he normally go?”

“Anywhere really.” Tails said. “He doesn’t really care where he-… where’d she go?” Tails asked as he noticed I was gone.

Elsewhere with Sonic…

As Sonic was running he finally stopped next to a lake…

“Man… I can’t believe Amy tried using chaos control…” Sonic said to himself. “I guess it was only a matter of time…”

I popped my head out of the lake “Something wrong, Sonic?” I asked.

“Yikes! What the… where did you come from??” Sonic asked.

“I came from the lake, silly.” I said.

“But… you were back at…” He said getting really confused.

“Don’t hurt yourself Sonic…” I said with a slight giggle.

“Okay… anyway… what are you doing here?” He asked.

“I just wanted to see how you were doing… when I saw you running, you were really fast…” I said.

“Well that’s what I’m known for.” Sonic said. “You wanna go for a ride?”

“what?” I asked.

“Just hang onto me.” Sonic said.

“Okie Dokie Lokie…” I said holding onto him.

“Now… hold on tight… and don’t let go.” Sonic said.

“Ok.” I said, and before I knew it, we were speeding through an open field…!

This… this is amazing…! We were going so fast… I could hardly believe it…! Is this how Rainbow Dash feels when she flies…? Now I can see why she loves it so much!

“WOOHOO!” I yell as we’re running.

“Having fun?” Sonic asked still running.

“This is amazing! I’ve never gone this fast before!” I yelled.

“Well hang on… where about to go even faster!” Sonic said.

With that, Sonic just went into a burst of speed with a blue trail following him…! It looks a lot like Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom…!

“Best day EVER!” I yell.

We finally come to a stop near the lake again… that was so amazing…

“Had fun?” Sonic asked.

“That was the most fun thing I’ve ever done!” I said getting all excited. ”You’re amazing, Sonic!”

“Thanks.” Sonic said. “You’re pretty cool yourself, Pinkie.”

“Thanks…” I said blushing.

“You okay, Pinkie?” Sonic asked.

“Yeah I’m fine, it’s just…” I stopped.

“Just what?” Sonic asked.

“I don’t know but… every time I’m around you… I feel… different…” I said.

“Different how?” Sonic asks.

“Well… I get really nervous when I talk to you… but whenever I talk to anypony else… I feel fine!” I said.

“…anypony?” Sonic asked. “Don’t you mean ‘anybody’?”

“Huh…?” I ask.

“We’re not ponies Pinkie… so just say anybody… it makes more sense…” Sonic said.

“Ok… well, when I’m with anyBODY else, I feel fine…” I said.

“Hmm…” Sonic said “How do you feel when I do this?” Sonic asked putting a hand on me.

“Um…” I said blushing. Sonic took his hand off.

“I think I see what’s going on…” Sonic said.

“You do?” I asked.

“I think you might be… falling in love with me…” Sonic said.

“W-what..? But I’ve never felt this way to anypony!” I said.

“…Pinkie…” Sonic said.

“Sorry… anybody…” I said.

“So you’ve really never fallen in love before…?” Sonic asked.

“No… the closest I’ve ever gotten to someone was being close friends… that’s it.” I said.

“It’s so weird…” Sonic said.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Different girl… same body… same feeling towards me…” Sonic said. “Except with Amy… she gets a little out of hand.”

“heh…” I said nervously.

Then after a few seconds of silence… he started to lean closer to me… oh my gosh… is he going to do… what I think he’s going to do…?? But before he could I slowly pushed him away.

“I’m sorry… I just don’t know if I should…” I said.

“I understand… you know, if it’s your first time kissing someone…” Sonic said. “You just seem… different than Amy… more calm when you’re around me… well more calm than her anyway… you can still get pretty energized...”

“I wasn’t always full of energy you know…” I said. “Before I moved to Ponyville… I used to live on a rock farm… it was depressing…”

“Well… what made you change…?” Sonic asked.

“Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom…” I said. “I didn’t normally see a rainbow on the farm… so just seeing it made me really happy… and I wanted everyone else to feel the same way I did… that’s why I started doing a lot of parties… and that’s also why I’m always full of energy.”

“So who’s Rainbow Dash?” Sonic asked.

“She my best friend in Ponyville… I guess you could say she’s the you of Equestria.” I said.

“So… she’s a fast runner?” Sonic asked.

“Nope… fast flyer.” I said.

“That’s cool… hey, who knows… maybe one day I could see what your world is like for myself and have a little competition with her…” Sonic said with a grin.

“That would be so great if you could come to Ponyville with me…!” I said. “You know Sonic… you’re really nice…”

“You too Pinkie Pie-…” Sonic was interrupted when I leant over and I… I kissed him…!

“Hey Twilight… do you think you could use that same spell you used on Pinkie to see into my world…? I want to see how Sonic is doing…” I said.

“Of course, Amy.” Twilight said and all of a sudden there was a magic aura around my head…

“Alright Amy… what do you see…?” Twilight asked.

“Let’s see… I see a party set up at my house…? I see Tails and Cream at the party… And I see Sonic kissing me… wait WHAT!?” I yell.

“Did you just say… You saw yourself kissing Sonic?” Twilight asked.

“Yes… and that means…” I paused.

“PINKIE PIE IS KISSING SONIC!?” Me and Twilight yelled simultaneously.


Well… this has turned out to be a big twist now hasn’t it? Boy… I feel sort of sorry for Amy right now… SORT OF sorry… you know… since I was the one who wrote it… next chapter, we see how Amy takes in what she just witnessed…