Terranigma - The Equestrian Chronicles Vol.1

by The Taios

Chapter Prologue - The Beginning

Light and Darkness...

Two sides of the same coin…...

One half cannot truly live without it’s significant other….

As it clearly shows from the world, life is given shape as well as form….

The Surface World, The World of Light. It house’s intelligent life, ideas, love, and the invention of imagination. The typical meaning for everypony to live by. The meaning of plant life and nature to be sustained. And lastly, The means of creating an existence of true purpose…. for every living creature.

The Underworld, The Land of Tartarus. A cold desolate wasteland, where the flaming rivers of magma flow endlessly within this darkened shell of the world. Housing the foulest creatures of death and destruction unimaginable to the feeble minds of the unworthy. The horrors that nopony would ever bare to witness in their daily lives. All of the nightmares of Negative emotions; Sadness, Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Envy, and Despair were obtained in these dark depths to all sentient kind.

At times, there would be breaches from the underworld that would be allowed to come forth and enter inside the hearts of all living things. Giving them all sorts of emotions to have rivalry and friendship to obtain the balance of harmony.

For many a countless millennia, this truth has kept the peace for the most part. And life for the surface world was allowed to continue on its destined path towards a better and brighter future towards the stars of the cosmos. To have an even greater meaning of happiness and joy in the years to come.


The underworld’s path, was a sorrowful future. A path to the means of true death. No one would be able to remember it’s darkened past. There would be no sadness to remember those unfortunate souls that have passed on and fulfilled their means of life with each generation on the surface world. Forgotten ponies, griffins, zebra’s, and dragons would die in unmarked graves. To perish and be sent to their unknowing prisons for all eternity, instead of using every bit of their dead to be honored for their actions, no matter how small or insignificant….

The underworld’s forces would not stand idly by for this terrible and heinous transgression for insulting this mockery of honored dead to be continued any longer….

It’s forces begun to shatter the barriers between worlds. Flooding the entire planet with almost an endless horde of demons and monsters to plague it. To put an end to their foolish choices, by ruling the surface world and all of its inhabitants by force, if it was necessary. The denizens of the surface however, refused to surrender to them, and thus the war had begun to sprout between the light and the dark.

The war was brutal and cruel. Both sides had committed evil and treasonous acts towards one another in a vain, pathetic attempt to stop them. Stallions and Mares were brutal to the rich and poor alike. Fillies and Colts fought for the most miniscule of food provisions. Dragons hoarded all the material wealth they could muster to be melted down into weapons, and continuously betray each other’s clan, just to attempt to destroy the underworld’s faction. The Griffin’s despised the Zebra’s for not doing more to save innocent and weak lives, while the zebra’s desired to stay out of the conflict altogether, before having no choice but to stop either side.

As for the underworld’s forces, they were struggling to stay alive in the world of light; despite being strong and powerful to overcome their opponents. They could not truly survive in such conditions as it has taken its toll on their bodies of shadow….

Neither Side was prevailing to have any success over the other as the war went on… No one truly knew how the atrocities began or why they were fighting in such a war in the first place…

However, they knew that it had to end…. one way... or another….

As a last ditch effort to have any semblance of victory, the leaders of light and darkness decided to have one final confrontation….

A final battle to decide the fate of the world….

A final battle to choose who truly is worthy of obtaining the responsibility of ruling the world of light….

However, the final battle failed for both sides once more. And the surface world was forever lost to the confines of the ocean, as both ocean life and the surface foolishly stagnated into its last breath; before at last dying into utter obliteration.... Though it would seem that tartarus thought that it was victorious…. It was a hollow and empty victory. As they realized, that the mistake of its own downfall and decline would commence, they witnessed their path of true death was already set into motion from the very beginning… One by one, each and everyone of the members of the underworld had begun to dwindle into the thralls of pure unadulterated nothingness of oblivion.

This tale begins here: A small little village called: Sweet Crystal Acres….. protected and nourished by a Large mysterious, mystic, and magical stone that I have crafted above said village, Deep within in the depths of the underworld….

Where the pages of fate, have begun to turn once more….

A fate that is unknown to those who seek it…. And to those that have yet to obtain the knowledge to know it themselves…

As for my…. Friend…. He will come to realize HIS destined path…. A path that I have laid for him….. And even though I am the last survivor… I shall but witness the future that will be placed before one such as I…. hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm…. Hmhmhahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sunlight was seen through the window of the village elder’s home. A rather lovely sight to see as a white-grey female unicorn pony having a white mane with streaks of purple, wearing a cleaning maid’s uniform began to call out from the kitchen.

“Spike, breakfast is ready!” Said the female unicorn downstairs as delicious aroma filled a small purple dragon’s snout

It was a Simple bedroom, that has a soft bed, warm blankets, A small coffee stool table with a lamp was next to it, and a few shelfs were in this place. As a young and somewhat small purple dragon with green eyes, green spiky hair that wore a light red poncho, and a semi-long red headband tiredly opened his eyes as she arrived in the room and pulled the blankets off of him.

“But Velvet.... Five more minutes...” Complained Spike he pulled the blankets back to his sides

“ “No five more minutes” with me, Mister! Your meal is going to get cold if you lay around in that soft bed all day! Plus, The elder is not going to be happy if he finds out that you have been on your lazy butt these past few months.” said Velvet in a smug tone

“But Velvet~! There’s literally nothing to do around here!”

“No Buts. up and at em’. Now.” Velvet Said in a motherly yet serious tone.

“Ugh, fine! I’ll get up, mom!” Spike said in annoyance as Velvet chuckled in amusement.

“Just be careful when walking down the stairs. We don’t want a repeated incident to what happened last few times!” Said as she left back for the kitchen.

“Yes, Velvet! I get it!” said as Spike grumbled

Truth be told, Spike had done some bad decisions in his life. He made pranks that would upset the local villagers, he fell down the stairs of his house many times; causing the house to be somewhat damaged and the village elder was not happy in the slightest. So he was punished accordingly: with humiliation. As Spike was reminiscing his past, he then proceeded to the table to eat his breakfast: Oatmeal soup with lapis lazuli gems inside it.

“Wow, this is really good! Thanks!”

“You are a baby dragon, Spike. You need all the nutrition that comes with eating gems. Now, when you’re done eating, the village elder wants you to see him.”

“Ugh, why did it have to be him? You know he’s terrible in giving me an earful!” complained spike.

“Only to you, spike. Only to you.” chuckled Velvet

Spike grumbled once more as he finished eating his breakfast, and begun to walking towards the elder’s main room, which was a simple little room. It had a carpet, of a unique design. A large comfy couch at the far end of the room, and two treasure chests next to it. And the elder was indeed present sitting on the couch with his staff. He had the appearance of a old Red Centaur, a large black robe covering most of his eyes, despite them glowing with a yellow hue. His mouth and nose was present, while he had a silver nose ring, and lastly, had a semi-big white beard covering the bottom half of his overall face, which gave the impression that he was intimidating to most of the villagers, while respect to others.

“Spike, did you at last finish your meal?”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“Good… I have a task that you are well suited to someone of your stature. I seek that you go to Betty Bouffant weaver’s shop to obtain my new black robe. My current one is starting to erode.”

“Wait, that’s all I need to do? But-... I kinda ruined their place by accident!”

“And that isn’t my problem. But if I were you, I would apologize to them immediately. And tell them that I sent you to receive the order I sent.” Said the elder in annoyed expression as Spike sighed.

“Alright, I guess it’s the right thing to do.” said as that surprised the elder.

“Normally, you would have chastise my remarks…. Hmmm… this may be the first you are to changing your life.”

“I guess….”

“But remember, Spike. You are not allowed to-”

“I know, I know! “Don’t break down the basement door!” yeah, I heard it a thousand times.” said as spike left the house.

“That little nuisance is going to be the death of me someday…. Though granted, he has no idea what is yet to occur when he’s returned to this home... And when he does... His path will be made clear to me.” Thought the elder.