Unpleasant Correspondence

by StormLuna

Week 5 Hiatus Special: Fluttershy's Letter to Equestria

The following letter will be published in every newspaper across Equestria.

Dear Equestria,

My name is Fluttershy and I feel as though our great nation needs to discover some very important things regarding our primary monarch, Princess Celestia. Well not just her, but things involving her School for Gifted Unicorns, how she interacts with her students and how her students interact with one another.

Regarding Princess Celestia, this is something I have known for a while but I just now feel ready to share what I know. Our primary princess is not this sweet, loving, caring princess everypony thinks she is. For centuries, she has had an extreme appetite for sex and given that she is a lesbian, she goes after the hottest mares in the land.

Regarding her special school, for as long as she has operated it, she has had sex with her female students, starting from the moment they mature and that continues even after they graduate, of course assuming they stay in Canterlot and they still meet Celestia's standards.

Want to know how I know this? You see, I know Princess Twilight Sparkle and at one time I was her owner and Master so I know what I'm talking about. She told me about how when she was in school that Celestia would not only screw her, but her schoolmates, well the sexy ones, on a regular basis. Who would have imagined that the "universally loved" Princess Celestia would be hiding such a dark secret?

If you don't believe me, there are four ponies up in Canterlot that Celestia screws on a regular basis. Their names are Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer and even the hot shot dentist, Dr. M. Colgate. Those four are deep in princess's circle of sexy times. To make matters worse, she has continued to have sex with Twilight, even after her coronation. What does this make you think of our leader?

Also when it comes to her school, she starts raising the fillies in there to be lesbians the moment they start school! From what I understand, the very day they start she begins to teach them that to be a truly great and powerful unicorn, that they must never engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with males and puts a great amount of emphasis on the fact that stallions would do nothing but hold them back. She tells them that the only way for them to become great is if they only engage in relationships with other mares, preferably unicorn mares. One student of hers hooked up with an earth pony mare and she kicked her out! She kicked her out solely because she did not get with a unicorn!

Another thing about her students, from what Twilight told me, they start having sex with one another the moment they mature! What they will do (well those that are close to one another), they will all gather in the protege's study tower and buck each other often, very often. I am pretty sure that nopony would ever expect such corruption out of our princess.

Want to know something else? There have been many instances, even once on a friendship mission, that Twilight has molested me all in the name of trying to "initiate me as a friend" and I have reported it to Princess Celestia and want to know what her response was? Her response was for me to simply put out for Twilight and maybe the molestation would stop. Twilight tries to rape me and she blows it off, she sides with Twilight! She is constantly siding with her and tells me all the time to just put out for Twilight so she will stop bitching. Now if you ask me that is inexcusable, completely inexcusable and it goes to show that our "benevolent" princess cares nothing about her subjects, only those closest to her.

Also, Princess Celestia will have sex with any random mare as well. I was one of those mares. Now it was consensual but the very fact that she would go bucking random mares is terrible! Everything I have stated is proof that our "benevolent" princess is nothing short of a whore who raises little whores in her school. If you ask me, I think she is unfit to rule and needs to be forced out, using any means necessary.

Who is with me? Should we force our racist, sexist nympho to abdicate? If you ask me, it is something that must be done or she will continue to churn out little mini-mes from her school and that could be bad, very bad for Equestria. Just look at Twilight, she screwed her sister-in-law for ages and she was Celestia's protege for ages before being ascended! You all saw the drama on The Iron Will Show a couple years back! Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia wasn't somehow responsible for everything that went down.

This is proof that we need to abolish the monarchy and make Equestria a republic. Make it a republic because ponies would never elect such unsavory individuals like our monarchs. Look at the mayors in Equestria, they never behave like this because they know they would have to answer to their electorate! If Equestria ever does become a republic, I will run for President because I think I'm the only one with the morals to set things straight!

Hoping to End Tia's Tyrannical Reign,
