A Rose's Journey

by VioletRose13

Meeting Snow Diamond

Violet woke up with blurred vision and a splitting headache; she tried her best to sit up, but she felt unbelievably dizzy and rubbed her head with her hoof. She looked around and she had no idea where she was.

“You’re awake.” An unfamiliar voice said; Violet jumped.

She turned and saw a cloaked figure standing in front of a table in another corner of the room, facing away from her. The figure reached up and removed the hood to reveal a matted mess of pale blonde hair fading to a light purple at the ends; the pony turned around and Violet met the face of a unicorn mare she had never seen before. This pony had a pale white coat and mismatched eyes; the right eye was neon green and the left eye was bright purple. The stranger approached Violet and kindly offered her a cup.

“Drink this.” The mare said; Violet reluctantly took the cup in her magical embrace and took a small sip from it.

“Thank you… Who are you?” Violet asked.

“…My name is Snow Diamond.” The mare hesitantly replied.

“That’s a pretty name.”

“Thank you. And you are?”

“Oh, right. I’m Violet Rose.”

The unicorn, dubbed Snow Diamond froze for a moment before giving Violet a puzzled look.

“What were you doing so far out in the Frozen North? It’s no place for a city pony or tourist.” She said.

“Oh, I’m no city pony.” Violet replied. “It’s kind of a long story, but my town was invaded and my colleagues and I… Wait, where are they?! Where is everypony?!”

“You mean those creatures that were arguing out in the snow? Oh, they’re just in another room; I assume they’re still asleep.”

“Wait… did you knock us out?”

“…Yeah, that was me. I hate seeing ponies argue.”

“Really? Me too.”

“Huh, what a coincidence.”

Violet giggled before she thought of something.

“Um, Miss Diamond? If I may ask, what are you doing all the way up here?” She asked.

“Oh… I live here.”

“Y-You do? …Why?”

“Well… I like it here. It’s peaceful and quiet, most of the time, and it’s secluded… just how I like it. Being up here, nopony would bother me.”

“But don’t you ever get bothered by the constant snow and freezing cold?”

“Oh, sometimes. But luckily, my house is a few short miles away from the Crystal Empire. There, I can get all of the necessary things I need… provided I have enough money.”

“…And where do you get money?”

Snow Diamond walked over to another corner of the room and removed a curtain to show Violet a small dark room where many different kinds of crystals and gemstones were growing. Violet’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Wow… You grow your own jewels?” She asked.

“Yep. It’s a simple spell, really.” Snow Diamond replied proudly. “Would you like me to show you how?”

“What, really? I-I mean… sure.”

“Then follow me.”

Violet smiled as she followed the mare into another room.

“Violet? Violet Rose!” Tempest called as she stood up, only for her legs to feel like jelly; she immediately fell to the floor again.

The rest of the group begrudgingly woke up after Tempest; they were so dizzy and confused that they had no idea what was happening.

“Huh? What the hay is going on?” Capper said.

“Ugh, what happened?” Smolder groaned.

“What was that light from earlier?” Princess Skystar added.

“I think I died.” Gallus commented.

“How long have we been out for?” Discord asked.

“I have no idea, but Violet isn’t with us.” Tempest replied. “She could be anywhere by now; we need to look for her.”

“Wait, what’s that sound?” Captain Celaeno asked when she heard faint laughter.

Tempest listened very carefully and after a moment, she said, “It’s her; she must be close by. Come on.”

They wandered the house for a good few minutes until Tempest found Violet in another room reading a book with Snow Diamond, a mare Tempest had never seen before.

“Violet!” She gasped.

“Tempest?” Violet asked, looking up from the book in surprise.

“Oh, you’re awake.” Snow Diamond commented before the rest of the group entered behind Tempest. “…And so are the rest of you.”

“Excuse me, but…” Discord inquired as he made his way to the white unicorn and got up in her face. “Who in the name of Equestria are you?”

“…Snow Diamond. And back off.” The mare said as she pushed the draconequus away from her. “It seems pretty clear to me that you know nothing of personal space.”

“You have no idea.” Violet whispered to her new companion.

“Um, Miss Diamond?” Sandbar stepped forward. “Did you find us out in the snow?”

“I have.” Snow said.

“And… you brought us to your house?” Ocellus added.

“Yes. Anypony else wanna ask more candid questions?”

“…You were the one who knocked us out.” Tempest commented, furrowing her brow.

“That was only because she didn’t want to see you guys arguing anymore… and neither did I.” Violet replied.

“Hold up, what are you even doing in here?” Smolder asked Violet.

“Oh. I’m just learning to grow crystals and gems.” Violet replied nonchalantly.

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer looked at each other for a minute, then at Violet before saying,

“Show us.”


“How long have we been out here?! I lost track!” Star Fish asked as he and Sea Sponge held onto the ship’s rigging.

“I don’t even know anymore!” Sea Sponge replied, not daring to open his eyes.

“We’ve been sailing through this storm for HOURS!” Squid Ink added. “If we keep this up, we’re either gonna crash or freeze to death! The Captain is going too far!”

“Shut your trap, Ink!” Crab Claws commanded. “I’ll talk to the Captain if it’ll make you feel better.”

“You’d better convince him to go back.” Squid Ink said before the first mate turned away from them.

“Was he talking to me or one of you?” Star Fish asked stupidly.

“Captain! I think you ought to give it a rest! We can’t take it!” Crab Claws asked as the ship tore through icy cold winds and blinding snow.

“She can hold a bit longer!” Jackpot Spade screamed with one hoof holding the helm and his compass in the other.

“What’s got you in such high spirits, Captain Spade?” Crab Claws questioned.

“We’re catching up!” Spade replied with a deranged grin adorning his face; his mismatched eyes seemed to glow with delight.

“Glowing eyes?” Star Fish inquired.

“That doesn’t look good.” Sea Sponge commented.

“Nope.” Squid Ink added.

The ship drove on.