//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Balloonie Alicorn (Rewrite) // by ModernBalloonie //------------------------------// I got out of the room, and i trotted around, but the castle was so big, didn't know where twilight was "Twilight?" She popped out of a door, waving "You're okay! uh. Been doing a little bit of work! On the por- uh..... Thing! Yeah, the thing!" Ponies were incredibly bad at lying, i knew something was up. "What thing?" I trotted into the room, seeing the portal. Twilight trotted to me, "No use trying to hide it... I... was messing around with a magic spell, but it seems it went wrong, and well, it resulted with you here, It seems like its going to take a while to fix.... expect yourself to spend at least a few nights here, I'm sorry, It's all my fault!" I thought of it for a bit. "Wait. What? You had a spell fail? that resulted in me getting booted into this world?" She nodded "Yes, unfortunately so... I'm going to attempt to work on this, and uh, Sorry, I never asked for your name, I was going to push you back into the portal, but it's going to take a while to fix it, though it's weird how you know mine, Anyway, What's your name?" I thought for a bit, Should i use my real name? or my pony name, I figured, well, If i'm in the MLP world, then i should use my pony name... "...Loonie skies." "Nice name! guess that explains the... rubber look. Though i have no idea how a... balloon pony is possible. Anyway, another question I want to ask is, How do you know my name?" Twilight asked, curious. Oh boy. this is going to be hard to explain. Figured she would take books better than a television show, as she wouldn't have much idea what that is. "Well, uh... You're part of a fictional story back in my world. Like.... in a book series?" "Oh! Makes sense, there has to be an alternate universe where we are fictional in books, as anything is possible with alternate universes!" She said proudly. She took that better than i expected. Twilight made a lot of sense there actually. "Makes sense, but I mean... I've always wanted to visit here anyway so, The portal being down for a bit, It'll give me a chance to... experience pony life, i guess."I said. Twilight looked at me. "Well, If it's a dream come true for you, Then i'm glad i pulled you here instead of anyone else! I can't imagine how mad other people would be." "Well, I'm the exact opposite of mad right now, Hehe." And i was. I was super happy to be living in a magical pony world, even if it was just temporary! Normal life is really boring. This life seems really interesting! "Then.... Do you want to learn how to use magic? And maybe your wings? I have a friend who can teach you how to fly later." Twilight said. I smiled. "Yeah! Definitely!" ~10 minutes later, after a lot of explaining and lecturing.~ Concentration. One thing that was hard for me, trying to do a simple telekinesis spell, to pick up whatever, was super hard, Mostly because i've never experienced magic before in my whole life. It was hard, Eventually i got my horn to light up. "Whoa! I did it! My horn is-" Fizzle. Pop. (berry twist) The horn fizzled out. "or not." Twilight looked at me, in a teaching mode. "Got too excited? It's okay, Try again, and try to calm yourself. when you get your horn to light up again, Try reaching out your magic to the object." Twilight was a good teacher. I closed my eyes, and concentrated, I felt the energy caress my horn, I opened my eyes, and tried to "reach my magic out", Was a strange way to explain it, but i pictured my magic going towards a lone apple on the table, Then the apple got surrounded in a magical aura, I saw twilight nod at me. "Good, You're getting there, Now try to move it, like another hoof." Twilight said, I followed. I felt the magic as another hand, And i tried to pick it up off the table, It was hard but, I saw indeed the apple was rising! I got excited once again! Then, all of the sudden the apple got thrown into the air due to excitement, and it landed on Twilight's horn, Perfectly coring the apple. "Whoops... Sorry!" I said, concerned. Twilight picked up the apple off of her horn and bit into it. "That isn't the first time that's happened." Then we both laughed. ~After an hour of telekinesis practice~ I seem to have gotten gripping objects, Multiple objects seem to be pretty hard for me for now, but i can definitely open doors and stuff. "Phew, I think i have gotten a good hang of it so far. Maybe i'll practice again later?" Twilight looked at me. "Sure! Practice any time!" I smiled, Then i suddenly remembered that, Maybe i should get out of the castle and explore Ponyville. I also wanted to meet Twilight's friends. "Hey uh, twilight, Can we explore ponyville? I really want to meet your other friends." "Of course!" Twilight said happily! I giggled a little, Then looked at my tail, Remembering that Oh yeah, I'm a balloon, I should see if pinkie has an air pump i could borrow. Then i remembered. Also i'm an alicorn, Wouldn't that cause some weird looks? "Hey twilight?" I asked. "Yes?" She asked back. "Well, I'm an alicorn, should i... cover up my wings? I know there are not many alicorns." I asked. Twilight looked at me. "Egh, I'm sure people wouldn't really pay attention to it." I nodded. "Alright. Anyway, Lets go?" "Yeah, Lets go." ~End of chapter 2~