The best party ever

by ed2481

Bonus chapter 1

This is set in between the first and second chapter and was written in one night, the next actual chapter was halfway done when my computer died and it’s still in the shop, hopefully all of my work will be ok but if not I’ll have to it start over. Anyways this explains how Twilight ended up going home with Luna, enjoy

Bonus chapter 1

“So about the nature of magic, what is it really, I mean everyone seems to have their own version of it, and from what I can tell, and keep in mind I am extremely drunk right now, each one works, so which one is the right one?” Twilight asked the surrounding wizards who chuckled lightly.

“My dear there is no right version of magic; each universe follows its own laws so each version of magic is right within its own universe.” Albus said with shrug.

“But what about the paradoxes?” Twilight asked.

“You’ll have to be more specific, which paradox?” Harry asked with a small smile.

“The one about magic, why is it everywhere and so contradictory?” Twilight asked slurring her words slightly.

“Twilight I suggest you have another drink.” Harry said passing her a cup filled with some dark liquid. “It’s from Mac’s.” Harry added.

“This stuff is great!” Twilight said her words running together. “Well I’ll see you guys later I think I heard Celestia calling.” Twilight told them before getting up from her chair and wobbling away.

“She can’t die here can she?” Harry asked.

“No, here intoxication is never fatal.” Gandalf answered with a shrug. “Now where did I put my pipe?”

Twilight wandered the room looking for someone to talk to, after several moments of deliberation she chose the dance floor. There were already several people and things occupying the dance floor but they made room to allow Twilight into their ranks. She danced there drunkenly for several minutes before the music stopped suddenly and a gasp ripped through the crowd. The crowd on the dance floor parted and a single turian made his way down the aisle to the middle of the floor.

“Is it really him?”

“I think it is.”

“By the nine!”

The music suddenly returned “What is love?” The singer sang and the floor was suddenly filled with an infectious beat. The turian looked around himself and smiled before he started to moonwalk across the floor that had been cleared. Then he looked out at the rest of the crowd and motioned them to join him. With an ecstatic roar, that Twilight found herself voicing just as loudly as the rest of them, the crowd joined the lone turian on the floor. “Baby don’t hurt me.” The singer sang melodically in the background as Twilight gyrated to the music. She threw her hooves into the air and danced on her back legs as the world flowed around her, all she could see was the turian on the center of the floor fistpunching the air while the beat pumped through her body driving her to new extremes. Twilight moved off of the dance floor her body still grooving with the music as she went.

“Hey Twilight you’re grooving awesome!” Dash yelled as she came up behind Twilight.

“I know, this is incredible!” Twilight replied breathlessly. Suddenly with graying hair and a large beard mustache combo wearing a black suit waved at Dash and pointed to Twilight. Dash gasped but nodded.

“Twilight you need to go talk to that man in the suit.” Dash said in excitement.

“Why?” Twilight asked the dancing seemed to have temporarily dispelled her intoxication.

“Because he’s the most interesting man in the multiverse, trust me he doesn’t always want to talk to people but when he does you sure as hell accept the offer!” Dash told her forcefully pushing Twilight towards the table.

Sitting around the table were, the man with the black suit, a man in a red jacket with an impressive mustache and finally a scruffy looking Irish man wearing a pristine white coat. The man in the suite was drinking a beer, the man in the man with the red jacket was drinking a whiskey, and the Irish man was of course drinking a whiskey. Twilight approached slowly not sure what to make of the men, she didn’t know why, but she had the sudden feeling that all three were men of great power.

“Umm you wanted me?” Twilight asked the man with the suit who nodded and gestured for her to take the seat across from him which put her next to the Irish man.

“I don’t often talk to ponies besides Pinkie Pie, but when I do it is about matters of the heart.” The man in the suit told Twilight, his voice was rich deep, Twilight had the oddest feeling that if he’d asked for her she wouldn’t have been able to resist.

“Do you want my heart?” Twilight asked, she was both disgusted with herself for asking and intrigued to see where it would go if he said yes. Her question was greeted by mild chuckles from the other two and the man in the red suit cast a pitying glance her way.

“No, although I’m sure it would be a night worthy of remembrance.” The man in the suit answered with a slight smile, the part of Twilight that had been egger for him to say yes was crushed, the other part of her mind was punching it.

“Just tell her, I can’t stand ta watch ya wind the lass up like this!” The man sitting beside Twilight told the man in the suit said.

“I agree; the poor thing is confused.” The man in the red jacket added, the man in the suit took a long sip of his beer, he somehow managed to make Twilight interested in watching him do it.

“Tonight there is a pony you know who is wants you to be their mate, you will find her wearing a rose behind one ear.” The man in the suit told Twilight. “I have also taken the liberty of sobering you up, you may leave us if you wish, or stay.” Twilight was shocked, there was somepony at the party who wanted her to be their mate?

“Who is it?” Twilight asked.

“We can’t tell ya lass, thas part of the game.” The man sitting beside her told her with a chuckle.

“So I look for a rose tucked behind an ear?” Twilight asked.

“That’s correct, I suggest you begin your search, we have drinks to sell.” The man in the red coat told Twilight. She got up from the table and began to walk through the crowd.

“So you’re telling me that if you don’t have sex with her, she forces me to have sex with her, and then either way she takes the baby with her?” A blond man wearing armor asked an elf.

“Yep, crazy Morrigan” The elf replied before taking a drink of his beer.

“When did life become so complicated, we used to just kill darkspawn, now we have to worry about demonic babies who allow us to kill greater demons, or something, seriously what happened?” The blonde man asked

“Hell if I know.” The elf replied with another shrug before he took another swig. Twilight left them behind with an internal shrug, she didn’t know what they were talking about and she was busy finding her admirer.

“Hey Dash have you seen anypony walking around with a rose in her ear?” Twilight asked Rainbow Dash who had her back turned to Twilight while she sat in a chair.

“Sorry nope, busy here.” Dash said, her voice rose an octave at the last word.

“Dash is everything alright?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Everything, is fine Twilight, shouldn’t you be with the Doctor?” Dash asked her voice had gone back to normal at the beginning but then suddenly spiked at the end.

“Doctor who?” Twilight asked.

“Oh you’re not my Twilight, look I haven’t seen anypony with roses behind their ears please go away, yes! Galland right there keep it right there!” Dash said excitedly. It was at this point that Twilight noticed the royal guard on the floor in front of Dash.

“I’ll just be going then.” Twilight said, quickly fleeing the scene.

She didn’t think that you were allowed to do that in the middle of the room, but then Twilight noticed a sign that she’d missed earlier I read. ‘This is the restricted area, anything that you wish to do may be done here as long as it doesn’t endanger the lives of your fellow guests’ Then in small letters it said ‘any and all sacrifices of life, sentient or otherwise will be punished by a one way ticket to the center of the moon’. Twilight blushed as she looked around her for the first time and noticed the large number of couples. She squeaked and ran from the room as fast as her legs would take her which is how she ended up running straight into Discord.

“Ah Twilight my dear enjoying the party are we?” Discord asked with a smile.

“Shouldn’t you be trying to kill me?” Twilight asked and the god of chaos laughed.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m hardly in the mood.” Discord told her with a smile before he patted her on the head and slid across the floor on his soap skates.

“The pony with the rose must be around here somewhere…” Twilight said to herself quietly. “I know I should get a drink it’ll help me find them!” Twilight said excitedly as a thought struck her. Twilight raced towards the bar with a large on her face. The blue bartender looked at Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Didn’t I already set you up with more than enough drinks?” She asked looking at Twilight skeptically.

“That man in the dark suit somehow managed to sober me up, look I’m on a mission to find somepony who likes me apparently she has a rose behind her ear, have you seen anypony like that?” Twilight asked as she took a long swig of her drink.

“Nope sorry there are too many of you ponies walking around for me to remember every one of them unless they’ve actually talked to me.” The bartender replied with a shrug.

“Ok thanks for the drink!” Twilight said before rising from her seat and walking back onto the floor. She decided to go back to where she began.

“Hey Arthur you haven’t seen any ponies walking around with roses in their ears have you?” Twilight asked Arthur Dent who was at this point almost as drunk as Ford.

“Nopesorry.” Arthur replied sluridly as he drank another Gargleblaster. Twilight walked away slightly annoyed, she’d been looking for twenty minutes and she still hadn’t seen anypony with a rose in their ear.

“And once again for the twentieth time running we have our winner, the undisputed universal drink off champion Princess Celestia!” Discord shouted. A spotlight suddenly illuminated Discord, Celestai, and Luna; they were sitting at a table and piled high with shot glasses.

‘Woohoo!” Celestia cheered like a drunken frat boy. This exclamation was followed by the sound and sight of her forehead cracking against the table as she faceplanted loudly. Twilight rushed over to help her teacher but she was intercepted by Luna who got to her hooves swaying only slightly.

“Don’t worry Twilight she’ll be fine, I gave up early and she’d only had enough to kill an elephant.” Luna told Twilight with a smile. Twilight’s eyes were suddenly drawn to Luna’s right ear, sticking out from behind it was a white rose. Twilight’s heart began to race and she began to hyperventilate.

“Princess, are you the one who wants me?” Twilight asked softly.

“Yes, if you’ll have me.” Luna replied with a seductive grin.

“How often do you get the chance to sleep with a god?” Twilight asked rhetorically before she took another drink.

“Was that a yes?” Luna asked.

“Why not?” Twilight replied with a shrug. They spent another few hours at the party getting completely drunk, and then they…