Marble Ponies

by Mr. Dorchester

The Video File

FILE NAME: Marble Ponies





(Note: It is suggested you read this before continuing. If you're brave enough.)



"Um... is... is it on? Can you tell if its on, Rarity?"

"I think the red light means its on, Twilight. Let's just get this over with."

This time the file are various video files with the month and year redacted, but the day still intact. Clearly, whoever sent this email didn't want you to know the month or year for some reason. The scene before you displayed on your moniter is Twilight Sparkle's house with the windows and doors boarded closed. Rarity can be seen in the darkness.

"Alright... well... hello whoever may be watching this. It is currently..."

The audio distorts just as Twilight is saying the date, which frustrates you greatly.

" has been three weeks since Fluttershy and Applejack went missing..."

So this takes place nearly a month after the previous audio file... interesting, you think inside of your head.

"And after that... murder and vanishing cases have sprung up all around Equestria. It started in Trottingham, but quickly spred across to New Mane City, then Canterlot, and now here. Once the cases have moved from one area to another, no more murder cases appear in the previous area. Rarity and Spike have taken refuge with me until the killer pases."

"Twilight... it's getting late. Shut that thing off! Now!" You here Rarity hiss in the distance.

"Alright, alright! I will continue to make these video diaries, in the hopes if I am slain... then somepony will find them."

The screen goes black, but is suddenly turned on to reveal a small bedroom you quickly recognize to be Twilight Sparkle's bedroom. Spike and Opal are in the corner sleeping in seperate beds, while Twilight and Rarity share a bed. Clearly this isn't some weird animated fanfiction, as everything seems so... natural...

But something catches your eye, and the camera distorts and freezes. The silhouette of a ponies head can barley be seen in the darkness outside of Twilight Sparkle's window. But... who would be outside whenever a crazed killer is around? Especially at night? Either a pegasus, or a unicorn with powerful levitation powers. But the questions still remains... why...?

The screen blacks out.


"Day two. Rarity has awoken but has fallen ill to a terrible cough. Nopony has gone outside yet... yet..."

You hear a loud cough echo through the house, and Spike running upstairs.

"Hurry up, Spike! We're not sure how severe the cough is... but it seems to be getting worse almost every hour. I am sending constant messages to Princess Celestia, but to no avail as I continue to recieve a piece of parchment that looks like it was ripped out of a book in the library. The paper houses a strange symbol that I have never seen before, but could give us a clue to who the murderer is."

Twilight levitates a piece of parchment in front of the camera. It shows a blood red circle with an X through it.

"I keep recieving this same reply every time I try to send a message to Celestia or even Princess Luna. I still haven't given up hope... yet..."

There is more violent coughing, and you hear Rarity scream Twilight's name.

"Coming, Rarity!" Twilight said. She runs upstairs without turning the camera off. Spike comes walking down the stairs and quickly notices the camera. He walks towards it.

"So this is what Twilight has been using to keep records of what's been going on so far-"

The camera freezes. But quickly unfreezes to show the next frame in which the same silhouette shows up in front of a window. The camera unfreezes to show the next frame, and you see that the silhouette is no longer there.

And Spike was suddenly gone.

The camera returns to it's regular frame capture. Twilight Sparkle descends the stairs.

"Spike? I need some more help... Spike? Where are you, Spike? Spike! Come on out this instant! This isn't funny!!"

Twilight faces the camera, her eyes opening wide. She run towards it, "Come on... playback, playback... were is the hoofing playback button?! Ah, here we go!"

The screen goes black once again.


The scene before you displayed on your moniter is Twilight Sparkle and Rarity sipping tea. Massive bags under their eyes, and their manes in a complete mess. Rarity suddenly begins to hack and gag as her cough slowly gets worse and worse.

"I-It's okay... R-Rarity. We'll get you to the doctor s-soon."

"I know, Twilight... I know... thanks for the tea. It soothes my throat..." Rarity groaned. Her voice sounded scratchy and deep.

Rarity takes a sip of her tea as her eyes glance around the room franticly. She notices the camera, and suddenly her pupils dialate.

"We must document... everything..."

Twilight looks up from her tea, "Excuse me?"

"It looks as though it's watching us as we speak... but we must document every single second..."

Twilight Sparkle takes another sip of her tea before putting it on the table and trotting over to Rarity cautiosly.

She grabs Rarity's shoulders, forcing her to look at Twilight.

"Look, Rarity. Spike and Opal have gone missing, and now I'm really begining to panic. But that doesn't mean we have to leave the battery on forever. It will die, and soon enough we won't be able to do much after that. The least we can do right now..."

Rarity screams and begins to cough violently again. Blood comes out of her mouth, and she throws up on the floor.

"R-Rarity! Calm down!"

"IT'S COMING!!" Rarity screams.

"What? What's coming?" Twilight asks.

She is pushed over to the floor as Rarity runs towards the door and off of the screen. You here magic being used, and an explosion. You hear hoof steps grow fainter and fainter as Rarity runs off. Twilight gets off of the floor, and levitates the camera towards her. She runs after Rarity.

Trailing far behind Rarity, they eventually enter the Ever Free Forest. Blood and vomit stain the ground that Twilight follows until the trail suddenly stops at a large, many branched tree. It began to grow dark.

"R-Rarity...? Rarity are you there? Come out now, Rarity!"

You camera is dropped to the ground on it's side, and you see Twilight franticly running around.

She suddenly stops in her place, her eyes growing wide as a drop of blood falls on her forehead. She looks up, and screams.

She runs over to the camera, picks it up, and reveals the scene before you.

Rarity is hung on the tree with her entrails ripped from her body, and hung all around the tree branches like vines.

But something seems off to you as Twilight turns, sobbing quietly to herself as you take one last look at the tree.

When Twilight returns to the library, she pushes cabinets and closest around the large blown out hole that Rarity made. She lays the camera down on the floor, and sits next to it. Tears streaming down from her face.

"Today is..."

The audio distorts loudly as Twilight recites the date.

"And Rarity has just been found... dead... with her entrails spread around a large tree in the Ever Free Forest. I fled... this could possibly be the last video diary I ever make as I feel as though the killer is watching me right now..."

A note suddenly pops in front of Twilight Sparkle.

"This is... a note... no... the reply! A reply to my messages!"

She reads the note out loud...

"Dear Twilight Sparkle... I am very much aware of the current situation. Several of my guards have gone missing, as well as gourmet. All I can tell you is to stay in your house, and don't open the door. Keep the blindfolds folded."

Twilight drops the note as her hopes were suddenly crushed. She thought the princess could help. But she was oh so wrong.

Twilight slammed herself onto the floor, sobbing loudly. The audio distorts as you see the body of a large, slender, bright gray pony appear at the end of the room. Tentacle like arms arise from the creature's back, and as you see it's face it finally hits you...

The killer is Slenderman. No... the killer is Slendermane.

It slowly walks toward Twilight Sparkle, unaware of the unholy presence in the room with her. The closer Slendermane gets, the more the picture and audio are distorted until Slendermane stands next to Twilight Sparkle directly. The video and audio are distorted beyond imagination... but you can make out what happens next.


The audio and video suddenly restore as Slendermane and Twilight Sparkle suddenly vanish. A single note is left on the floor that you can read.