A Rose's Journey

by VioletRose13

Finding Her Place

“Guys, come on! You’re being dramatic.”

Violet Rose was standing outside of a house in the seaside town of Seaward Shoals with her grandparents; they were practically bawling their eyes out at the young mare’s departure and she was blushing so much that her face looked like a tomato.

“I’m just moving out. It’s not the end of the world.” Violet said, making a sheepish grimace.

“We can’t help it, dear.” The stallion said, wiping his eyes with his hoof

“Our little grandfilly is all grown up!” The elderly mare wept.

“Grandma, I’m almost twenty.” Violet blushed, reminding the pair that she’s not so little anymore.

“I-I know. It’s just… so hard to believe.” Grandma continued to weep.

“I’ll write to you guys as soon as I can. And I’ll come back and visit.” Violet said, sympathetically placing a hoof on the mare’s shoulder.

“But Violet, do you even know where you’re going?” Grandpa asked. “You’re not even going to take the train.”

“I know. And no, I don’t know where I’m supposed to go, but I guess that’s the fun of it.” The orchid mare answered. “Not knowing where you’re heading or where to go; it just adds to the adventure. Plus, you guys know I don’t like taking the train. But don’t worry. As soon as I find the right place, I’ll immediately write to you guys.”

“You promise?” Grandma inquired.

“I promise.” Violet replied with a smile and a playful salute.

The two old ponies smiled sadly and wrapped their forelegs around their granddaughter with more tears streaming down their cheeks. She returned the embrace.

“We’ll miss you.” Grandma said.

“I’ll miss you guys, too.” Violet replied as a few small tears started to fall from her big blue eyes.

The trio of ponies parted. And with that last goodbye, Violet Rose was off. She walked along the dirt path away from Seaward Shoals hitched to the wagon containing all of the possessions she wanted to take with her along with a sufficient amount of money to pay for anything else she needed. She trotted along the path up north, through forests, across deserts, past mountains and canyons for a very long time. And a few times she had to rest in a town for a night or two.

Until finally after walking and/or trotting the paths for what felt like weeks, she finally found someplace different from the other places she had encountered. Violet Rose found herself in a town known only as Ponyville.

‘Hmmm, this place looks interesting.’ She thought, casually walking into town.

Violet looked around, trying to find any houses for sale or a job opening. She just saw different types of ponies chatting and talking with each other as she passed them.

‘There are so many different ponies living here. I bet this place could be…’ She said to herself.


Violet’s thoughts were abruptly halted when she collided into somepony. She landed flat on her flank, still attached to her wagon.

“Oh, good heavens!” An unfamiliar voice asked.

Violet shook her head, looked, and saw two pairs of hooves standing side by side in front of her; she craned her neck up to see two ponies she didn’t recognize standing over her with concerned looks on their faces. One was a white unicorn with blue eyes and a curled purple mane while the other was a lavender pony with deep purple eyes, a deep blue mane with streaks of pink, and a horn… and a pair of wings. Violet’s eyes widened.

“Are you okay?” The Alicorn asked, holding out a hoof to the mare.

The orchid mare took the stranger’s hoof and got back onto her own hooves.

“Oh, yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. It’s all good.” She said, trying not to sound too flustered.

She glanced down and saw a fragile white box encased in a cerulean blue glow floating in between her and the two ponies she was talking to; Violet recognized the glow as her own personal magic. She saw a logo printed on the top reading: Sugarcube Corner; the smell of cake frosting and sprinkles tickled Violet’s nose.

“Close call, huh?” She nonchalantly asked.

“Nice catch.” The Alicorn said, taking the box into her own magical embrace. “Sorry that I bumped into you.”

“No, it’s my bad.” Violet replied. “I just didn’t see you two there.”

“It’s alright, darling. No harm done.” The white unicorn said, reaching out her hoof to brush Violet’s coat of any dirt. “Are you new here? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before.”

“Oh, I just arrived.” Violet replied. “But, um… who are you two anyway?”

“Oh, of course. Sorry about that.” The Alicorn said. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is one of my best friends, Rarity.”

“Charmed.” The unicorn, now dubbed Rarity, said politely. “And what about you, dear? What’s your name?”

“Me? Oh, my name is Violet Rose.”

“Violet Rose, what a lovely name, darling.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Where are you from?”

“Uh, Seaward Shoals.”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity looked at each other curiously, then back at Violet.

“Seward Shoals, huh?” Twilight asked; the orchid mare nodded shyly.

“Did you take the train?” Rarity asked.

“No. I don’t like the train. Too crowded for my tastes.” Violet replied, shaking her head. “Plus, all of the stuff in my wagon probably wouldn’t fit in the baggage car.”

“So… you walked? All the way from the southern west coast of Equestria?”

“…Pretty much.”

Rarity and Twilight looked at each other again, this time with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Wow, that’s… very impressive, Miss Rose.” Twilight said, looking back at Violet.

“Please, just ‘Violet’ is fine.” Violet said, waving her hoof dismissively and blushing.

“Alright, darling.” Rarity said with a nod of her head. “Oh! Do you have any relatives here in Ponyville?”

“Yeah, do you have any friends or family you can stay with while you’re here?” Twilight added.

“Oh! Uh… no, I-I don’t. But that’s okay. I’m sure I’ll be fine on my own. I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I’d better be going. It was nice to meet you.” Violet said before quickly trotting away from the two confused mares.

‘That was a close one.’ She thought, keeping her eyes on the dirt road ahead of her.

Violet kept trotting along the path with her wagon in tow, occasionally glancing from side to side to find a vacant building or a house for sale. Then she spotted a two story gray brick and mortar building with a thatch roof and a sign hanging above the door.

‘Hmmm, this looks promising.’ She thought, raising a hoof to her chin and smirking.